Tương lai của y học? Có một ứng dụng cho điều đó – Daniel Kraft

Medicine's future? There's an app for that - Daniel Kraft

Medicine's future? There's an app for that - Daniel Kraft


a<00:00:15.590> couple<00:00:16.590> of<00:00:16.680> years<00:00:16.800> ago<00:00:17.010> when<00:00:17.670> I<00:00:17.730> was
a couple of years ago when I was a couple of years ago when I was attending<00:00:18.030> the<00:00:18.330> TED<00:00:18.660> conference<00:00:19.170> in<00:00:19.320> Long attending the TED conference in Long attending the TED conference in Long Beach<00:00:19.740> I<00:00:20.430> met<00:00:20.850> Harriet<00:00:21.570> now<00:00:22.020> we'd<00:00:22.230> actually Beach I met Harriet now we'd actually Beach I met Harriet now we'd actually met<00:00:22.740> online<00:00:23.100> before<00:00:23.700> you<00:00:24.210> know<00:00:24.300> not<00:00:24.450> the<00:00:24.540> way met online before you know not the way met online before you know not the way you're<00:00:24.779> thinking<00:00:24.810> we<00:00:25.439> were<00:00:25.529> actually you're thinking we were actually you're thinking we were actually introduced<00:00:26.220> because<00:00:26.430> we<00:00:26.700> both<00:00:26.849> knew<00:00:27.029> Linda<00:00:27.240> av introduced because we both knew Linda av introduced because we both knew Linda av one<00:00:27.779> of<00:00:27.869> the<00:00:27.930> founders<00:00:28.290> of<00:00:28.320> the<00:00:28.500> first<00:00:28.770> online one of the founders of the first online one of the founders of the first online personal<00:00:30.060> genomic<00:00:30.450> companies<00:00:30.810> and<00:00:31.200> because personal genomic companies and because personal genomic companies and because we<00:00:31.590> shared<00:00:31.829> our<00:00:31.950> genetic<00:00:32.310> information<00:00:32.520> with we shared our genetic information with we shared our genetic information with Linda<00:00:33.210> she<00:00:33.750> could<00:00:33.870> see<00:00:34.020> that<00:00:34.170> Harriet<00:00:34.650> and<00:00:34.770> I Linda she could see that Harriet and I Linda she could see that Harriet and I shared<00:00:35.250> a<00:00:35.760> very<00:00:36.090> rare<00:00:36.390> type<00:00:36.420> of<00:00:36.810> mitochondrial shared a very rare type of mitochondrial shared a very rare type of mitochondrial DNA<00:00:37.590> haplotype<00:00:38.370> K<00:00:38.610> 1<00:00:38.790> a<00:00:38.820> 1<00:00:39.120> B<00:00:39.270> 1<00:00:39.300> a<00:00:39.540> which<00:00:39.690> meant DNA haplotype K 1 a 1 B 1 a which meant DNA haplotype K 1 a 1 B 1 a which meant that<00:00:40.200> we<00:00:40.380> were<00:00:40.530> distantly<00:00:40.920> related<00:00:40.980> we that we were distantly related we that we were distantly related we actually<00:00:42.180> shared<00:00:42.390> the<00:00:42.480> same<00:00:42.630> genealogy<00:00:43.260> with actually shared the same genealogy with actually shared the same genealogy with Ozzie<00:00:43.680> the<00:00:43.769> iceman<00:00:44.160> so<00:00:44.399> Ozzie<00:00:44.940> Harriet<00:00:45.090> and<00:00:45.390> me Ozzie the iceman so Ozzie Harriet and me Ozzie the iceman so Ozzie Harriet and me and<00:00:46.160> being<00:00:47.160> the<00:00:47.250> current<00:00:47.430> day<00:00:47.640> of<00:00:47.760> course<00:00:47.940> we and being the current day of course we and being the current day of course we start<00:00:48.269> our<00:00:48.329> own<00:00:48.390> Facebook<00:00:48.899> group<00:00:49.109> you're<00:00:49.260> all start our own Facebook group you're all start our own Facebook group you're all welcome<00:00:49.590> to<00:00:49.710> join<00:00:49.829> and<00:00:50.309> when<00:00:51.239> I<00:00:51.269> met<00:00:51.539> Harriet welcome to join and when I met Harriet welcome to join and when I met Harriet and<00:00:51.960> person<00:00:52.230> the<00:00:52.320> next<00:00:52.559> year<00:00:52.739> at<00:00:52.800> the<00:00:52.859> TED and person the next year at the TED and person the next year at the TED conference<00:00:53.399> she'd<00:00:53.579> gone<00:00:53.730> online<00:00:53.879> and<00:00:54.090> ordered conference she'd gone online and ordered conference she'd gone online and ordered our<00:00:54.660> own<00:00:54.840> happy<00:00:55.379> haplotype<00:00:55.890> t-shirts our own happy haplotype t-shirts our own happy haplotype t-shirts now<00:00:58.100> why<00:00:58.640> am<00:00:58.700> I<00:00:58.820> telling<00:00:58.970> you<00:00:59.090> this<00:00:59.180> story<00:00:59.540> what now why am I telling you this story what now why am I telling you this story what does<00:00:59.810> this<00:00:59.870> have<00:00:59.930> to<00:01:00.050> do<00:01:00.140> with<00:01:00.200> the<00:01:00.320> future<00:01:00.440> of does this have to do with the future of does this have to do with the future of health<00:01:00.830> well<00:01:01.130> the<00:01:01.580> way<00:01:01.700> I<00:01:01.730> met<00:01:01.970> Harriet<00:01:02.300> is health well the way I met Harriet is health well the way I met Harriet is actually<00:01:02.750> an<00:01:02.810> example<00:01:03.110> of<00:01:03.680> how<00:01:03.770> leveraging actually an example of how leveraging actually an example of how leveraging cross-disciplinary<00:01:05.660> exponentially<00:01:06.530> growing cross-disciplinary exponentially growing cross-disciplinary exponentially growing technologies<00:01:06.830> is<00:01:07.550> affecting<00:01:08.270> our<00:01:08.330> future<00:01:08.660> of technologies is affecting our future of technologies is affecting our future of health<00:01:08.930> and<00:01:09.080> wellness<00:01:09.230> from<00:01:09.830> low<00:01:09.980> cost<00:01:10.010> gene health and wellness from low cost gene health and wellness from low cost gene analysis<00:01:11.000> to<00:01:11.450> the<00:01:11.540> ability<00:01:11.810> to<00:01:11.840> do<00:01:11.930> powerful analysis to the ability to do powerful analysis to the ability to do powerful bioinformatics<00:01:12.890> to<00:01:13.670> the<00:01:13.790> connection<00:01:14.210> of<00:01:14.330> the bioinformatics to the connection of the bioinformatics to the connection of the internet<00:01:14.870> and<00:01:15.050> social<00:01:15.200> networking<00:01:16.030> what<00:01:17.030> I internet and social networking what I internet and social networking what I like<00:01:17.240> to<00:01:17.300> talk<00:01:17.420> about<00:01:17.570> today<00:01:17.990> is like to talk about today is like to talk about today is understanding<00:01:19.100> these<00:01:19.160> exponential understanding these exponential understanding these exponential technologies<00:01:20.210> you<00:01:20.750> know<00:01:20.840> we<00:01:20.990> often<00:01:21.260> think technologies you know we often think technologies you know we often think linearly<00:01:21.800> but<00:01:22.460> if<00:01:22.580> you<00:01:22.640> think<00:01:22.850> about<00:01:22.970> it<00:01:23.240> if linearly but if you think about it if linearly but if you think about it if you<00:01:23.540> have<00:01:23.720> a<00:01:23.750> lily<00:01:24.230> pad<00:01:24.470> and<00:01:24.830> it<00:01:25.220> just<00:01:25.370> divided you have a lily pad and it just divided you have a lily pad and it just divided every<00:01:25.970> single<00:01:26.240> day<00:01:26.390> 2<00:01:26.720> 4<00:01:27.170> 8<00:01:27.440> 16<00:01:28.420> 15<00:01:29.420> days<00:01:29.600> of every single day 2 4 8 16 15 days of every single day 2 4 8 16 15 days of 32,000<00:01:30.530> what<00:01:30.710> do<00:01:30.770> you<00:01:30.830> think<00:01:30.979> you<00:01:31.040> have<00:01:31.220> in<00:01:31.430> a 32,000 what do you think you have in a 32,000 what do you think you have in a month<00:01:31.700> or<00:01:31.940> at<00:01:32.360> a<00:01:32.570> billion<00:01:33.020> so<00:01:33.860> if<00:01:33.950> we<00:01:34.070> start<00:01:34.310> to month or at a billion so if we start to month or at a billion so if we start to think<00:01:34.430> exponentially<00:01:34.940> we<00:01:35.420> can<00:01:35.540> see<00:01:35.660> how<00:01:35.720> this think exponentially we can see how this think exponentially we can see how this is<00:01:35.900> starting<00:01:36.080> to<00:01:36.290> affect<00:01:36.560> all<00:01:36.740> the is starting to affect all the is starting to affect all the technologies<00:01:37.490> around<00:01:37.610> us<00:01:38.030> and<00:01:38.240> many<00:01:38.690> of<00:01:38.810> these technologies around us and many of these technologies around us and many of these technologies<00:01:39.470> speaking<00:01:39.950> as<00:01:40.040> a<00:01:40.130> physician<00:01:40.520> and technologies speaking as a physician and technologies speaking as a physician and innovator<00:01:41.030> we<00:01:41.540> can<00:01:41.690> really<00:01:41.810> start<00:01:42.050> to innovator we can really start to innovator we can really start to leverage<00:01:42.590> to<00:01:42.979> impact<00:01:43.280> the<00:01:43.369> future<00:01:43.490> of<00:01:43.640> our<00:01:43.790> own leverage to impact the future of our own leverage to impact the future of our own health<00:01:44.119> and<00:01:44.360> of<00:01:44.930> healthcare<00:01:45.410> and<00:01:45.590> to<00:01:45.860> address health and of healthcare and to address health and of healthcare and to address many<00:01:46.369> of<00:01:46.430> the<00:01:46.550> major<00:01:46.729> challenges<00:01:47.300> that<00:01:47.479> we many of the major challenges that we many of the major challenges that we have<00:01:47.900> in<00:01:47.990> healthcare<00:01:48.200> today<00:01:48.440> ranging<00:01:48.950> from have in healthcare today ranging from have in healthcare today ranging from the<00:01:49.280> really<00:01:49.820> exponential<00:01:50.330> costs<00:01:50.720> to<00:01:51.140> the the really exponential costs to the the really exponential costs to the aging<00:01:51.800> population<00:01:51.920> the<00:01:52.820> way<00:01:52.940> we<00:01:53.090> really<00:01:53.270> don't aging population the way we really don't aging population the way we really don't use<00:01:53.660> information<00:01:53.990> very<00:01:54.619> well<00:01:54.650> today<00:01:55.040> the use information very well today the use information very well today the fragmentation<00:01:56.090> of<00:01:56.390> care<00:01:56.630> and<00:01:56.869> often<00:01:57.290> the<00:01:57.380> very fragmentation of care and often the very fragmentation of care and often the very difficult<00:01:57.800> course<00:01:58.340> of<00:01:58.610> adoption<00:01:59.090> of difficult course of adoption of difficult course of adoption of innovation<00:01:59.690> and<00:02:00.170> one<00:02:00.920> of<00:02:01.009> the<00:02:01.070> major<00:02:01.220> things innovation and one of the major things innovation and one of the major things we<00:02:01.640> can<00:02:01.790> do<00:02:01.880> we've<00:02:02.030> talked<00:02:02.210> a<00:02:02.300> bit<00:02:02.420> about<00:02:02.450> here we can do we've talked a bit about here we can do we've talked a bit about here today<00:02:02.960> is<00:02:03.230> moving<00:02:03.680> the<00:02:03.800> curve<00:02:03.980> to<00:02:04.100> the<00:02:04.159> left<00:02:04.340> we today is moving the curve to the left we today is moving the curve to the left we spend<00:02:04.700> most<00:02:04.820> of<00:02:04.970> our<00:02:05.060> money<00:02:05.120> on<00:02:05.390> the<00:02:05.480> last<00:02:05.659> 20% spend most of our money on the last 20% spend most of our money on the last 20% of<00:02:06.560> life<00:02:06.740> what<00:02:06.980> if<00:02:07.070> we<00:02:07.159> get<00:02:07.250> spend<00:02:07.520> and of life what if we get spend and of life what if we get spend and incentivize<00:02:08.420> physicians<00:02:08.929> and<00:02:09.080> healthcare incentivize physicians and healthcare incentivize physicians and healthcare system<00:02:09.679> in<00:02:09.800> our<00:02:09.890> own<00:02:10.010> self<00:02:10.760> to<00:02:11.239> move<00:02:11.390> the<00:02:11.510> curve system in our own self to move the curve system in our own self to move the curve to<00:02:11.810> left<00:02:11.989> improve<00:02:12.320> our<00:02:12.440> health<00:02:12.620> leveraging to left improve our health leveraging to left improve our health leveraging technology<00:02:13.670> as<00:02:13.760> well technology as well technology as well now<00:02:14.660> my<00:02:15.260> favorite<00:02:15.620> technology<00:02:16.130> example<00:02:16.880> of now my favorite technology example of now my favorite technology example of exponential<00:02:17.269> technology<00:02:17.840> we<00:02:17.930> all<00:02:18.019> have<00:02:18.200> in exponential technology we all have in exponential technology we all have in our<00:02:18.410> pocket<00:02:18.800> so<00:02:19.400> if<00:02:19.730> you<00:02:19.850> just<00:02:19.970> think<00:02:20.060> about<00:02:20.269> it our pocket so if you just think about it our pocket so if you just think about it these<00:02:20.840> are<00:02:20.900> really<00:02:21.350> dramatically<00:02:21.860> improving these are really dramatically improving these are really dramatically improving I<00:02:22.459> mean<00:02:22.610> this<00:02:22.850> is<00:02:22.970> the<00:02:23.060> iPhone<00:02:23.420> 4 I mean this is the iPhone 4 I mean this is the iPhone 4 imagine<00:02:24.980> what<00:02:25.459> the<00:02:25.550> iPhone<00:02:25.940> 8<00:02:26.180> will<00:02:26.630> be<00:02:26.750> able imagine what the iPhone 8 will be able imagine what the iPhone 8 will be able to<00:02:27.049> do<00:02:27.200> now<00:02:27.860> I've<00:02:28.160> gained<00:02:28.430> some<00:02:28.580> insight<00:02:28.850> into to do now I've gained some insight into to do now I've gained some insight into this<00:02:29.180> I've<00:02:29.330> been<00:02:29.510> the<00:02:29.690> track<00:02:30.110> chair<00:02:30.380> for<00:02:30.560> the this I've been the track chair for the this I've been the track chair for the medicine<00:02:31.010> portion<00:02:31.820> of<00:02:32.360> a<00:02:32.570> new<00:02:32.690> institution medicine portion of a new institution medicine portion of a new institution called<00:02:33.320> singularity<00:02:33.980> University<00:02:34.459> based<00:02:34.970> in called singularity University based in called singularity University based in Silicon<00:02:35.480> Valley<00:02:35.540> and<00:02:36.019> we<00:02:36.500> bring<00:02:36.709> together Silicon Valley and we bring together Silicon Valley and we bring together each<00:02:37.220> summer<00:02:37.459> about<00:02:37.700> 100<00:02:38.209> very<00:02:38.420> talented each summer about 100 very talented each summer about 100 very talented students<00:02:39.110> from<00:02:39.140> around<00:02:39.350> the<00:02:39.500> world<00:02:39.620> and<00:02:39.950> we students from around the world and we students from around the world and we look<00:02:40.430> at<00:02:40.580> these<00:02:40.670> exponential<00:02:41.150> technologies look at these exponential technologies look at these exponential technologies from<00:02:41.720> medicine<00:02:42.049> biotech<00:02:42.470> artificial from medicine biotech artificial from medicine biotech artificial intelligence<00:02:43.280> robotics<00:02:43.570> nanotechnology intelligence robotics nanotechnology intelligence robotics nanotechnology space<00:02:44.840> and<00:02:45.110> address<00:02:45.950> how<00:02:46.160> could<00:02:46.549> cross<00:02:46.820> train space and address how could cross train space and address how could cross train and<00:02:47.330> leverage<00:02:47.840> these<00:02:47.959> to<00:02:48.170> impact<00:02:48.440> major<00:02:49.280> unmet and leverage these to impact major unmet and leverage these to impact major unmet goals<00:02:49.670> we<00:02:50.000> also<00:02:50.150> have<00:02:50.390> seven-day<00:02:51.049> executive goals we also have seven-day executive goals we also have seven-day executive programs<00:02:51.890> and<00:02:52.160> coming<00:02:52.640> up<00:02:52.760> next<00:02:53.180> month<00:02:53.299> is programs and coming up next month is programs and coming up next month is actually<00:02:53.630> future<00:02:54.350> mat<00:02:54.500> a<00:02:54.530> program<00:02:54.950> to<00:02:55.280> help actually future mat a program to help actually future mat a program to help cross<00:02:55.640> train<00:02:55.850> and<00:02:56.000> leverage<00:02:56.299> technologies cross train and leverage technologies cross train and leverage technologies into<00:02:57.290> medicine<00:02:57.530> now<00:02:58.280> I<00:02:58.519> mentioned<00:02:59.120> the<00:02:59.180> phone into medicine now I mentioned the phone into medicine now I mentioned the phone these<00:02:59.660> mobile<00:03:00.019> phones<00:03:00.049> have<00:03:00.320> over<00:03:00.620> I<00:03:00.769> think these mobile phones have over I think these mobile phones have over I think 20,000<00:03:01.670> different<00:03:01.730> mobile<00:03:02.120> apps<00:03:02.299> available 20,000 different mobile apps available 20,000 different mobile apps available to<00:03:03.170> the<00:03:03.260> point<00:03:03.440> where<00:03:03.590> there's<00:03:03.739> one<00:03:03.860> out<00:03:04.130> of to the point where there's one out of to the point where there's one out of the<00:03:04.310> UK<00:03:04.610> where<00:03:04.820> you<00:03:04.910> can<00:03:05.060> pee<00:03:05.480> in<00:03:05.510> a<00:03:05.630> little the UK where you can pee in a little the UK where you can pee in a little chip<00:03:06.020> connect<00:03:06.349> it<00:03:06.470> to<00:03:06.530> your<00:03:06.590> iPhone<00:03:06.860> and<00:03:07.010> check chip connect it to your iPhone and check chip connect it to your iPhone and check yourself<00:03:07.520> for<00:03:07.730> an<00:03:07.880> STD<00:03:08.090> and yourself for an STD and yourself for an STD and I<00:03:08.870> try<00:03:09.080> that<00:03:09.230> yet<00:03:09.379> but<00:03:09.530> that's<00:03:10.010> available I try that yet but that's available I try that yet but that's available there<00:03:11.239> other<00:03:11.660> sorts<00:03:11.900> of<00:03:11.930> applications there other sorts of applications there other sorts of applications merging<00:03:12.800> your<00:03:12.830> phone<00:03:13.160> and<00:03:13.370> diagnostics<00:03:13.940> for merging your phone and diagnostics for merging your phone and diagnostics for example<00:03:14.420> measuring<00:03:14.900> your<00:03:14.989> blood<00:03:15.050> glucose<00:03:15.560> on example measuring your blood glucose on example measuring your blood glucose on your<00:03:15.980> iPhone<00:03:16.280> and<00:03:16.459> sending<00:03:16.970> that<00:03:17.090> Prudential your iPhone and sending that Prudential your iPhone and sending that Prudential e<00:03:17.629> to<00:03:17.780> your<00:03:17.900> physician<00:03:18.349> so<00:03:18.530> they<00:03:18.980> can<00:03:19.099> better e to your physician so they can better e to your physician so they can better understand<00:03:19.670> and<00:03:19.910> you<00:03:20.330> can<00:03:20.480> better<00:03:20.629> understand understand and you can better understand understand and you can better understand your<00:03:21.590> blood<00:03:21.920> sugars<00:03:22.220> as<00:03:22.370> a<00:03:22.400> diabetic<00:03:22.760> so<00:03:23.569> let's your blood sugars as a diabetic so let's your blood sugars as a diabetic so let's see<00:03:24.140> now<00:03:24.530> how<00:03:24.709> exponential<00:03:25.250> technologies<00:03:25.700> are see now how exponential technologies are see now how exponential technologies are taking<00:03:26.150> healthcare<00:03:26.480> let's<00:03:26.599> start<00:03:26.780> with taking healthcare let's start with taking healthcare let's start with faster<00:03:27.319> well<00:03:27.830> it's<00:03:27.920> no<00:03:28.099> secret<00:03:28.310> that faster well it's no secret that faster well it's no secret that computers<00:03:29.060> through<00:03:29.330> Moore's<00:03:29.540> law<00:03:29.810> are computers through Moore's law are computers through Moore's law are speeding<00:03:30.739> up<00:03:30.860> faster<00:03:31.310> and<00:03:31.340> faster<00:03:31.549> we<00:03:31.879> have speeding up faster and faster we have speeding up faster and faster we have the<00:03:32.060> ability<00:03:32.360> to<00:03:32.390> do<00:03:32.510> more<00:03:32.720> powerful<00:03:33.530> things the ability to do more powerful things the ability to do more powerful things with<00:03:33.860> them<00:03:33.980> they're<00:03:34.129> really<00:03:34.280> approaching<00:03:35.030> in with them they're really approaching in with them they're really approaching in many<00:03:35.510> cases<00:03:35.870> surpassing<00:03:36.530> the<00:03:36.890> ability<00:03:37.220> of<00:03:37.310> the many cases surpassing the ability of the many cases surpassing the ability of the human<00:03:37.489> mind<00:03:37.790> but<00:03:38.239> what<00:03:38.360> I<00:03:38.390> think human mind but what I think human mind but what I think computational<00:03:39.230> speed<00:03:39.319> is<00:03:39.530> most<00:03:39.739> applicable computational speed is most applicable computational speed is most applicable is<00:03:40.400> that<00:03:40.880> of<00:03:41.060> imaging<00:03:41.540> the<00:03:42.410> ability<00:03:42.739> now<00:03:42.860> to is that of imaging the ability now to is that of imaging the ability now to look<00:03:43.130> inside<00:03:43.280> the<00:03:43.459> body<00:03:43.700> in<00:03:43.910> real<00:03:44.120> time<00:03:44.390> with look inside the body in real time with look inside the body in real time with very<00:03:45.170> high<00:03:45.349> resolution<00:03:45.380> is<00:03:46.099> really<00:03:46.670> becoming very high resolution is really becoming very high resolution is really becoming incredible<00:03:47.569> we're<00:03:47.720> layering<00:03:48.170> multiple incredible we're layering multiple incredible we're layering multiple technologies<00:03:48.920> PET<00:03:49.190> scan<00:03:49.489> CT<00:03:49.819> scans<00:03:50.329> and technologies PET scan CT scans and technologies PET scan CT scans and molecular<00:03:51.640> diagnostics<00:03:52.640> to<00:03:52.970> find<00:03:53.269> and<00:03:53.629> seek molecular diagnostics to find and seek molecular diagnostics to find and seek things<00:03:54.200> at<00:03:54.319> different<00:03:54.379> levels<00:03:54.829> here<00:03:55.819> you're things at different levels here you're things at different levels here you're going<00:03:56.090> to<00:03:56.150> see<00:03:56.239> the<00:03:56.329> very<00:03:56.450> highest<00:03:56.750> resolution going to see the very highest resolution going to see the very highest resolution MRI<00:03:57.650> scan<00:03:57.980> done<00:03:58.459> to<00:03:58.610> date<00:03:58.760> reconstructed<00:03:59.510> of MRI scan done to date reconstructed of MRI scan done to date reconstructed of Bartho<00:04:00.560> -<00:04:00.769> the<00:04:00.980> curator<00:04:01.340> of<00:04:01.370> TEDMED<00:04:01.579> and<00:04:02.000> now Bartho - the curator of TEDMED and now Bartho - the curator of TEDMED and now we<00:04:02.299> can<00:04:02.510> see<00:04:02.660> inside<00:04:03.019> of<00:04:03.079> the<00:04:03.319> brain<00:04:03.650> at<00:04:04.129> a we can see inside of the brain at a we can see inside of the brain at a resolution<00:04:04.610> and<00:04:04.910> ability<00:04:05.269> that<00:04:05.299> was<00:04:05.510> never resolution and ability that was never resolution and ability that was never before<00:04:05.840> available<00:04:06.110> and<00:04:06.590> essentially<00:04:07.400> learn before available and essentially learn before available and essentially learn how<00:04:07.579> to<00:04:07.610> reconstruct<00:04:08.329> and<00:04:08.510> maybe<00:04:08.629> even how to reconstruct and maybe even how to reconstruct and maybe even re-engineer<00:04:10.099> or<00:04:10.879> backwards<00:04:11.420> engineer<00:04:11.870> the re-engineer or backwards engineer the re-engineer or backwards engineer the brain<00:04:12.170> so<00:04:12.319> we<00:04:12.349> can<00:04:12.560> better<00:04:12.709> understand brain so we can better understand brain so we can better understand pathology<00:04:13.970> disease<00:04:14.299> and<00:04:14.600> therapy<00:04:15.230> we<00:04:15.680> can pathology disease and therapy we can pathology disease and therapy we can look<00:04:15.950> at<00:04:16.039> side<00:04:16.250> with<00:04:16.489> real-time<00:04:16.940> fMRI<00:04:17.419> in<00:04:17.600> the look at side with real-time fMRI in the look at side with real-time fMRI in the brain<00:04:17.870> at<00:04:17.989> real-time<00:04:18.350> and<00:04:18.650> by<00:04:19.160> understanding brain at real-time and by understanding brain at real-time and by understanding these<00:04:20.299> sorts<00:04:20.539> of<00:04:20.600> processes<00:04:21.079> in<00:04:21.229> these these sorts of processes in these these sorts of processes in these connections<00:04:21.769> we're<00:04:22.310> going<00:04:22.430> to<00:04:22.490> understand connections we're going to understand connections we're going to understand the<00:04:22.850> effects<00:04:23.090> of<00:04:23.300> medication<00:04:24.229> or<00:04:24.349> meditation the effects of medication or meditation the effects of medication or meditation and<00:04:25.220> better<00:04:25.610> personalize<00:04:26.180> and<00:04:26.479> make and better personalize and make and better personalize and make effective<00:04:27.050> for<00:04:27.169> example<00:04:27.500> psychoactive<00:04:28.430> drugs effective for example psychoactive drugs effective for example psychoactive drugs the<00:04:29.660> scanners<00:04:30.050> for<00:04:30.169> these<00:04:30.289> are<00:04:30.410> getting the scanners for these are getting the scanners for these are getting smaller<00:04:30.889> and<00:04:31.039> less<00:04:31.130> expensive<00:04:31.610> and<00:04:31.729> more smaller and less expensive and more smaller and less expensive and more portable<00:04:32.240> and<00:04:32.740> this<00:04:33.740> sort<00:04:33.950> of<00:04:33.979> data<00:04:34.340> explosion portable and this sort of data explosion portable and this sort of data explosion available<00:04:35.300> from<00:04:35.389> these<00:04:35.539> is<00:04:35.720> really<00:04:35.990> almost available from these is really almost available from these is really almost becoming<00:04:36.919> a<00:04:36.979> challenge<00:04:37.160> the<00:04:37.700> scan<00:04:38.000> of<00:04:38.030> today becoming a challenge the scan of today becoming a challenge the scan of today takes<00:04:38.750> up<00:04:38.870> about<00:04:38.960> 800<00:04:39.440> books<00:04:39.590> or<00:04:39.800> 20<00:04:40.250> gigabytes takes up about 800 books or 20 gigabytes takes up about 800 books or 20 gigabytes the<00:04:41.060> scan<00:04:41.330> of<00:04:41.360> just<00:04:41.630> in<00:04:41.720> a<00:04:41.780> couple<00:04:41.900> years<00:04:42.020> will the scan of just in a couple years will the scan of just in a couple years will be<00:04:42.349> one<00:04:42.530> terabyte<00:04:42.950> or<00:04:43.130> 800,000<00:04:43.880> books<00:04:44.030> how<00:04:44.360> do be one terabyte or 800,000 books how do be one terabyte or 800,000 books how do we<00:04:44.479> leverage<00:04:44.780> the<00:04:44.930> information<00:04:45.229> let's<00:04:46.220> get we leverage the information let's get we leverage the information let's get personal<00:04:46.520> I<00:04:46.880> won't<00:04:47.360> ask<00:04:47.479> you<00:04:47.599> here's<00:04:47.930> how<00:04:48.020> to personal I won't ask you here's how to personal I won't ask you here's how to colonoscopy<00:04:48.710> but<00:04:48.830> if<00:04:48.950> you're<00:04:49.099> over<00:04:49.220> age<00:04:49.370> 50 colonoscopy but if you're over age 50 colonoscopy but if you're over age 50 it's<00:04:49.849> time<00:04:50.000> for<00:04:50.150> your<00:04:50.240> screening<00:04:50.539> colonoscopy it's time for your screening colonoscopy it's time for your screening colonoscopy how<00:04:51.530> would<00:04:51.650> you<00:04:51.740> like<00:04:51.889> to<00:04:51.919> avoid<00:04:52.190> the<00:04:52.669> pointy how would you like to avoid the pointy how would you like to avoid the pointy end<00:04:53.120> of<00:04:53.210> the<00:04:53.300> stick<00:04:53.539> well<00:04:53.810> now<00:04:54.349> there's end of the stick well now there's end of the stick well now there's essentially<00:04:54.860> virtual<00:04:55.490> colonoscopy<00:04:56.360> compare essentially virtual colonoscopy compare essentially virtual colonoscopy compare those<00:04:57.349> two<00:04:57.470> pictures<00:04:57.650> and<00:04:58.010> now<00:04:58.070> as<00:04:58.220> the those two pictures and now as the those two pictures and now as the radiologist<00:04:58.849> you<00:04:59.090> can<00:04:59.240> Sochi<00:04:59.389> fly<00:04:59.750> through radiologist you can Sochi fly through radiologist you can Sochi fly through your<00:05:00.139> patients<00:05:00.470> calling<00:05:00.740> and<00:05:00.919> augmenting your patients calling and augmenting your patients calling and augmenting that<00:05:01.880> with<00:05:02.000> artificial<00:05:02.240> intelligence that with artificial intelligence that with artificial intelligence identify<00:05:03.470> potential<00:05:03.860> as<00:05:03.950> you<00:05:04.010> see<00:05:04.190> here<00:05:04.370> a identify potential as you see here a identify potential as you see here a lesion<00:05:04.610> that<00:05:04.880> we<00:05:05.210> might<00:05:05.360> have<00:05:05.450> missed<00:05:05.599> it<00:05:05.810> but lesion that we might have missed it but lesion that we might have missed it but using<00:05:06.410> AI<00:05:06.710> on<00:05:07.099> top<00:05:07.310> of<00:05:07.490> radiology<00:05:08.060> we<00:05:08.150> can<00:05:08.270> find using AI on top of radiology we can find using AI on top of radiology we can find lesions<00:05:08.750> that<00:05:08.870> were<00:05:08.930> missed<00:05:09.110> before<00:05:09.440> and lesions that were missed before and lesions that were missed before and maybe<00:05:10.099> this<00:05:10.280> will<00:05:10.400> encourage<00:05:10.610> people<00:05:10.849> to<00:05:11.120> get maybe this will encourage people to get maybe this will encourage people to get colonoscopies<00:05:11.780> that<00:05:12.139> wouldn't<00:05:12.380> have colonoscopies that wouldn't have colonoscopies that wouldn't have otherwise<00:05:12.620> and<00:05:13.520> this<00:05:13.610> is<00:05:13.729> an<00:05:13.820> example<00:05:14.060> this otherwise and this is an example this otherwise and this is an example this paradigm<00:05:14.720> shift<00:05:14.750> we're<00:05:15.080> moving<00:05:15.260> to<00:05:15.349> this paradigm shift we're moving to this paradigm shift we're moving to this integration<00:05:16.039> of<00:05:16.280> biomedicine<00:05:16.940> information integration of biomedicine information integration of biomedicine information technology<00:05:18.229> wireless<00:05:18.469> and<00:05:18.860> I<00:05:18.979> would<00:05:19.130> say technology wireless and I would say technology wireless and I would say mobile<00:05:19.520> now mobile now mobile now this<00:05:20.339> era<00:05:20.580> of<00:05:20.759> digital<00:05:20.939> medicine<00:05:21.360> so<00:05:21.569> even<00:05:21.779> my this era of digital medicine so even my this era of digital medicine so even my stethoscope<00:05:22.110> is<00:05:22.740> now<00:05:22.919> digital<00:05:23.249> and<00:05:23.369> of<00:05:23.430> course stethoscope is now digital and of course stethoscope is now digital and of course there's<00:05:23.969> an<00:05:24.089> app<00:05:24.240> for<00:05:24.479> that<00:05:25.369> we're<00:05:26.369> moving there's an app for that we're moving there's an app for that we're moving obviously<00:05:26.939> to<00:05:27.029> the<00:05:27.119> era<00:05:27.270> of<00:05:27.360> the<00:05:27.749> tricorder obviously to the era of the tricorder obviously to the era of the tricorder so<00:05:28.589> the<00:05:29.069> handheld<00:05:29.729> ultrasound<00:05:29.939> is<00:05:30.569> facially so the handheld ultrasound is facially so the handheld ultrasound is facially surpassing<00:05:31.499> and<00:05:31.649> supplanting<00:05:32.399> the surpassing and supplanting the surpassing and supplanting the stethoscope<00:05:32.999> these<00:05:33.749> are<00:05:33.869> now<00:05:33.990> at<00:05:34.080> a<00:05:34.139> price stethoscope these are now at a price stethoscope these are now at a price point<00:05:34.589> of<00:05:34.619> what<00:05:34.770> used<00:05:34.919> to<00:05:35.009> be<00:05:35.069> a<00:05:35.399> hundred point of what used to be a hundred point of what used to be a hundred thousand<00:05:36.119> euros<00:05:36.210> or<00:05:36.479> a<00:05:36.509> couple<00:05:36.629> hundred thousand euros or a couple hundred thousand euros or a couple hundred thousand<00:05:37.349> dollars<00:05:37.379> for<00:05:37.979> about<00:05:38.099> five<00:05:38.309> thousand thousand dollars for about five thousand thousand dollars for about five thousand dollars<00:05:38.729> I<00:05:38.969> can<00:05:39.059> have<00:05:39.149> the<00:05:39.210> power<00:05:39.360> with<00:05:39.899> very dollars I can have the power with very dollars I can have the power with very powerful<00:05:40.319> diagnostic<00:05:41.309> device<00:05:41.520> in<00:05:41.699> my<00:05:41.729> hand powerful diagnostic device in my hand powerful diagnostic device in my hand and<00:05:42.409> merging<00:05:43.409> this<00:05:43.529> now<00:05:43.710> with<00:05:43.949> the<00:05:44.069> advent<00:05:44.580> of and merging this now with the advent of and merging this now with the advent of electronic<00:05:44.849> medical<00:05:45.509> records<00:05:45.839> in<00:05:45.990> the<00:05:46.259> United electronic medical records in the United electronic medical records in the United States<00:05:46.710> we're<00:05:46.860> still<00:05:47.039> less<00:05:47.189> than<00:05:47.309> 20% States we're still less than 20% States we're still less than 20% electronic<00:05:48.749> here<00:05:48.960> in<00:05:49.169> the<00:05:49.259> Netherlands<00:05:49.619> I electronic here in the Netherlands I electronic here in the Netherlands I think<00:05:49.919> it's<00:05:50.009> more<00:05:50.189> than<00:05:50.279> 80%<00:05:50.909> but<00:05:51.240> now<00:05:51.330> that think it's more than 80% but now that think it's more than 80% but now that we're<00:05:51.539> switching<00:05:51.779> to<00:05:52.139> merging<00:05:52.740> medical<00:05:53.039> data we're switching to merging medical data we're switching to merging medical data making<00:05:53.460> it<00:05:53.639> available<00:05:53.909> electronically<00:05:54.809> we making it available electronically we making it available electronically we can<00:05:55.139> crowdsource<00:05:55.319> that<00:05:55.649> information<00:05:56.099> and<00:05:56.249> now can crowdsource that information and now can crowdsource that information and now as<00:05:56.759> a<00:05:56.789> physician<00:05:57.210> I<00:05:57.360> can<00:05:57.719> access<00:05:58.020> my<00:05:58.080> patients as a physician I can access my patients as a physician I can access my patients data<00:05:58.710> from<00:05:59.129> wherever<00:05:59.279> I<00:05:59.460> am<00:05:59.699> just<00:06:00.360> through<00:06:00.539> my data from wherever I am just through my data from wherever I am just through my mobile<00:06:00.899> device mobile device mobile device and<00:06:01.409> now<00:06:02.219> of<00:06:02.370> course<00:06:02.399> we're<00:06:02.819> in<00:06:02.849> the<00:06:02.909> era<00:06:03.089> of and now of course we're in the era of and now of course we're in the era of the<00:06:03.270> iPad<00:06:03.689> even<00:06:03.960> the<00:06:04.229> iPad<00:06:04.499> 2<00:06:04.740> and<00:06:04.949> just<00:06:05.309> last the iPad even the iPad 2 and just last the iPad even the iPad 2 and just last month<00:06:05.759> the<00:06:05.879> first<00:06:06.029> fda-approved<00:06:06.539> application month the first fda-approved application month the first fda-approved application was<00:06:07.469> approved<00:06:07.649> to<00:06:08.219> allow<00:06:08.370> radiologists<00:06:08.969> to<00:06:09.029> do was approved to allow radiologists to do was approved to allow radiologists to do actual<00:06:09.419> reading<00:06:10.349> on<00:06:10.499> these<00:06:10.830> sorts<00:06:11.039> of<00:06:11.069> devices actual reading on these sorts of devices actual reading on these sorts of devices so<00:06:12.270> certainly<00:06:12.749> the<00:06:12.959> physicians<00:06:13.289> of<00:06:13.409> the<00:06:13.439> day so certainly the physicians of the day so certainly the physicians of the day including<00:06:13.830> myself<00:06:13.949> are<00:06:14.249> completely<00:06:14.939> reliable including myself are completely reliable including myself are completely reliable on<00:06:15.360> these<00:06:15.479> devices<00:06:15.930> and<00:06:16.080> as<00:06:16.409> you<00:06:16.499> saw<00:06:16.649> just on these devices and as you saw just on these devices and as you saw just about<00:06:17.039> a<00:06:17.099> month<00:06:17.339> ago<00:06:17.569> Watson<00:06:18.569> from<00:06:18.809> IBM<00:06:19.289> beat about a month ago Watson from IBM beat about a month ago Watson from IBM beat the<00:06:19.979> two<00:06:20.099> champions<00:06:20.309> in<00:06:20.639> jeopardy<00:06:20.789> so<00:06:21.029> I<00:06:21.360> want the two champions in jeopardy so I want the two champions in jeopardy so I want you<00:06:21.659> to<00:06:21.719> imagine<00:06:21.809> we're<00:06:22.139> in<00:06:22.199> a<00:06:22.259> couple<00:06:22.499> years you to imagine we're in a couple years you to imagine we're in a couple years we<00:06:23.129> start<00:06:23.399> to<00:06:23.490> apply<00:06:23.610> this<00:06:23.699> cloud-based we start to apply this cloud-based we start to apply this cloud-based information<00:06:24.870> well<00:06:25.409> we<00:06:25.529> really<00:06:25.709> have<00:06:25.830> the<00:06:25.919> AI information well we really have the AI information well we really have the AI physician<00:06:26.699> and<00:06:26.879> leverage<00:06:27.389> our<00:06:27.509> own<00:06:27.629> brains physician and leverage our own brains physician and leverage our own brains and<00:06:27.959> connectivity<00:06:28.259> to<00:06:28.589> make<00:06:29.039> decisions<00:06:29.580> and and connectivity to make decisions and and connectivity to make decisions and diagnostics<00:06:30.419> at<00:06:30.749> a<00:06:30.839> level<00:06:31.080> never<00:06:31.259> done<00:06:31.939> RT diagnostics at a level never done RT diagnostics at a level never done RT today<00:06:33.209> you<00:06:33.270> don't<00:06:33.479> need<00:06:33.599> to<00:06:33.689> go<00:06:33.870> to<00:06:34.080> visit<00:06:34.199> your today you don't need to go to visit your today you don't need to go to visit your physician<00:06:34.740> in<00:06:34.830> many<00:06:34.949> cases<00:06:35.249> only<00:06:35.370> about<00:06:35.550> 20% physician in many cases only about 20% physician in many cases only about 20% of<00:06:36.389> actual<00:06:36.629> visits<00:06:36.899> you<00:06:36.990> need<00:06:37.139> to<00:06:37.199> lay<00:06:37.349> hands of actual visits you need to lay hands of actual visits you need to lay hands on<00:06:37.769> the<00:06:37.889> patient<00:06:38.039> we're<00:06:38.639> now<00:06:38.729> in<00:06:38.849> the<00:06:38.909> era<00:06:39.059> of on the patient we're now in the era of on the patient we're now in the era of virtual<00:06:39.509> visits<00:06:40.169> from<00:06:40.649> sort<00:06:41.009> of<00:06:41.039> the<00:06:41.099> Skype virtual visits from sort of the Skype virtual visits from sort of the Skype type<00:06:41.699> visits<00:06:42.059> you<00:06:42.180> can<00:06:42.300> do<00:06:42.419> with<00:06:42.599> American type visits you can do with American type visits you can do with American well<00:06:43.199> to<00:06:43.769> Cisco<00:06:44.129> that's<00:06:44.249> developed<00:06:44.669> a<00:06:44.729> very well to Cisco that's developed a very well to Cisco that's developed a very complex<00:06:45.330> health<00:06:45.779> presence<00:06:46.169> system<00:06:46.469> the complex health presence system the complex health presence system the ability<00:06:47.009> to<00:06:47.039> interact<00:06:47.399> with<00:06:47.459> your<00:06:47.699> healthcare ability to interact with your healthcare ability to interact with your healthcare provider<00:06:48.330> is<00:06:48.779> different<00:06:49.169> and<00:06:49.319> these<00:06:49.589> are<00:06:49.740> on provider is different and these are on provider is different and these are on being<00:06:50.009> augmented<00:06:50.099> even<00:06:50.580> by<00:06:50.669> our<00:06:50.759> devices being augmented even by our devices being augmented even by our devices again<00:06:51.330> today<00:06:51.599> here<00:06:52.050> my<00:06:52.199> friend<00:06:52.439> Jessica<00:06:52.620> sent again today here my friend Jessica sent again today here my friend Jessica sent me<00:06:53.009> a<00:06:53.039> picture<00:06:53.219> of<00:06:53.339> her<00:06:53.490> head<00:06:53.729> laceration<00:06:54.059> so<00:06:54.719> I me a picture of her head laceration so I me a picture of her head laceration so I can<00:06:54.990> save<00:06:55.169> her<00:06:55.289> a<00:06:55.319> trip<00:06:55.439> to<00:06:55.559> the<00:06:55.649> emergency can save her a trip to the emergency can save her a trip to the emergency room<00:06:56.069> I<00:06:56.129> can<00:06:56.279> do<00:06:56.370> some<00:06:56.519> Diagnostics<00:06:56.639> in<00:06:57.149> that room I can do some Diagnostics in that room I can do some Diagnostics in that way<00:06:57.360> or<00:06:57.539> might<00:06:58.110> we<00:06:58.229> be<00:06:58.259> able<00:06:58.439> to<00:06:58.499> leverage way or might we be able to leverage way or might we be able to leverage today's<00:06:59.219> gaming<00:06:59.819> technology<00:07:00.449> like<00:07:00.569> the today's gaming technology like the today's gaming technology like the Microsoft<00:07:01.080> Kinect<00:07:01.229> and<00:07:01.620> hack<00:07:02.039> that<00:07:02.309> to<00:07:02.519> enable Microsoft Kinect and hack that to enable Microsoft Kinect and hack that to enable let's<00:07:03.300> say<00:07:03.419> Diagnostics<00:07:04.110> for<00:07:04.199> example<00:07:04.559> in let's say Diagnostics for example in let's say Diagnostics for example in diagnosing<00:07:05.069> stroke<00:07:05.399> using<00:07:05.849> simple<00:07:06.360> motion diagnosing stroke using simple motion diagnosing stroke using simple motion detection<00:07:07.019> using<00:07:07.289> $100<00:07:08.009> devices<00:07:08.459> we<00:07:09.300> can detection using $100 devices we can detection using $100 devices we can actually<00:07:09.569> now<00:07:09.959> visit<00:07:10.409> our<00:07:10.800> patients actually now visit our patients actually now visit our patients robotically<00:07:12.180> this<00:07:12.539> is<00:07:12.689> the<00:07:12.809> rp7<00:07:13.529> if<00:07:13.620> I'm<00:07:13.709> a robotically this is the rp7 if I'm a robotically this is the rp7 if I'm a hematologist<00:07:13.919> visit<00:07:14.519> another<00:07:14.729> clinic<00:07:14.999> for hematologist visit another clinic for hematologist visit another clinic for visit<00:07:15.509> a<00:07:15.569> hospital<00:07:15.689> these<00:07:16.680> are<00:07:16.800> being visit a hospital these are being visit a hospital these are being augmented<00:07:17.309> by<00:07:17.339> a<00:07:17.459> whole<00:07:17.699> suite<00:07:17.999> of<00:07:18.029> tools augmented by a whole suite of tools augmented by a whole suite of tools actually<00:07:18.599> in<00:07:18.689> the<00:07:18.809> home<00:07:18.990> now actually in the home now actually in the home now so<00:07:19.769> imagine<00:07:20.039> we<00:07:20.370> already<00:07:20.639> have<00:07:20.759> wireless so imagine we already have wireless so imagine we already have wireless scales<00:07:21.689> you<00:07:21.959> can<00:07:21.990> step<00:07:22.499> on<00:07:22.620> the<00:07:22.649> scale<00:07:22.919> you<00:07:22.949> can scales you can step on the scale you can scales you can step on the scale you can tweet<00:07:23.430> your<00:07:23.550> way<00:07:23.669> to<00:07:23.729> your<00:07:23.879> friends<00:07:24.269> and<00:07:24.449> they tweet your way to your friends and they tweet your way to your friends and they can<00:07:24.870> keep<00:07:25.139> you<00:07:25.229> in<00:07:25.319> line<00:07:25.379> we<00:07:26.189> out<00:07:26.279> wireless can keep you in line we out wireless can keep you in line we out wireless blood<00:07:26.909> pressure<00:07:27.120> cuffs<00:07:27.389> a<00:07:27.479> whole<00:07:27.599> gamut<00:07:27.839> of blood pressure cuffs a whole gamut of blood pressure cuffs a whole gamut of these<00:07:28.110> technologies<00:07:28.560> are<00:07:28.680> being<00:07:28.800> put these technologies are being put these technologies are being put together<00:07:29.069> so<00:07:29.759> instead<00:07:30.060> of<00:07:30.120> wearing<00:07:30.479> these together so instead of wearing these together so instead of wearing these glue<00:07:30.810> G<00:07:30.959> devices<00:07:31.379> we<00:07:31.740> can<00:07:31.769> put<00:07:32.099> on<00:07:32.189> a<00:07:32.219> simple glue G devices we can put on a simple glue G devices we can put on a simple this<00:07:32.979> is<00:07:33.069> developed<00:07:33.400> by<00:07:33.460> colleagues<00:07:33.849> at this is developed by colleagues at this is developed by colleagues at Stanford<00:07:34.270> called<00:07:34.300> the<00:07:34.539> eye<00:07:34.569> rhythm Stanford called the eye rhythm Stanford called the eye rhythm completely<00:07:35.710> supplants<00:07:36.220> the<00:07:36.610> prior completely supplants the prior completely supplants the prior technology<00:07:37.300> and<00:07:37.479> a<00:07:37.539> much<00:07:37.690> lower<00:07:37.840> price<00:07:38.080> point technology and a much lower price point technology and a much lower price point with<00:07:38.740> much<00:07:38.919> more<00:07:39.069> effective<00:07:39.520> 'ti<00:07:39.699> now<00:07:40.569> we're with much more effective 'ti now we're with much more effective 'ti now we're also<00:07:40.990> in<00:07:41.169> the<00:07:41.229> ear<00:07:41.349> today<00:07:41.530> of<00:07:41.740> quantified<00:07:42.280> self also in the ear today of quantified self also in the ear today of quantified self consumers<00:07:43.599> now<00:07:43.720> can<00:07:43.930> buy<00:07:44.050> basically consumers now can buy basically consumers now can buy basically hundred-dollar<00:07:44.949> devices<00:07:45.430> like<00:07:45.520> this<00:07:45.639> little hundred-dollar devices like this little hundred-dollar devices like this little Fitbit<00:07:46.240> I<00:07:46.419> can<00:07:46.750> measure<00:07:46.900> my<00:07:47.020> steps<00:07:47.470> my<00:07:47.590> caloric Fitbit I can measure my steps my caloric Fitbit I can measure my steps my caloric outtake<00:07:48.430> I<00:07:48.610> can<00:07:48.910> get<00:07:49.030> insight<00:07:49.389> to<00:07:49.509> that<00:07:49.630> on<00:07:49.780> a outtake I can get insight to that on a outtake I can get insight to that on a daily<00:07:49.990> basis<00:07:50.410> I<00:07:50.470> can<00:07:50.560> share<00:07:50.740> that<00:07:50.770> with<00:07:50.889> my daily basis I can share that with my daily basis I can share that with my friends<00:07:51.190> with<00:07:51.490> my<00:07:51.580> physician friends with my physician friends with my physician there's<00:07:52.660> watches<00:07:53.139> coming<00:07:53.410> now<00:07:53.500> that<00:07:53.530> I'll there's watches coming now that I'll there's watches coming now that I'll measure<00:07:53.919> your<00:07:54.130> heart<00:07:54.250> rate<00:07:54.340> Zeo<00:07:55.000> sleep measure your heart rate Zeo sleep measure your heart rate Zeo sleep monitors<00:07:55.720> all<00:07:55.960> suite<00:07:56.500> of<00:07:56.620> tools<00:07:56.830> that<00:07:56.979> can monitors all suite of tools that can monitors all suite of tools that can able<00:07:57.310> get<00:07:57.430> a<00:07:57.490> leverage<00:07:57.819> and<00:07:57.940> have<00:07:58.030> insight able get a leverage and have insight able get a leverage and have insight into<00:07:58.300> your<00:07:58.539> own<00:07:58.690> health<00:07:58.930> and<00:07:59.199> if<00:07:59.410> we<00:07:59.500> start<00:07:59.680> to into your own health and if we start to into your own health and if we start to integrate<00:07:59.979> this<00:08:00.250> information<00:08:00.460> we're<00:08:01.120> going integrate this information we're going integrate this information we're going to<00:08:01.300> know<00:08:01.360> better<00:08:01.539> what<00:08:01.750> to<00:08:01.840> do<00:08:01.960> with<00:08:02.110> it<00:08:02.259> and to know better what to do with it and to know better what to do with it and how<00:08:02.650> better<00:08:02.830> to<00:08:02.949> have<00:08:03.310> insight<00:08:03.729> into<00:08:03.759> our<00:08:04.360> own how better to have insight into our own how better to have insight into our own pathologies<00:08:05.530> health<00:08:06.009> and<00:08:06.220> wellness pathologies health and wellness pathologies health and wellness there's<00:08:07.449> even<00:08:07.690> mirrors<00:08:08.050> today<00:08:08.199> I<00:08:08.349> can<00:08:08.530> pick<00:08:08.680> up there's even mirrors today I can pick up there's even mirrors today I can pick up your<00:08:08.919> pulse<00:08:09.190> rate<00:08:09.430> and<00:08:09.639> I<00:08:09.940> would<00:08:10.060> argue<00:08:10.360> in<00:08:10.509> the your pulse rate and I would argue in the your pulse rate and I would argue in the future<00:08:11.169> we'll<00:08:11.590> have<00:08:11.620> wearable<00:08:12.130> devices<00:08:12.340> in future we'll have wearable devices in future we'll have wearable devices in our<00:08:12.669> clothes<00:08:12.970> modern<00:08:13.419> in<00:08:13.509> ourselves<00:08:13.650> 24/7<00:08:14.650> and our clothes modern in ourselves 24/7 and our clothes modern in ourselves 24/7 and just<00:08:15.220> like<00:08:15.340> we<00:08:15.460> have<00:08:15.580> the<00:08:15.669> OnStar<00:08:16.090> system<00:08:16.270> in just like we have the OnStar system in just like we have the OnStar system in cars<00:08:16.750> your<00:08:17.289> red<00:08:17.470> light<00:08:17.650> might<00:08:17.830> go<00:08:17.949> on<00:08:17.979> and<00:08:18.250> once cars your red light might go on and once cars your red light might go on and once a<00:08:18.460> check<00:08:18.669> engine<00:08:18.819> light<00:08:19.000> it's<00:08:19.330> going<00:08:19.479> to<00:08:19.539> be a check engine light it's going to be a check engine light it's going to be check<00:08:20.080> your<00:08:20.199> body<00:08:20.349> light<00:08:20.620> and<00:08:20.800> go<00:08:21.039> in<00:08:21.159> and<00:08:21.310> get check your body light and go in and get check your body light and go in and get and<00:08:21.490> take<00:08:21.580> care<00:08:21.789> of<00:08:21.849> and<00:08:22.090> probably<00:08:22.930> in<00:08:23.229> a<00:08:23.259> few and take care of and probably in a few and take care of and probably in a few years<00:08:23.590> we'll<00:08:23.680> check<00:08:23.889> in<00:08:24.009> to<00:08:24.099> your<00:08:24.190> mirror<00:08:24.520> and years we'll check in to your mirror and years we'll check in to your mirror and it's<00:08:24.940> going<00:08:25.060> to<00:08:25.120> be<00:08:25.180> diagnosing<00:08:25.690> you<00:08:25.870> okay<00:08:27.539> for it's going to be diagnosing you okay for it's going to be diagnosing you okay for those<00:08:28.659> of<00:08:28.720> you<00:08:28.960> with<00:08:29.110> with<00:08:29.740> kiddos<00:08:30.069> at<00:08:30.190> home those of you with with kiddos at home those of you with with kiddos at home how<00:08:30.520> would<00:08:30.610> you<00:08:30.669> like<00:08:30.789> to<00:08:30.880> have<00:08:30.970> the<00:08:31.060> the how would you like to have the the how would you like to have the the wireless<00:08:31.659> diaper<00:08:31.870> that<00:08:32.169> sir<00:08:32.349> supports<00:08:33.070> here wireless diaper that sir supports here wireless diaper that sir supports here too<00:08:34.640> much<00:08:34.790> information<00:08:35.240> I<00:08:35.300> think<00:08:35.360> that<00:08:35.540> you too much information I think that you too much information I think that you might<00:08:35.750> need<00:08:35.900> but<00:08:36.140> it's<00:08:36.320> it's<00:08:36.680> gonna<00:08:36.860> be<00:08:37.040> here might need but it's it's gonna be here might need but it's it's gonna be here now<00:08:38.510> we've<00:08:39.020> heard<00:08:39.110> a<00:08:39.200> lot<00:08:39.260> today<00:08:39.380> about now we've heard a lot today about now we've heard a lot today about technology<00:08:40.010> and<00:08:40.160> connection<00:08:41.120> and<00:08:41.300> I<00:08:41.570> think technology and connection and I think technology and connection and I think actually<00:08:41.990> some<00:08:42.169> of<00:08:42.200> these<00:08:42.290> technologies<00:08:42.530> will actually some of these technologies will actually some of these technologies will enable<00:08:42.950> us<00:08:43.100> to<00:08:43.160> be<00:08:43.280> more<00:08:43.490> connected<00:08:43.760> with<00:08:44.360> our enable us to be more connected with our enable us to be more connected with our patients<00:08:44.900> and<00:08:44.960> take<00:08:45.140> more<00:08:45.290> time<00:08:45.530> and<00:08:45.890> actually patients and take more time and actually patients and take more time and actually do<00:08:46.670> the<00:08:46.700> important<00:08:47.180> human<00:08:47.480> touch<00:08:47.630> elements<00:08:48.050> of do the important human touch elements of do the important human touch elements of Medicine<00:08:48.530> as<00:08:48.650> augmented<00:08:49.130> by<00:08:49.490> these<00:08:49.760> sorts<00:08:49.940> of Medicine as augmented by these sorts of Medicine as augmented by these sorts of technologies<00:08:50.090> now<00:08:50.990> we<00:08:51.110> talk<00:08:51.260> about technologies now we talk about technologies now we talk about augmenting<00:08:51.950> the<00:08:52.040> patient<00:08:52.520> to<00:08:52.970> some<00:08:53.120> degree augmenting the patient to some degree augmenting the patient to some degree how<00:08:53.510> about<00:08:53.690> augmenting<00:08:54.320> the<00:08:54.410> physician<00:08:54.800> we're how about augmenting the physician we're how about augmenting the physician we're now<00:08:55.220> near<00:08:55.490> super<00:08:56.030> labeling<00:08:56.780> the<00:08:56.930> surgeon<00:08:57.320> who now near super labeling the surgeon who now near super labeling the surgeon who can<00:08:57.440> now<00:08:57.620> go<00:08:57.740> inside<00:08:58.070> the<00:08:58.160> body<00:08:58.340> and<00:08:58.610> do<00:08:58.970> things can now go inside the body and do things can now go inside the body and do things with<00:08:59.300> robotic<00:08:59.720> surgery<00:08:59.750> which<00:09:00.230> is<00:09:00.350> here<00:09:00.470> today with robotic surgery which is here today with robotic surgery which is here today at<00:09:00.950> a<00:09:01.130> level<00:09:01.400> that<00:09:01.490> was<00:09:01.610> not<00:09:01.970> really<00:09:02.540> possible at a level that was not really possible at a level that was not really possible even<00:09:03.470> five<00:09:03.620> years<00:09:03.650> ago<00:09:03.920> and<00:09:04.490> now<00:09:04.580> this<00:09:04.730> has even five years ago and now this has even five years ago and now this has been<00:09:04.940> automated<00:09:05.240> further<00:09:05.750> layers<00:09:06.020> of been automated further layers of been automated further layers of technology<00:09:06.680> like<00:09:06.710> augmented<00:09:07.580> reality<00:09:07.640> so<00:09:08.450> the technology like augmented reality so the technology like augmented reality so the surgeon<00:09:08.840> can<00:09:08.930> see<00:09:09.110> inside<00:09:09.470> the<00:09:09.650> patient surgeon can see inside the patient surgeon can see inside the patient through<00:09:10.610> their<00:09:10.790> lens<00:09:10.970> where<00:09:11.570> the<00:09:11.690> tumor<00:09:11.990> is through their lens where the tumor is through their lens where the tumor is where<00:09:12.290> the<00:09:12.350> blood<00:09:12.500> vessels<00:09:12.530> are<00:09:12.920> this<00:09:13.490> can<00:09:13.670> be where the blood vessels are this can be where the blood vessels are this can be integrated<00:09:14.240> with<00:09:14.510> decision<00:09:14.900> support<00:09:15.260> a integrated with decision support a integrated with decision support a surgeon<00:09:15.890> in<00:09:15.980> New<00:09:16.010> York<00:09:16.280> and<00:09:16.460> be<00:09:16.550> helping<00:09:16.820> a surgeon in New York and be helping a surgeon in New York and be helping a surgeon<00:09:17.630> in<00:09:17.720> Amsterdam<00:09:18.170> for<00:09:18.200> example<00:09:18.350> and surgeon in Amsterdam for example and surgeon in Amsterdam for example and we're<00:09:19.430> entering<00:09:19.550> era<00:09:19.940> a<00:09:20.090> really<00:09:20.330> truly we're entering era a really truly we're entering era a really truly scarless<00:09:21.380> surgery<00:09:21.710> called<00:09:22.010> notes<00:09:22.310> where<00:09:22.910> the scarless surgery called notes where the scarless surgery called notes where the endoscope<00:09:23.510> robotic<00:09:23.930> endoscope<00:09:24.260> can<00:09:24.410> come<00:09:24.530> out endoscope robotic endoscope can come out endoscope robotic endoscope can come out the<00:09:24.770> stomach<00:09:24.950> and<00:09:25.220> pull<00:09:25.730> out<00:09:25.820> that the stomach and pull out that the stomach and pull out that gallbladder<00:09:26.150> all<00:09:26.570> on<00:09:26.990> a<00:09:27.050> scarless<00:09:27.500> wedding gallbladder all on a scarless wedding gallbladder all on a scarless wedding and<00:09:28.490> robotically<00:09:29.060> and<00:09:29.270> this<00:09:29.360> is<00:09:29.450> called<00:09:29.660> notes and robotically and this is called notes and robotically and this is called notes and<00:09:30.170> this<00:09:30.230> is<00:09:30.380> coming<00:09:30.800> basically<00:09:31.130> scarless and this is coming basically scarless and this is coming basically scarless surgery<00:09:31.970> is<00:09:32.180> mediated<00:09:32.930> by<00:09:33.050> robotic<00:09:33.710> surgery surgery is mediated by robotic surgery surgery is mediated by robotic surgery now<00:09:34.790> how<00:09:35.450> about<00:09:35.630> controlling<00:09:36.080> other<00:09:36.200> elements now how about controlling other elements now how about controlling other elements for<00:09:36.710> those<00:09:36.830> who<00:09:36.980> have<00:09:37.130> disabilities for those who have disabilities for those who have disabilities the<00:09:38.330> paraplegic<00:09:39.020> there's<00:09:39.380> the<00:09:39.500> ear<00:09:39.620> of<00:09:39.650> brain the paraplegic there's the ear of brain the paraplegic there's the ear of brain computer<00:09:40.400> interface<00:09:40.760> or<00:09:40.940> BCI<00:09:41.200> where<00:09:42.200> chips computer interface or BCI where chips computer interface or BCI where chips have<00:09:42.740> been<00:09:42.770> put<00:09:43.040> on<00:09:43.130> the<00:09:43.220> motor<00:09:43.370> cortex<00:09:43.760> of have been put on the motor cortex of have been put on the motor cortex of completely<00:09:44.390> quadriplegic<00:09:45.200> patients<00:09:45.260> and completely quadriplegic patients and completely quadriplegic patients and they<00:09:46.040> can<00:09:46.070> control<00:09:46.580> a<00:09:46.820> cursor<00:09:47.210> or<00:09:47.570> a they can control a cursor or a they can control a cursor or a wheelchair<00:09:48.470> or<00:09:48.680> initially<00:09:49.160> a<00:09:49.220> robotic<00:09:49.610> arm wheelchair or initially a robotic arm wheelchair or initially a robotic arm and<00:09:50.360> these<00:09:50.510> devices<00:09:50.930> are<00:09:51.020> getting<00:09:51.080> smaller and these devices are getting smaller and these devices are getting smaller and<00:09:51.770> going<00:09:52.160> into<00:09:52.340> more<00:09:52.490> and<00:09:52.610> more<00:09:52.670> of<00:09:52.790> these and going into more and more of these and going into more and more of these patients<00:09:53.180> still<00:09:53.300> in<00:09:53.420> clinical<00:09:53.540> trials<00:09:54.080> but patients still in clinical trials but patients still in clinical trials but imagine<00:09:54.830> when<00:09:54.950> we<00:09:55.070> can<00:09:55.220> connect<00:09:55.550> these<00:09:55.700> for imagine when we can connect these for imagine when we can connect these for example<00:09:56.450> to<00:09:56.570> the<00:09:56.660> amazing<00:09:56.870> bionic<00:09:57.560> limb<00:09:57.770> such example to the amazing bionic limb such example to the amazing bionic limb such as<00:09:58.190> those<00:09:58.310> of<00:09:58.370> the<00:09:58.580> DECA<00:09:58.850> arm as those of the DECA arm as those of the DECA arm built<00:09:59.660> by<00:09:59.750> Dean<00:09:59.960> Kaman<00:10:00.320> and<00:10:00.440> colleagues<00:10:00.770> which built by Dean Kaman and colleagues which built by Dean Kaman and colleagues which has<00:10:01.070> 17<00:10:01.760> degrees<00:10:02.000> of<00:10:02.150> motion<00:10:02.480> and<00:10:02.630> freedom<00:10:02.990> and has 17 degrees of motion and freedom and has 17 degrees of motion and freedom and can<00:10:03.530> allow<00:10:03.740> the<00:10:03.800> person<00:10:04.370> who's<00:10:04.580> lost<00:10:04.700> a<00:10:04.880> limb can allow the person who's lost a limb can allow the person who's lost a limb to<00:10:05.150> have<00:10:05.240> much<00:10:05.750> higher<00:10:05.930> levels<00:10:06.290> of<00:10:06.380> dexterity to have much higher levels of dexterity to have much higher levels of dexterity or<00:10:07.070> control<00:10:07.700> than<00:10:07.850> they've<00:10:08.300> had<00:10:08.360> in<00:10:08.540> the<00:10:08.600> past or control than they've had in the past or control than they've had in the past so<00:10:09.680> we're<00:10:09.800> really<00:10:09.950> entering<00:10:10.370> the<00:10:10.460> era<00:10:10.610> of so we're really entering the era of so we're really entering the era of wearable<00:10:11.440> robotics<00:10:12.440> actually<00:10:12.740> if<00:10:12.830> you wearable robotics actually if you wearable robotics actually if you haven't<00:10:13.190> lost<00:10:13.340> a<00:10:13.490> limb<00:10:13.640> you've<00:10:13.760> had<00:10:13.850> a<00:10:13.880> stroke haven't lost a limb you've had a stroke haven't lost a limb you've had a stroke for<00:10:14.480> example<00:10:14.870> you<00:10:15.170> can<00:10:15.320> wear<00:10:15.440> these<00:10:15.530> augmented for example you can wear these augmented for example you can wear these augmented lambs<00:10:16.730> or<00:10:16.850> if<00:10:16.940> you're<00:10:17.300> a<00:10:17.360> paraplegic<00:10:17.780> like<00:10:18.200> I lambs or if you're a paraplegic like I lambs or if you're a paraplegic like I visited<00:10:18.590> the<00:10:18.680> folks<00:10:18.890> at<00:10:19.100> Brooklyn<00:10:19.670> bionics visited the folks at Brooklyn bionics visited the folks at Brooklyn bionics they've<00:10:20.420> developed<00:10:20.690> a<00:10:21.020> legs<00:10:21.260> I<00:10:21.410> took<00:10:21.590> this they've developed a legs I took this they've developed a legs I took this video<00:10:21.800> last<00:10:22.070> week<00:10:22.220> here's<00:10:22.520> a<00:10:22.580> paraplegic video last week here's a paraplegic video last week here's a paraplegic patient<00:10:23.660> actually<00:10:23.930> walking<00:10:24.380> by<00:10:25.010> strapping<00:10:25.340> on patient actually walking by strapping on patient actually walking by strapping on these<00:10:25.790> exoskeletons<00:10:26.120> these<00:10:26.660> otherwise these exoskeletons these otherwise these exoskeletons these otherwise complete<00:10:27.230> world's<00:10:27.560> you're<00:10:27.650> bound<00:10:27.860> and<00:10:28.070> now complete world's you're bound and now complete world's you're bound and now this<00:10:28.520> is<00:10:28.640> the<00:10:28.730> early<00:10:29.030> era<00:10:29.240> of<00:10:29.450> wearable this is the early era of wearable this is the early era of wearable robotics<00:10:30.170> and<00:10:30.380> I<00:10:30.890> think<00:10:31.100> by<00:10:31.340> leveraging<00:10:31.550> these robotics and I think by leveraging these robotics and I think by leveraging these sorts<00:10:32.120> of<00:10:32.150> technologies<00:10:32.720> we're<00:10:33.230> going<00:10:33.380> to sorts of technologies we're going to sorts of technologies we're going to change<00:10:33.710> the<00:10:33.860> definition<00:10:34.280> of<00:10:34.370> disability<00:10:34.490> to change the definition of disability to change the definition of disability to in<00:10:35.390> some<00:10:35.570> cases<00:10:35.600> be<00:10:35.960> super<00:10:36.620> ability<00:10:37.010> or<00:10:37.190> super in some cases be super ability or super in some cases be super ability or super enabling<00:10:37.880> this<00:10:38.000> is<00:10:38.090> Aimee<00:10:38.240> Mullins<00:10:38.450> who<00:10:38.720> lost enabling this is Aimee Mullins who lost enabling this is Aimee Mullins who lost her<00:10:39.080> lower<00:10:39.470> limbs<00:10:39.740> as<00:10:40.010> a<00:10:40.340> young<00:10:40.520> child<00:10:40.790> and her lower limbs as a young child and her lower limbs as a young child and Hugh<00:10:41.210> her<00:10:41.360> who<00:10:41.810> is<00:10:41.930> a<00:10:41.960> professor<00:10:42.530> at<00:10:42.710> MIT<00:10:42.770> who Hugh her who is a professor at MIT who Hugh her who is a professor at MIT who lost<00:10:43.910> his<00:10:44.090> limbs<00:10:44.240> in<00:10:44.360> a<00:10:44.420> climbing<00:10:44.810> accident lost his limbs in a climbing accident lost his limbs in a climbing accident and<00:10:45.690> now<00:10:45.810> both<00:10:46.110> of<00:10:46.230> these<00:10:46.290> can<00:10:46.500> climb<00:10:46.800> better and now both of these can climb better and now both of these can climb better move<00:10:47.430> faster<00:10:47.820> swim<00:10:48.089> differently<00:10:48.510> with<00:10:48.899> their move faster swim differently with their move faster swim differently with their prosthetics<00:10:49.589> than<00:10:50.430> us<00:10:50.579> normal<00:10:51.029> abled<00:10:51.300> persons prosthetics than us normal abled persons prosthetics than us normal abled persons now<00:10:52.649> how<00:10:52.949> about<00:10:53.100> other<00:10:53.190> Exponential's now how about other Exponential's now how about other Exponential's consider<00:10:54.120> the<00:10:54.209> obesity<00:10:54.540> trend<00:10:54.930> is consider the obesity trend is consider the obesity trend is exponentially<00:10:55.649> going<00:10:56.010> in<00:10:56.100> the<00:10:56.160> wrong exponentially going in the wrong exponentially going in the wrong direction<00:10:56.519> including<00:10:56.970> with<00:10:57.510> huge<00:10:57.779> costs<00:10:58.260> but direction including with huge costs but direction including with huge costs but the<00:10:59.100> trend<00:10:59.339> in<00:10:59.430> medicine<00:10:59.760> actually<00:11:00.000> is<00:11:00.060> to<00:11:00.120> get the trend in medicine actually is to get the trend in medicine actually is to get exponentially<00:11:00.839> smaller<00:11:01.470> so<00:11:02.190> a<00:11:02.430> few<00:11:02.730> examples exponentially smaller so a few examples exponentially smaller so a few examples we're<00:11:03.300> now<00:11:03.389> in<00:11:03.510> the<00:11:03.600> era<00:11:03.720> of<00:11:03.779> Fantastic<00:11:04.320> Voyage we're now in the era of Fantastic Voyage we're now in the era of Fantastic Voyage the<00:11:04.800> eye<00:11:04.829> pill<00:11:05.250> you<00:11:05.610> can<00:11:05.760> swallow<00:11:06.029> this the eye pill you can swallow this the eye pill you can swallow this completely<00:11:06.750> integrated<00:11:07.139> device<00:11:07.410> it<00:11:07.800> can<00:11:07.949> take completely integrated device it can take completely integrated device it can take pictures<00:11:08.370> of<00:11:08.399> your<00:11:08.519> GI<00:11:08.790> system<00:11:09.089> help<00:11:09.660> diagnose pictures of your GI system help diagnose pictures of your GI system help diagnose and<00:11:10.350> treat<00:11:10.589> as<00:11:10.740> it<00:11:11.100> moves<00:11:11.279> through<00:11:11.339> your<00:11:11.490> GI and treat as it moves through your GI and treat as it moves through your GI tract<00:11:11.970> we<00:11:12.420> need<00:11:12.540> to<00:11:12.600> even<00:11:12.750> smaller<00:11:13.199> micro tract we need to even smaller micro tract we need to even smaller micro robots<00:11:14.250> that<00:11:14.399> will<00:11:14.490> eventually<00:11:14.639> autonomously robots that will eventually autonomously robots that will eventually autonomously move<00:11:15.839> through<00:11:16.050> your<00:11:16.139> system<00:11:16.410> again<00:11:16.560> and<00:11:16.829> be move through your system again and be move through your system again and be able<00:11:17.459> to<00:11:17.550> do<00:11:17.699> things<00:11:17.940> that<00:11:18.120> surgeons<00:11:18.839> can't<00:11:19.079> do able to do things that surgeons can't do able to do things that surgeons can't do in<00:11:19.440> much<00:11:19.800> less<00:11:19.980> invasive<00:11:20.160> manner<00:11:20.579> sometimes in much less invasive manner sometimes in much less invasive manner sometimes it<00:11:21.600> might<00:11:21.810> have<00:11:21.899> self-assemble<00:11:22.560> in<00:11:22.769> your<00:11:22.920> GI it might have self-assemble in your GI it might have self-assemble in your GI system<00:11:23.339> and<00:11:23.670> be<00:11:23.820> augmented<00:11:24.180> that<00:11:24.510> reality<00:11:25.019> on system and be augmented that reality on system and be augmented that reality on the<00:11:25.680> cardiac<00:11:26.010> side<00:11:26.279> pacemakers<00:11:26.910> are<00:11:27.060> getting the cardiac side pacemakers are getting the cardiac side pacemakers are getting small<00:11:27.750> are<00:11:27.899> much<00:11:28.050> easier<00:11:28.290> to<00:11:28.860> place<00:11:29.100> so<00:11:29.310> you small are much easier to place so you small are much easier to place so you don't<00:11:29.519> need<00:11:29.579> to<00:11:29.670> train<00:11:29.850> an<00:11:29.970> interventional don't need to train an interventional don't need to train an interventional cardiologist<00:11:31.139> to<00:11:31.230> place<00:11:31.410> them<00:11:31.620> and<00:11:31.740> they're cardiologist to place them and they're cardiologist to place them and they're going<00:11:32.310> to<00:11:32.399> be<00:11:32.459> wirelessly<00:11:33.000> to<00:11:33.449> limit<00:11:33.690> it<00:11:33.779> again going to be wirelessly to limit it again going to be wirelessly to limit it again to<00:11:34.139> your<00:11:34.260> mobile<00:11:34.470> devices<00:11:34.709> so<00:11:35.040> you<00:11:35.070> can<00:11:35.220> go to your mobile devices so you can go to your mobile devices so you can go places<00:11:35.670> and<00:11:36.029> be<00:11:36.720> monitored<00:11:37.139> remotely<00:11:37.380> these places and be monitored remotely these places and be monitored remotely these are<00:11:38.130> shrinking<00:11:38.430> even<00:11:38.699> further<00:11:38.910> here's<00:11:39.240> one are shrinking even further here's one are shrinking even further here's one that's<00:11:39.660> in<00:11:40.050> prototyping<00:11:40.620> by<00:11:40.740> Medtronic that's in prototyping by Medtronic that's in prototyping by Medtronic that's<00:11:41.370> smaller<00:11:41.639> than<00:11:41.730> a<00:11:41.940> penny<00:11:42.320> artificial that's smaller than a penny artificial that's smaller than a penny artificial retinas<00:11:43.649> the<00:11:43.800> ability<00:11:44.070> to<00:11:44.100> put<00:11:44.279> these<00:11:44.399> arrays retinas the ability to put these arrays retinas the ability to put these arrays on<00:11:45.000> the<00:11:45.060> back<00:11:45.240> of<00:11:45.389> the<00:11:45.449> eyeball<00:11:45.839> and<00:11:45.870> allow<00:11:46.170> the on the back of the eyeball and allow the on the back of the eyeball and allow the blind<00:11:46.560> to<00:11:46.680> see<00:11:46.889> again<00:11:47.490> in<00:11:47.579> early<00:11:47.699> trials<00:11:48.269> but blind to see again in early trials but blind to see again in early trials but moving<00:11:49.019> into<00:11:49.110> the<00:11:49.230> future<00:11:49.320> these<00:11:49.889> are<00:11:49.980> going moving into the future these are going moving into the future these are going to<00:11:50.160> be<00:11:50.220> gained<00:11:50.399> changing<00:11:50.940> or<00:11:51.089> for<00:11:51.360> those<00:11:51.420> of<00:11:51.600> us to be gained changing or for those of us to be gained changing or for those of us who<00:11:51.839> are<00:11:51.899> sighted<00:11:52.110> how<00:11:52.620> about<00:11:52.800> having<00:11:52.949> the who are sighted how about having the who are sighted how about having the assisted<00:11:53.610> living<00:11:53.639> contact<00:11:54.630> lens<00:11:54.839> Bluetooth assisted living contact lens Bluetooth assisted living contact lens Bluetooth Wi-Fi<00:11:55.920> available<00:11:56.279> beams<00:11:57.120> back<00:11:57.329> images<00:11:57.810> to Wi-Fi available beams back images to Wi-Fi available beams back images to your<00:11:57.990> eye<00:11:58.050> now<00:11:58.579> if<00:11:59.579> you<00:11:59.699> have<00:11:59.790> trouble your eye now if you have trouble your eye now if you have trouble maintaining<00:12:00.510> your<00:12:00.930> diet<00:12:01.170> it<00:12:01.800> might<00:12:01.980> help<00:12:02.160> to maintaining your diet it might help to maintaining your diet it might help to have<00:12:02.490> some<00:12:02.699> extra<00:12:02.819> imagery<00:12:03.420> to<00:12:03.810> remind<00:12:03.990> you have some extra imagery to remind you have some extra imagery to remind you how<00:12:04.170> many<00:12:04.230> calories<00:12:04.500> are<00:12:05.060> going<00:12:06.060> to<00:12:06.120> be<00:12:06.180> coming how many calories are going to be coming how many calories are going to be coming at<00:12:06.540> you at you at you how<00:12:07.860> about<00:12:08.010> enabling<00:12:08.190> the<00:12:08.490> pathologist<00:12:09.149> to how about enabling the pathologist to how about enabling the pathologist to use<00:12:09.540> their<00:12:09.779> cellphone<00:12:10.139> again<00:12:10.260> to<00:12:10.440> see<00:12:10.740> at<00:12:10.980> a use their cellphone again to see at a use their cellphone again to see at a microscopic<00:12:11.339> level<00:12:11.880> and<00:12:11.970> tell<00:12:12.300> ember<00:12:12.480> that microscopic level and tell ember that microscopic level and tell ember that data<00:12:12.779> back<00:12:13.019> to<00:12:13.050> the<00:12:13.290> cloud<00:12:13.470> and<00:12:13.680> make<00:12:13.800> better data back to the cloud and make better data back to the cloud and make better diagnostics<00:12:14.699> in<00:12:14.790> fact<00:12:15.329> the<00:12:15.660> whole<00:12:15.779> era<00:12:16.110> of diagnostics in fact the whole era of diagnostics in fact the whole era of laboratory<00:12:17.069> medicine<00:12:17.310> is<00:12:17.610> completely laboratory medicine is completely laboratory medicine is completely changing<00:12:18.449> we<00:12:18.720> can<00:12:18.750> now<00:12:18.959> leveraging<00:12:19.560> micro changing we can now leveraging micro changing we can now leveraging micro fluidics<00:12:20.339> like<00:12:20.639> this<00:12:20.819> chip<00:12:21.240> made<00:12:21.420> by<00:12:21.540> Steve fluidics like this chip made by Steve fluidics like this chip made by Steve quake<00:12:22.019> at<00:12:22.139> Stanford<00:12:22.560> micro<00:12:23.100> fluidics<00:12:23.430> can quake at Stanford micro fluidics can quake at Stanford micro fluidics can replace<00:12:23.850> an<00:12:23.970> entire<00:12:24.240> lab<00:12:24.540> of<00:12:24.779> technicians<00:12:25.199> and replace an entire lab of technicians and replace an entire lab of technicians and put<00:12:25.649> it<00:12:25.709> on<00:12:25.800> a<00:12:25.829> chip<00:12:26.010> enable<00:12:26.339> thousands<00:12:26.790> of put it on a chip enable thousands of put it on a chip enable thousands of tests<00:12:27.089> to<00:12:27.149> be<00:12:27.240> done<00:12:27.269> at<00:12:27.660> the<00:12:28.019> point-of-care tests to be done at the point-of-care tests to be done at the point-of-care anywhere<00:12:28.920> in<00:12:29.010> the<00:12:29.069> world<00:12:29.279> and<00:12:29.550> this<00:12:29.910> is<00:12:30.029> really anywhere in the world and this is really anywhere in the world and this is really going<00:12:30.389> to<00:12:30.449> leverage<00:12:30.690> technology<00:12:31.079> to<00:12:31.649> the going to leverage technology to the going to leverage technology to the rural<00:12:32.010> and<00:12:32.160> the<00:12:32.250> underserved<00:12:32.639> and<00:12:33.329> unable rural and the underserved and unable rural and the underserved and unable what<00:12:33.779> used<00:12:33.899> to<00:12:33.959> be<00:12:34.019> thousand-dollar<00:12:34.769> tests<00:12:35.100> to what used to be thousand-dollar tests to what used to be thousand-dollar tests to be<00:12:35.250> done<00:12:35.279> at<00:12:35.610> pennies<00:12:36.209> and<00:12:36.449> at<00:12:36.959> the be done at pennies and at the be done at pennies and at the point-of-care<00:12:37.490> if<00:12:38.490> we<00:12:38.639> go<00:12:38.730> down<00:12:38.790> the<00:12:38.970> small point-of-care if we go down the small point-of-care if we go down the small pathway<00:12:39.720> a<00:12:39.930> little<00:12:40.139> bit<00:12:40.260> further<00:12:40.529> we're pathway a little bit further we're pathway a little bit further we're learning<00:12:41.310> the<00:12:41.760> era<00:12:41.910> of<00:12:42.089> nano<00:12:42.300> medicine<00:12:42.480> the learning the era of nano medicine the learning the era of nano medicine the ability<00:12:42.990> to<00:12:43.050> make<00:12:43.139> devices<00:12:43.319> super<00:12:43.800> small<00:12:44.069> to ability to make devices super small to ability to make devices super small to the<00:12:44.639> point<00:12:44.819> where<00:12:44.940> we<00:12:45.000> can<00:12:45.149> design<00:12:45.510> red<00:12:45.720> blood the point where we can design red blood the point where we can design red blood cells<00:12:46.170> or<00:12:46.459> micro<00:12:47.459> robots<00:12:47.790> that<00:12:48.000> will<00:12:48.120> monitor cells or micro robots that will monitor cells or micro robots that will monitor our<00:12:48.690> blood<00:12:48.870> system<00:12:49.050> or<00:12:49.529> immune<00:12:49.740> system<00:12:50.100> or our blood system or immune system or our blood system or immune system or even<00:12:50.579> those<00:12:50.699> that<00:12:50.790> might<00:12:50.940> even<00:12:51.089> clear<00:12:51.360> out<00:12:51.540> the even those that might even clear out the even those that might even clear out the class<00:12:51.899> from<00:12:52.470> our<00:12:52.680> arteries<00:12:52.980> now<00:12:53.550> how<00:12:53.670> about class from our arteries now how about class from our arteries now how about exponentially<00:12:54.360> cheaper<00:12:54.390> not<00:12:55.230> something<00:12:55.500> we exponentially cheaper not something we exponentially cheaper not something we usually<00:12:55.680> think<00:12:55.980> about<00:12:56.220> in<00:12:56.459> the<00:12:56.610> era<00:12:56.790> of usually think about in the era of usually think about in the era of medicine medicine medicine that<00:12:57.570> hard<00:12:57.780> just<00:12:57.810> used<00:12:58.170> to<00:12:58.260> be<00:12:58.380> $3,400<00:12:59.160> for<00:12:59.340> 10 that hard just used to be $3,400 for 10 that hard just used to be $3,400 for 10 megabytes<00:13:00.530> expletive<00:13:01.530> cheaper<00:13:01.740> in<00:13:01.830> genomics megabytes expletive cheaper in genomics megabytes expletive cheaper in genomics now<00:13:02.400> the<00:13:02.520> genome<00:13:03.000> cost<00:13:03.210> about<00:13:03.450> a<00:13:03.510> billion now the genome cost about a billion now the genome cost about a billion dollars<00:13:03.960> about<00:13:04.650> ten<00:13:04.980> years<00:13:05.160> ago<00:13:05.310> when<00:13:05.520> the dollars about ten years ago when the dollars about ten years ago when the first<00:13:05.760> one<00:13:05.880> came<00:13:05.910> out<00:13:06.180> we're<00:13:06.570> now<00:13:06.720> approaching first one came out we're now approaching first one came out we're now approaching essentially<00:13:08.010> a<00:13:08.040> thousand<00:13:08.730> dollar<00:13:08.850> genome essentially a thousand dollar genome essentially a thousand dollar genome probably<00:13:09.540> next<00:13:09.660> year<00:13:09.780> in<00:13:09.990> two<00:13:10.140> years<00:13:10.350> about<00:13:10.620> a probably next year in two years about a probably next year in two years about a hundred<00:13:11.070> dollar<00:13:11.220> genome<00:13:11.490> what<00:13:11.880> are<00:13:11.940> we<00:13:12.030> going hundred dollar genome what are we going hundred dollar genome what are we going to<00:13:12.210> do<00:13:12.300> with<00:13:12.480> hundred<00:13:12.810> dollar<00:13:12.930> genomes<00:13:13.260> and to do with hundred dollar genomes and to do with hundred dollar genomes and soon<00:13:13.920> we'll<00:13:14.070> have<00:13:14.100> millions<00:13:14.760> of<00:13:14.850> these<00:13:14.910> tests soon we'll have millions of these tests soon we'll have millions of these tests available<00:13:15.390> and<00:13:15.900> that's<00:13:16.110> when<00:13:16.260> it<00:13:16.350> gets available and that's when it gets available and that's when it gets interesting<00:13:16.530> when<00:13:16.920> we<00:13:16.980> start<00:13:17.130> to<00:13:17.190> crowdsource interesting when we start to crowdsource interesting when we start to crowdsource that<00:13:17.790> information<00:13:18.300> and<00:13:18.480> we<00:13:18.810> enter<00:13:19.020> the<00:13:19.140> era<00:13:19.290> of that information and we enter the era of that information and we enter the era of true<00:13:19.860> personalized<00:13:20.430> medicine<00:13:20.820> the<00:13:20.880> right true personalized medicine the right true personalized medicine the right drug<00:13:21.300> for<00:13:21.510> the<00:13:21.840> right<00:13:21.870> person<00:13:22.320> at<00:13:22.410> the<00:13:22.440> right drug for the right person at the right drug for the right person at the right time<00:13:22.620> instead<00:13:23.010> of<00:13:23.130> what<00:13:23.220> we're<00:13:23.310> doing<00:13:23.400> today time instead of what we're doing today time instead of what we're doing today which<00:13:24.330> is<00:13:24.360> essentially<00:13:24.720> the<00:13:24.810> same<00:13:24.990> drug<00:13:25.230> for which is essentially the same drug for which is essentially the same drug for everybody<00:13:25.860> so<00:13:26.040> two<00:13:26.100> blockbuster<00:13:26.610> drug everybody so two blockbuster drug everybody so two blockbuster drug medications<00:13:27.330> many<00:13:27.720> cases<00:13:28.080> which<00:13:28.470> don't<00:13:28.680> work medications many cases which don't work medications many cases which don't work for<00:13:29.070> you<00:13:29.190> the<00:13:29.340> individual<00:13:29.790> and<00:13:30.000> many<00:13:30.540> many for you the individual and many many for you the individual and many many different<00:13:31.020> companies<00:13:31.350> are<00:13:31.470> working<00:13:31.620> on<00:13:31.860> on different companies are working on on different companies are working on on leveraging<00:13:32.610> these<00:13:32.760> approaches<00:13:33.240> and<00:13:33.540> I'll leveraging these approaches and I'll leveraging these approaches and I'll just<00:13:33.930> show<00:13:34.050> you<00:13:34.110> a<00:13:34.200> simple<00:13:34.440> example<00:13:34.530> from<00:13:34.950> 20 just show you a simple example from 20 just show you a simple example from 20 through<00:13:35.370> me<00:13:35.490> again through me again through me again my<00:13:36.120> data<00:13:36.360> indicates<00:13:36.720> that<00:13:37.230> I've<00:13:37.410> got<00:13:37.590> by my data indicates that I've got by my data indicates that I've got by average<00:13:38.190> risk<00:13:38.460> for<00:13:38.730> developing<00:13:39.090> macular average risk for developing macular average risk for developing macular degeneration<00:13:39.660> two<00:13:40.170> kind<00:13:40.320> of<00:13:40.350> blindness<00:13:40.650> but degeneration two kind of blindness but degeneration two kind of blindness but if<00:13:41.220> I<00:13:41.310> take<00:13:41.460> that<00:13:41.610> same<00:13:41.790> data<00:13:42.000> upload<00:13:42.720> it<00:13:42.870> to if I take that same data upload it to if I take that same data upload it to decode<00:13:43.290> me<00:13:43.500> I<00:13:43.680> can<00:13:44.190> look<00:13:44.310> at<00:13:44.430> my<00:13:44.520> risk<00:13:44.730> for decode me I can look at my risk for decode me I can look at my risk for example<00:13:44.940> type<00:13:45.330> 2<00:13:45.480> diabetes<00:13:45.870> I'm<00:13:46.140> at<00:13:46.380> almost example type 2 diabetes I'm at almost example type 2 diabetes I'm at almost twice<00:13:46.740> the<00:13:46.800> risk<00:13:47.100> for<00:13:47.250> type<00:13:47.340> 2<00:13:47.400> diabetes<00:13:47.520> I twice the risk for type 2 diabetes I twice the risk for type 2 diabetes I might<00:13:48.450> want<00:13:48.630> to<00:13:48.660> watch<00:13:48.780> how<00:13:48.930> much<00:13:49.020> dessert<00:13:49.380> I might want to watch how much dessert I might want to watch how much dessert I have<00:13:49.620> the<00:13:50.070> lunch<00:13:50.250> break<00:13:50.400> for<00:13:50.490> example<00:13:51.000> it have the lunch break for example it have the lunch break for example it might<00:13:51.390> change<00:13:51.570> my<00:13:51.780> behavior<00:13:52.220> leveraging<00:13:53.220> my might change my behavior leveraging my might change my behavior leveraging my knowledge<00:13:53.850> of<00:13:53.970> my<00:13:54.060> pharmacogenetics<00:13:54.900> how<00:13:54.990> my knowledge of my pharmacogenetics how my knowledge of my pharmacogenetics how my genes<00:13:55.380> modulate<00:13:55.890> what<00:13:56.580> my<00:13:56.790> drugs<00:13:57.120> do<00:13:57.360> and<00:13:57.480> what genes modulate what my drugs do and what genes modulate what my drugs do and what doses<00:13:57.960> I<00:13:58.050> need<00:13:58.230> are<00:13:58.320> going<00:13:58.440> to<00:13:58.500> become doses I need are going to become doses I need are going to become increasingly<00:13:58.890> important<00:13:59.490> and<00:13:59.670> what's<00:13:59.970> in<00:14:00.060> the increasingly important and what's in the increasingly important and what's in the hands<00:14:00.360> of<00:14:00.450> the<00:14:00.510> individual<00:14:00.870> and<00:14:01.170> the<00:14:01.230> patient hands of the individual and the patient hands of the individual and the patient will<00:14:02.160> make<00:14:02.310> better<00:14:02.520> drug<00:14:02.790> dosing<00:14:03.180> and will make better drug dosing and will make better drug dosing and selection<00:14:03.630> available<00:14:03.780> so<00:14:04.680> again<00:14:05.130> it's<00:14:05.250> not selection available so again it's not selection available so again it's not just<00:14:05.400> genes<00:14:05.850> it's<00:14:06.180> multiple<00:14:06.990> details<00:14:07.500> our just genes it's multiple details our just genes it's multiple details our habits<00:14:08.460> our<00:14:08.640> environmental<00:14:09.570> exposures<00:14:10.050> when habits our environmental exposures when habits our environmental exposures when was<00:14:10.350> the<00:14:10.410> last<00:14:10.500> time<00:14:10.650> your<00:14:10.920> physician<00:14:11.340> asked was the last time your physician asked was the last time your physician asked you<00:14:11.700> where<00:14:12.090> you've<00:14:12.240> lived you where you've lived you where you've lived geo<00:14:12.900> medicine<00:14:13.260> where<00:14:13.440> you<00:14:13.530> live<00:14:13.770> what<00:14:14.160> you've geo medicine where you live what you've geo medicine where you live what you've been<00:14:14.430> exposed<00:14:14.700> to<00:14:14.880> can<00:14:15.330> dramatically<00:14:15.750> affect been exposed to can dramatically affect been exposed to can dramatically affect your<00:14:16.140> health<00:14:16.290> we<00:14:16.440> can<00:14:16.560> capture<00:14:16.740> that your health we can capture that your health we can capture that information<00:14:17.160> so<00:14:18.120> genomics<00:14:18.570> proteomics<00:14:19.080> the information so genomics proteomics the information so genomics proteomics the environment<00:14:19.680> all<00:14:19.920> this<00:14:20.310> data<00:14:20.550> streaming<00:14:20.940> at environment all this data streaming at environment all this data streaming at us<00:14:21.380> individually<00:14:22.380> and<00:14:22.470> as<00:14:22.740> us<00:14:22.890> as<00:14:23.040> poor us individually and as us as poor us individually and as us as poor physicians<00:14:23.610> how<00:14:23.730> do<00:14:23.790> we<00:14:23.910> manage<00:14:24.180> it<00:14:24.330> well physicians how do we manage it well physicians how do we manage it well we're<00:14:24.960> now<00:14:25.050> entering<00:14:25.200> the<00:14:25.350> era<00:14:25.560> of<00:14:25.620> systems we're now entering the era of systems we're now entering the era of systems medicine<00:14:26.250> or<00:14:26.580> systems<00:14:26.850> biology<00:14:26.970> where<00:14:27.600> we<00:14:27.660> can medicine or systems biology where we can medicine or systems biology where we can start<00:14:27.930> to<00:14:28.020> integrate<00:14:28.440> all<00:14:28.530> this<00:14:28.590> information start to integrate all this information start to integrate all this information and<00:14:29.310> by<00:14:29.970> looking<00:14:30.600> at<00:14:30.720> the<00:14:30.810> patterns<00:14:31.230> for and by looking at the patterns for and by looking at the patterns for example<00:14:31.440> in<00:14:31.830> our<00:14:31.890> blood<00:14:32.130> of<00:14:32.310> 10,000 example in our blood of 10,000 example in our blood of 10,000 biomarkers<00:14:33.480> at<00:14:33.630> a<00:14:33.690> single<00:14:33.990> test<00:14:34.170> we<00:14:34.470> can<00:14:34.890> start biomarkers at a single test we can start biomarkers at a single test we can start to<00:14:35.130> look<00:14:35.250> with<00:14:35.400> these<00:14:35.460> little<00:14:35.670> patterns<00:14:36.030> and to look with these little patterns and to look with these little patterns and detect<00:14:36.780> disease<00:14:37.080> in<00:14:37.260> a<00:14:37.320> much<00:14:37.470> earlier<00:14:37.680> stage detect disease in a much earlier stage detect disease in a much earlier stage and<00:14:38.820> this<00:14:38.970> is<00:14:39.030> being<00:14:39.300> called<00:14:39.450> by<00:14:39.810> Li<00:14:39.990> hood<00:14:40.170> the and this is being called by Li hood the and this is being called by Li hood the father<00:14:40.470> of<00:14:40.590> the<00:14:40.710> fear<00:14:40.890> of<00:14:40.920> p4<00:14:41.580> medicine<00:14:41.760> we're father of the fear of p4 medicine we're father of the fear of p4 medicine we're going<00:14:42.360> to<00:14:42.420> be<00:14:42.480> predictive<00:14:42.930> we're<00:14:43.290> going<00:14:43.410> to going to be predictive we're going to going to be predictive we're going to know<00:14:43.530> what<00:14:43.680> you're<00:14:43.770> likely<00:14:44.100> to<00:14:44.220> have<00:14:44.430> we<00:14:44.640> can know what you're likely to have we can know what you're likely to have we can be<00:14:44.850> preventive<00:14:45.690> that<00:14:46.080> prevention<00:14:46.350> can<00:14:46.530> be be preventive that prevention can be be preventive that prevention can be personalized<00:14:47.130> and<00:14:47.400> more<00:14:47.730> importantly<00:14:48.060> it's personalized and more importantly it's personalized and more importantly it's going<00:14:48.330> to<00:14:48.390> become<00:14:48.540> increasingly going to become increasingly going to become increasingly participatory<00:14:49.590> through<00:14:50.190> websites<00:14:50.610> like participatory through websites like participatory through websites like patients<00:14:51.240> like<00:14:51.360> me<00:14:51.600> or<00:14:51.840> managing<00:14:52.620> your<00:14:52.650> data patients like me or managing your data patients like me or managing your data on<00:14:53.250> a<00:14:53.280> Microsoft<00:14:53.880> Health<00:14:54.120> fault<00:14:54.360> or<00:14:54.540> a<00:14:54.570> Google on a Microsoft Health fault or a Google on a Microsoft Health fault or a Google health<00:14:55.080> leveraging<00:14:55.770> this<00:14:55.860> together<00:14:56.130> in health leveraging this together in health leveraging this together in participatory<00:14:56.790> ways<00:14:57.030> is<00:14:57.210> going<00:14:57.330> to<00:14:57.390> become participatory ways is going to become participatory ways is going to become increasingly<00:14:57.930> important<00:14:58.320> so<00:14:58.890> I'll<00:14:58.980> finish<00:14:59.100> up increasingly important so I'll finish up increasingly important so I'll finish up with<00:14:59.370> exponentially<00:14:59.940> better<00:15:00.180> we'd<00:15:00.930> like<00:15:01.050> to with exponentially better we'd like to with exponentially better we'd like to get<00:15:01.260> therapies<00:15:01.680> better<00:15:01.890> and<00:15:02.070> more<00:15:02.130> effective get therapies better and more effective get therapies better and more effective now<00:15:02.670> today<00:15:03.210> we<00:15:03.360> treat<00:15:03.570> high<00:15:03.780> blood<00:15:03.810> pressure now today we treat high blood pressure now today we treat high blood pressure mostly<00:15:04.470> with<00:15:04.620> pills<00:15:04.890> what<00:15:05.370> if<00:15:05.460> we<00:15:05.550> take<00:15:05.640> a<00:15:05.700> new mostly with pills what if we take a new mostly with pills what if we take a new device<00:15:06.180> and<00:15:06.480> knock<00:15:06.900> out<00:15:07.080> the<00:15:07.440> nerve<00:15:07.860> vessels device and knock out the nerve vessels device and knock out the nerve vessels that that that me<00:15:09.170> delayed<00:15:09.410> blood<00:15:09.620> pressure<00:15:09.860> and<00:15:10.130> a<00:15:10.340> single me delayed blood pressure and a single me delayed blood pressure and a single therapy<00:15:10.900> basically<00:15:11.900> cure<00:15:12.230> hypertension<00:15:12.830> this therapy basically cure hypertension this therapy basically cure hypertension this is<00:15:13.100> a<00:15:13.130> new<00:15:13.280> device<00:15:13.520> that<00:15:13.550> essentially<00:15:14.090> is is a new device that essentially is is a new device that essentially is doing<00:15:14.450> that<00:15:14.540> that<00:15:14.930> should<00:15:15.080> be<00:15:15.140> on<00:15:15.230> the<00:15:15.290> market doing that that should be on the market doing that that should be on the market within<00:15:15.770> a<00:15:15.860> year<00:15:16.010> or<00:15:16.100> two<00:15:16.130> how<00:15:16.940> about<00:15:17.090> more within a year or two how about more within a year or two how about more targeted<00:15:17.660> therapies<00:15:17.960> for<00:15:18.110> cancer<00:15:18.170> right<00:15:19.070> I'm targeted therapies for cancer right I'm targeted therapies for cancer right I'm an<00:15:19.520> oncologist<00:15:19.940> and<00:15:20.030> I<00:15:20.120> know<00:15:20.180> today<00:15:20.390> most<00:15:20.570> of an oncologist and I know today most of an oncologist and I know today most of what<00:15:20.720> we<00:15:20.810> give<00:15:20.990> is<00:15:21.020> essentially<00:15:21.500> poison<00:15:21.920> we've what we give is essentially poison we've what we give is essentially poison we've learned<00:15:22.970> at<00:15:23.180> Stanford<00:15:23.690> and<00:15:23.780> other<00:15:23.900> places learned at Stanford and other places learned at Stanford and other places that<00:15:24.410> we<00:15:24.740> can<00:15:24.890> discover<00:15:25.160> it<00:15:25.250> cancer<00:15:25.640> stem that we can discover it cancer stem that we can discover it cancer stem cells<00:15:26.090> so<00:15:26.180> once<00:15:26.330> it<00:15:26.420> seemed<00:15:26.570> to<00:15:26.630> be<00:15:26.690> really cells so once it seemed to be really cells so once it seemed to be really responsible<00:15:27.890> for<00:15:28.520> disease<00:15:29.360> relapse<00:15:29.690> so<00:15:29.960> if responsible for disease relapse so if responsible for disease relapse so if you<00:15:30.470> think<00:15:30.620> of<00:15:30.740> cancer<00:15:31.010> as<00:15:31.190> a<00:15:31.220> weed<00:15:31.490> we<00:15:31.910> often you think of cancer as a weed we often you think of cancer as a weed we often can<00:15:32.480> whack<00:15:32.840> the<00:15:33.080> weed<00:15:33.290> away<00:15:33.560> it<00:15:33.890> seems<00:15:34.250> to can whack the weed away it seems to can whack the weed away it seems to shrink<00:15:34.520> it<00:15:34.730> often<00:15:34.970> comes<00:15:35.150> back<00:15:35.420> so<00:15:36.020> we're shrink it often comes back so we're shrink it often comes back so we're tacking<00:15:36.470> the<00:15:36.560> wrong<00:15:36.680> target<00:15:37.160> the<00:15:37.430> cancer<00:15:37.670> stem tacking the wrong target the cancer stem tacking the wrong target the cancer stem cells<00:15:38.240> remain<00:15:38.570> and<00:15:38.840> the<00:15:39.170> tumor<00:15:39.440> can<00:15:39.710> return cells remain and the tumor can return cells remain and the tumor can return months<00:15:40.610> or<00:15:40.730> years<00:15:40.910> later<00:15:41.150> we're<00:15:41.570> now<00:15:41.690> learning months or years later we're now learning months or years later we're now learning to<00:15:41.990> identify<00:15:42.080> the<00:15:42.590> cancer<00:15:43.040> stem<00:15:43.220> cells<00:15:43.520> and to identify the cancer stem cells and to identify the cancer stem cells and identify<00:15:44.420> those<00:15:44.540> as<00:15:44.750> targets<00:15:45.140> and<00:15:45.290> go<00:15:45.650> for<00:15:45.800> the identify those as targets and go for the identify those as targets and go for the long<00:15:46.010> term<00:15:46.190> cure<00:15:46.460> and<00:15:46.760> we're<00:15:47.390> ending<00:15:47.510> the<00:15:47.660> era long term cure and we're ending the era long term cure and we're ending the era of<00:15:47.930> personalized<00:15:48.440> oncology<00:15:48.590> the<00:15:49.220> ability<00:15:49.490> to of personalized oncology the ability to of personalized oncology the ability to leverage<00:15:49.850> all<00:15:50.060> this<00:15:50.180> data<00:15:50.390> together<00:15:50.630> analyze leverage all this data together analyze leverage all this data together analyze the<00:15:51.680> tumor<00:15:52.010> and<00:15:52.160> come<00:15:52.820> up<00:15:52.910> with<00:15:53.060> a<00:15:53.090> real the tumor and come up with a real the tumor and come up with a real specific<00:15:53.900> cocktail<00:15:54.470> for<00:15:54.680> the<00:15:54.740> individual specific cocktail for the individual specific cocktail for the individual patient<00:15:55.360> now<00:15:56.360> I'll<00:15:56.480> close<00:15:56.630> with<00:15:56.690> regenerative patient now I'll close with regenerative patient now I'll close with regenerative medicine<00:15:57.440> so<00:15:57.710> I've<00:15:57.830> studied<00:15:57.980> a<00:15:58.070> lot<00:15:58.130> about medicine so I've studied a lot about medicine so I've studied a lot about stem<00:15:58.550> cells<00:15:58.820> embryonic<00:15:59.090> stem<00:16:00.020> cells<00:16:00.230> are stem cells embryonic stem cells are stem cells embryonic stem cells are particularly<00:16:00.680> powerful<00:16:00.830> we<00:16:01.220> also<00:16:01.340> have<00:16:01.490> adult particularly powerful we also have adult particularly powerful we also have adult stem<00:16:01.970> cells<00:16:02.270> throughout<00:16:02.480> our<00:16:02.630> body<00:16:02.810> we<00:16:03.050> use stem cells throughout our body we use stem cells throughout our body we use those<00:16:03.410> in<00:16:03.740> my<00:16:03.950> field<00:16:04.160> of<00:16:04.220> bone<00:16:04.400> marrow those in my field of bone marrow those in my field of bone marrow transplantation transplantation transplantation Geron<00:16:06.200> just<00:16:06.470> last<00:16:06.650> year<00:16:06.830> start<00:16:07.130> of<00:16:07.220> the<00:16:07.280> first Geron just last year start of the first Geron just last year start of the first trial<00:16:07.760> using<00:16:08.450> human<00:16:09.140> embryonic<00:16:09.410> stem<00:16:09.710> cells trial using human embryonic stem cells trial using human embryonic stem cells to<00:16:10.430> treat<00:16:10.460> spinal<00:16:11.150> cord<00:16:11.450> injuries<00:16:11.690> still<00:16:11.870> a to treat spinal cord injuries still a to treat spinal cord injuries still a phase<00:16:12.110> one<00:16:12.320> trial<00:16:12.560> but<00:16:13.040> evolving<00:16:13.460> we've<00:16:14.120> been phase one trial but evolving we've been phase one trial but evolving we've been actually<00:16:14.360> using<00:16:14.660> adult<00:16:14.840> stem<00:16:15.110> cells<00:16:15.380> now<00:16:15.560> in actually using adult stem cells now in actually using adult stem cells now in clinical<00:16:16.280> trials<00:16:16.520> for<00:16:16.580> about<00:16:16.760> 15<00:16:17.150> years<00:16:17.360> to clinical trials for about 15 years to clinical trials for about 15 years to approach<00:16:18.020> a<00:16:18.140> whole<00:16:18.380> range<00:16:18.650> of<00:16:18.800> topics approach a whole range of topics approach a whole range of topics particularly<00:16:19.610> in<00:16:19.820> treating<00:16:20.090> cardiovascular particularly in treating cardiovascular particularly in treating cardiovascular disease<00:16:20.930> if<00:16:21.080> we<00:16:21.170> take<00:16:21.320> our<00:16:21.620> own<00:16:21.800> bone<00:16:22.010> marrow disease if we take our own bone marrow disease if we take our own bone marrow cells<00:16:22.400> and<00:16:22.730> treat<00:16:23.360> a<00:16:23.420> patient<00:16:23.510> with<00:16:23.660> a<00:16:23.750> heart cells and treat a patient with a heart cells and treat a patient with a heart attack attack attack we<00:16:24.770> can<00:16:24.920> see<00:16:25.070> much<00:16:25.400> improved<00:16:25.730> heart<00:16:25.910> function we can see much improved heart function we can see much improved heart function and<00:16:26.450> actually<00:16:26.570> better<00:16:27.140> survival<00:16:27.860> using<00:16:28.280> our and actually better survival using our and actually better survival using our own<00:16:28.460> bone<00:16:28.670> marrow<00:16:28.700> drive<00:16:28.970> cells<00:16:29.300> after<00:16:29.960> a own bone marrow drive cells after a own bone marrow drive cells after a heart<00:16:30.140> attack<00:16:30.230> I<00:16:30.650> invented<00:16:31.490> a<00:16:31.580> bicycle<00:16:31.910> the heart attack I invented a bicycle the heart attack I invented a bicycle the marrow<00:16:32.240> miner<00:16:32.450> a<00:16:32.570> much<00:16:32.750> less<00:16:32.990> invasive<00:16:33.170> way marrow miner a much less invasive way marrow miner a much less invasive way for<00:16:34.190> harvesting<00:16:34.520> bone<00:16:34.700> marrow<00:16:34.910> it's<00:16:35.060> now<00:16:35.150> been for harvesting bone marrow it's now been for harvesting bone marrow it's now been FDA<00:16:35.630> approved<00:16:35.990> and<00:16:36.110> will<00:16:36.230> hopefully<00:16:36.350> be<00:16:36.590> on FDA approved and will hopefully be on FDA approved and will hopefully be on the<00:16:36.740> market<00:16:36.890> in<00:16:37.070> the<00:16:37.190> next<00:16:37.220> year<00:16:37.520> so<00:16:37.550> hopefully the market in the next year so hopefully the market in the next year so hopefully you<00:16:38.600> can<00:16:38.630> appreciate<00:16:38.900> the<00:16:39.140> device<00:16:39.350> that<00:16:39.500> are you can appreciate the device that are you can appreciate the device that are curving<00:16:39.800> through<00:16:39.950> the<00:16:40.190> patient's<00:16:40.550> body<00:16:40.700> and curving through the patient's body and curving through the patient's body and removing<00:16:41.570> the<00:16:41.660> bone<00:16:41.810> marrow<00:16:41.900> instead<00:16:42.200> of<00:16:42.260> with removing the bone marrow instead of with removing the bone marrow instead of with 200<00:16:42.800> punctures<00:16:43.130> which<00:16:43.490> is<00:16:43.640> a<00:16:43.670> single<00:16:44.030> puncture 200 punctures which is a single puncture 200 punctures which is a single puncture under<00:16:44.840> local<00:16:45.020> anesthesia<00:16:45.470> but<00:16:46.340> where<00:16:46.490> stem under local anesthesia but where stem under local anesthesia but where stem cell<00:16:46.940> therapy<00:16:47.180> really<00:16:47.390> going<00:16:47.720> if<00:16:48.110> you<00:16:48.230> think cell therapy really going if you think cell therapy really going if you think about<00:16:48.560> it<00:16:48.800> every<00:16:49.040> cell<00:16:49.250> in<00:16:49.340> your<00:16:49.400> body<00:16:49.460> has<00:16:49.700> the about it every cell in your body has the about it every cell in your body has the same<00:16:50.090> DNA<00:16:50.330> as<00:16:50.660> you<00:16:51.020> had<00:16:51.230> when<00:16:51.770> you<00:16:51.800> were<00:16:52.010> an same DNA as you had when you were an same DNA as you had when you were an embryo<00:16:52.670> we<00:16:53.180> can<00:16:53.300> have<00:16:53.390> reprogram<00:16:53.990> your<00:16:54.140> skin embryo we can have reprogram your skin embryo we can have reprogram your skin cells<00:16:54.650> to<00:16:55.310> actually<00:16:55.460> act<00:16:55.910> like<00:16:56.180> a<00:16:56.210> pluripotent cells to actually act like a pluripotent cells to actually act like a pluripotent embryonic<00:16:57.020> stem<00:16:57.530> cell<00:16:57.770> and<00:16:58.010> utilize<00:16:58.580> those embryonic stem cell and utilize those embryonic stem cell and utilize those potentially<00:16:59.210> to<00:16:59.300> treat<00:16:59.480> multiple<00:16:59.870> organs<00:17:00.170> in potentially to treat multiple organs in potentially to treat multiple organs in that<00:17:00.710> same<00:17:00.920> patient<00:17:01.310> making<00:17:01.490> your<00:17:01.670> own that same patient making your own that same patient making your own personalized<00:17:02.270> stem<00:17:02.420> cell<00:17:02.630> lines<00:17:02.840> and<00:17:03.110> I<00:17:03.440> think personalized stem cell lines and I think personalized stem cell lines and I think there'll<00:17:03.710> be<00:17:03.740> a<00:17:03.830> new<00:17:03.980> era<00:17:04.220> of<00:17:04.430> your<00:17:04.880> own<00:17:05.000> stem there'll be a new era of your own stem there'll be a new era of your own stem cell<00:17:05.480> banking<00:17:05.900> to<00:17:06.320> you<00:17:06.800> know<00:17:06.890> have<00:17:07.040> in<00:17:07.160> the cell banking to you know have in the cell banking to you know have in the freezer<00:17:07.370> your<00:17:07.670> own<00:17:07.760> cardiac<00:17:08.150> cells<00:17:08.390> myocytes freezer your own cardiac cells myocytes freezer your own cardiac cells myocytes neural<00:17:09.290> cells<00:17:09.500> to<00:17:09.950> use<00:17:10.070> them<00:17:10.220> in<00:17:10.310> the<00:17:10.370> future neural cells to use them in the future neural cells to use them in the future should<00:17:11.089> you<00:17:11.240> need<00:17:11.360> them should you need them should you need them and<00:17:11.750> we're<00:17:12.470> integrating<00:17:12.650> this<00:17:13.040> now<00:17:13.220> with<00:17:13.400> a and we're integrating this now with a and we're integrating this now with a whole<00:17:13.550> year<00:17:13.760> of<00:17:13.880> cellular<00:17:14.300> engineering<00:17:14.839> and whole year of cellular engineering and whole year of cellular engineering and integrating<00:17:15.800> exponential<00:17:16.310> technologies<00:17:16.760> for integrating exponential technologies for integrating exponential technologies for essentially<00:17:17.449> 3d<00:17:17.780> organ<00:17:18.110> printing<00:17:18.230> replacing essentially 3d organ printing replacing essentially 3d organ printing replacing the<00:17:19.310> ink<00:17:19.490> with<00:17:20.000> cells<00:17:20.300> and<00:17:20.630> essentially the ink with cells and essentially the ink with cells and essentially building<00:17:21.589> and building and building and reconstructing<00:17:22.800> a<00:17:22.890> 3d<00:17:23.100> organ<00:17:23.400> that's<00:17:23.520> where reconstructing a 3d organ that's where reconstructing a 3d organ that's where things<00:17:23.880> are<00:17:23.940> going<00:17:24.030> to<00:17:24.120> head<00:17:24.329> still<00:17:24.959> very things are going to head still very things are going to head still very early<00:17:25.440> days<00:17:25.589> but<00:17:25.980> I<00:17:26.160> think<00:17:26.430> as<00:17:26.520> integration<00:17:26.970> of early days but I think as integration of early days but I think as integration of exponential<00:17:27.660> technologies<00:17:28.140> this<00:17:28.530> is<00:17:28.680> the exponential technologies this is the exponential technologies this is the example<00:17:29.450> so<00:17:30.450> enclosed<00:17:31.110> as<00:17:31.320> you<00:17:31.410> think<00:17:31.620> about example so enclosed as you think about example so enclosed as you think about technology<00:17:32.310> turns<00:17:32.490> on<00:17:32.610> how<00:17:32.700> to<00:17:32.760> impact<00:17:33.060> health technology turns on how to impact health technology turns on how to impact health and<00:17:33.420> medicine<00:17:33.630> we're<00:17:34.320> entering<00:17:35.010> an<00:17:35.160> era<00:17:35.340> of and medicine we're entering an era of and medicine we're entering an era of miniaturization<00:17:36.110> decentralization<00:17:37.110> and miniaturization decentralization and miniaturization decentralization and personalization<00:17:38.190> and<00:17:38.970> I<00:17:39.030> think<00:17:39.210> by<00:17:39.300> pulling personalization and I think by pulling personalization and I think by pulling these<00:17:39.810> things<00:17:40.050> together<00:17:40.200> we<00:17:40.440> can<00:17:40.710> start<00:17:40.920> to these things together we can start to these things together we can start to think<00:17:41.040> about<00:17:41.400> how<00:17:41.700> to<00:17:41.760> understand<00:17:42.270> and think about how to understand and think about how to understand and leverage<00:17:42.510> these<00:17:42.840> we're<00:17:43.260> going<00:17:43.380> to<00:17:43.440> empower leverage these we're going to empower leverage these we're going to empower the<00:17:43.770> patient<00:17:44.010> enable<00:17:44.880> the<00:17:45.000> doctor<00:17:45.360> enhance the patient enable the doctor enhance the patient enable the doctor enhance wellness<00:17:46.320> and<00:17:46.650> begin<00:17:47.280> to<00:17:47.370> cure<00:17:47.640> the<00:17:47.760> well wellness and begin to cure the well wellness and begin to cure the well before<00:17:48.570> they<00:17:48.660> get<00:17:48.780> sick<00:17:49.080> because<00:17:49.620> I<00:17:49.830> know<00:17:49.890> as<00:17:50.130> a before they get sick because I know as a before they get sick because I know as a doctor<00:17:50.370> if<00:17:50.730> someone<00:17:51.000> comes<00:17:51.150> to<00:17:51.210> me<00:17:51.300> with<00:17:51.570> stage doctor if someone comes to me with stage doctor if someone comes to me with stage one<00:17:52.710> disease<00:17:53.010> I'm<00:17:53.250> thrilled<00:17:53.580> we<00:17:53.790> can<00:17:53.910> often one disease I'm thrilled we can often one disease I'm thrilled we can often cure<00:17:54.330> them<00:17:54.510> but<00:17:54.690> often<00:17:55.200> is<00:17:55.350> too<00:17:55.770> late<00:17:55.950> and<00:17:56.100> it's cure them but often is too late and it's cure them but often is too late and it's stage<00:17:56.520> three<00:17:56.760> or<00:17:56.850> four<00:17:57.060> cancer<00:17:57.540> for<00:17:57.690> example stage three or four cancer for example stage three or four cancer for example so<00:17:58.440> by<00:17:58.530> leveraging<00:17:58.740> these<00:17:59.070> technologies so by leveraging these technologies so by leveraging these technologies together<00:17:59.730> I<00:18:00.120> think<00:18:00.510> we'll<00:18:00.630> enter<00:18:00.810> a<00:18:00.840> new<00:18:00.990> era together I think we'll enter a new era together I think we'll enter a new era that<00:18:01.710> I<00:18:01.770> like<00:18:01.980> to<00:18:02.070> call<00:18:02.190> stage<00:18:02.520> zero<00:18:02.820> medicine that I like to call stage zero medicine that I like to call stage zero medicine and<00:18:03.420> as<00:18:03.900> a<00:18:03.930> cancer<00:18:04.260> doctor<00:18:04.560> I'm<00:18:04.740> looking and as a cancer doctor I'm looking and as a cancer doctor I'm looking forward<00:18:05.640> to<00:18:05.670> being<00:18:05.880> out<00:18:06.030> of<00:18:06.180> a<00:18:06.300> job<00:18:06.330> thanks forward to being out of a job thanks forward to being out of a job thanks very<00:18:07.380> much

Daniel Kraft, TED, TEDx, TEDxMaastricht, medicine, future, of, medicine, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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