Vẻ đẹp tiềm ẩn của sự thụ phấn-Louie Schwartzberg

The hidden beauty of pollination - Louie Schwartzberg

The hidden beauty of pollination - Louie Schwartzberg


it's<00:00:16.450> great<00:00:16.720> being<00:00:16.960> here<00:00:17.170> at<00:00:17.290> Ted<00:00:17.670> you<00:00:18.670> know<00:00:18.789> I
it's great being here at Ted you know I it's great being here at Ted you know I think<00:00:19.390> there<00:00:19.689> might<00:00:19.810> be<00:00:19.869> some<00:00:20.170> presentations think there might be some presentations think there might be some presentations it'll<00:00:21.220> go<00:00:21.310> over<00:00:21.580> my<00:00:21.700> head<00:00:21.869> but<00:00:22.869> the<00:00:22.990> most it'll go over my head but the most it'll go over my head but the most amazing<00:00:23.580> concepts<00:00:24.580> are<00:00:24.700> the<00:00:24.759> ones<00:00:24.939> that<00:00:25.119> go amazing concepts are the ones that go amazing concepts are the ones that go right<00:00:25.419> under<00:00:25.660> my<00:00:25.779> feet<00:00:26.790> the<00:00:27.790> little<00:00:28.090> things<00:00:28.329> in right under my feet the little things in right under my feet the little things in life<00:00:29.430> sometimes<00:00:30.430> that<00:00:30.790> we<00:00:30.880> forget<00:00:31.210> about<00:00:31.239> like life sometimes that we forget about like life sometimes that we forget about like pollination<00:00:32.259> that<00:00:33.070> we<00:00:33.160> take<00:00:33.340> for<00:00:33.489> granted<00:00:33.550> and pollination that we take for granted and pollination that we take for granted and you<00:00:35.200> can<00:00:35.410> tell<00:00:35.710> the<00:00:35.860> story<00:00:36.070> about<00:00:36.250> pollinators you can tell the story about pollinators you can tell the story about pollinators bees<00:00:37.600> bats<00:00:38.250> hummingbirds<00:00:39.250> butterflies bees bats hummingbirds butterflies bees bats hummingbirds butterflies without<00:00:40.809> telling<00:00:41.290> the<00:00:41.380> story<00:00:41.710> about<00:00:41.800> the without telling the story about the without telling the story about the invention<00:00:42.250> of<00:00:42.760> flowers<00:00:43.210> and<00:00:43.480> how<00:00:43.960> they<00:00:44.109> Co invention of flowers and how they Co invention of flowers and how they Co evolved<00:00:44.920> over<00:00:45.519> 50<00:00:45.879> million<00:00:46.120> years<00:00:46.949> I've<00:00:47.949> been evolved over 50 million years I've been evolved over 50 million years I've been filming<00:00:48.429> time-lapse<00:00:49.089> flowers<00:00:49.660> 24<00:00:50.469> hours<00:00:50.739> a filming time-lapse flowers 24 hours a filming time-lapse flowers 24 hours a day<00:00:51.059> seven<00:00:52.059> days<00:00:52.089> a<00:00:52.239> week<00:00:52.539> for<00:00:52.839> over<00:00:52.870> 35<00:00:53.499> years day seven days a week for over 35 years day seven days a week for over 35 years to<00:00:54.249> watch<00:00:55.210> them<00:00:55.539> move<00:00:55.719> as<00:00:55.929> a<00:00:55.960> dance<00:00:56.320> I'm<00:00:56.589> never to watch them move as a dance I'm never to watch them move as a dance I'm never going<00:00:56.980> to<00:00:57.039> get<00:00:57.190> tired<00:00:57.429> of<00:00:57.730> it<00:00:58.690> fills<00:00:59.019> me<00:00:59.230> with going to get tired of it fills me with going to get tired of it fills me with Wonder<00:00:59.710> and<00:01:00.039> it<00:01:00.100> opens<00:01:00.399> my<00:01:00.550> heart<00:01:02.129> beauty<00:01:03.129> and Wonder and it opens my heart beauty and Wonder and it opens my heart beauty and seduction<00:01:03.489> I<00:01:04.150> believe<00:01:04.629> is<00:01:04.930> nature's<00:01:05.320> tool<00:01:05.620> for seduction I believe is nature's tool for seduction I believe is nature's tool for survival<00:01:06.720> because<00:01:07.720> we<00:01:07.900> will<00:01:08.050> protect<00:01:08.500> what<00:01:08.770> we survival because we will protect what we survival because we will protect what we fall<00:01:09.100> in<00:01:09.220> love<00:01:09.250> with<00:01:10.140> their<00:01:11.140> relationship<00:01:11.920> is fall in love with their relationship is fall in love with their relationship is a<00:01:12.520> love<00:01:12.820> story<00:01:13.060> that<00:01:13.180> feeds<00:01:13.540> the<00:01:13.720> earth<00:01:15.090> it a love story that feeds the earth it a love story that feeds the earth it reminds<00:01:16.810> us<00:01:16.930> that<00:01:16.960> we<00:01:17.110> are<00:01:17.320> a<00:01:17.350> part<00:01:17.590> of<00:01:17.740> nature reminds us that we are a part of nature reminds us that we are a part of nature and<00:01:18.430> we're<00:01:18.700> not<00:01:18.820> separate<00:01:19.300> from<00:01:19.600> it<00:01:19.920> when<00:01:20.920> I and we're not separate from it when I and we're not separate from it when I heard<00:01:21.250> about<00:01:21.400> the<00:01:22.150> vanishing<00:01:22.660> bees<00:01:22.840> colony heard about the vanishing bees colony heard about the vanishing bees colony collapse<00:01:23.560> disorder<00:01:23.890> it<00:01:24.460> motivated<00:01:25.240> me<00:01:25.360> to collapse disorder it motivated me to collapse disorder it motivated me to take<00:01:25.720> action<00:01:26.230> we<00:01:27.160> depend<00:01:27.580> on<00:01:27.730> pollinators<00:01:28.240> for take action we depend on pollinators for take action we depend on pollinators for over<00:01:29.020> a<00:01:29.050> third<00:01:29.620> of<00:01:29.800> the<00:01:30.250> fruits<00:01:30.550> and over a third of the fruits and over a third of the fruits and vegetables<00:01:31.240> we<00:01:31.420> eat<00:01:31.450> and<00:01:31.900> many<00:01:32.740> scientists vegetables we eat and many scientists vegetables we eat and many scientists believe<00:01:33.780> it's<00:01:34.780> the<00:01:34.930> most<00:01:35.110> serious<00:01:35.500> issue believe it's the most serious issue believe it's the most serious issue facing<00:01:36.160> mankind<00:01:36.810> it's<00:01:37.810> like<00:01:38.050> the<00:01:38.170> canary<00:01:38.530> in facing mankind it's like the canary in facing mankind it's like the canary in the<00:01:38.710> coal<00:01:38.980> mine<00:01:39.010> if<00:01:39.730> they<00:01:39.970> disappear<00:01:40.690> so<00:01:41.230> do<00:01:41.290> we the coal mine if they disappear so do we the coal mine if they disappear so do we it<00:01:43.180> reminds<00:01:43.810> us<00:01:43.930> that<00:01:43.960> we<00:01:44.200> are<00:01:44.230> a<00:01:44.320> part<00:01:44.620> of it reminds us that we are a part of it reminds us that we are a part of nature<00:01:45.100> and<00:01:45.370> we<00:01:45.640> need<00:01:45.790> to<00:01:45.910> take<00:01:46.060> care<00:01:46.330> of<00:01:46.480> it nature and we need to take care of it nature and we need to take care of it what<00:01:48.640> motivated<00:01:49.240> me<00:01:49.360> to<00:01:50.170> film<00:01:50.440> their<00:01:50.590> behavior what motivated me to film their behavior what motivated me to film their behavior was<00:01:52.630> something<00:01:52.930> that<00:01:53.050> I<00:01:53.080> asked<00:01:53.350> my<00:01:53.740> scientific was something that I asked my scientific was something that I asked my scientific advisors<00:01:54.850> what<00:01:55.120> motivates<00:01:55.600> the<00:01:55.720> pollinators advisors what motivates the pollinators advisors what motivates the pollinators well<00:01:58.120> their<00:01:58.720> answer<00:01:59.110> was<00:01:59.730> it's<00:02:00.730> all<00:02:00.880> about well their answer was it's all about well their answer was it's all about risk<00:02:01.270> and<00:02:01.450> reward<00:02:01.840> like<00:02:02.740> a<00:02:02.800> wide-eyed<00:02:03.100> kid<00:02:03.550> I'd risk and reward like a wide-eyed kid I'd risk and reward like a wide-eyed kid I'd say<00:02:03.940> why<00:02:04.210> is<00:02:04.270> that<00:02:04.420> and<00:02:04.920> they<00:02:05.920> say<00:02:06.130> well say why is that and they say well say why is that and they say well because<00:02:06.610> they<00:02:06.700> want<00:02:06.880> to<00:02:06.910> survive because they want to survive because they want to survive I<00:02:07.690> get<00:02:08.470> why<00:02:08.709> well<00:02:09.610> in<00:02:09.700> order<00:02:09.819> to<00:02:09.940> reproduce I get why well in order to reproduce I get why well in order to reproduce well<00:02:11.709> why<00:02:11.890> and<00:02:12.599> I<00:02:13.599> thought<00:02:13.780> they'd<00:02:14.140> probably well why and I thought they'd probably well why and I thought they'd probably say<00:02:14.739> well<00:02:14.920> it's<00:02:15.069> all<00:02:15.190> about<00:02:15.220> sex<00:02:15.700> and<00:02:18.060> chip say well it's all about sex and chip say well it's all about sex and chip Taylor<00:02:19.329> our<00:02:19.719> monarch<00:02:20.200> butterfly<00:02:20.650> expert<00:02:21.099> he Taylor our monarch butterfly expert he Taylor our monarch butterfly expert he replied replied replied nothing<00:02:23.519> lasts<00:02:23.730> forever<00:02:24.349> everything<00:02:25.349> in<00:02:25.470> the nothing lasts forever everything in the nothing lasts forever everything in the universe<00:02:25.590> wears<00:02:26.160> out<00:02:26.459> and<00:02:26.790> that<00:02:27.569> blew<00:02:27.780> my<00:02:27.930> mind universe wears out and that blew my mind universe wears out and that blew my mind because<00:02:29.280> I<00:02:29.370> realized<00:02:29.819> that<00:02:30.000> nature<00:02:30.980> had because I realized that nature had because I realized that nature had invented<00:02:32.430> reproduction<00:02:33.150> as<00:02:33.269> a<00:02:33.300> mechanism<00:02:33.599> for invented reproduction as a mechanism for invented reproduction as a mechanism for life<00:02:34.410> to<00:02:34.650> move<00:02:34.830> forward<00:02:35.280> as<00:02:35.459> a<00:02:36.300> life<00:02:36.660> force life to move forward as a life force life to move forward as a life force that<00:02:37.349> passes<00:02:37.769> right<00:02:37.920> through<00:02:37.980> us<00:02:38.400> and<00:02:38.810> makes that passes right through us and makes that passes right through us and makes us<00:02:39.959> a<00:02:40.019> link<00:02:40.379> in<00:02:40.560> the<00:02:40.739> evolution<00:02:41.220> of<00:02:41.310> life us a link in the evolution of life us a link in the evolution of life rarely<00:02:43.980> seen<00:02:44.459> by<00:02:44.700> the<00:02:44.760> naked<00:02:45.030> eye<00:02:45.349> this rarely seen by the naked eye this rarely seen by the naked eye this intersection<00:02:47.099> between<00:02:47.430> the<00:02:47.700> animal<00:02:48.120> world intersection between the animal world intersection between the animal world and<00:02:48.569> the<00:02:48.629> plant<00:02:48.959> world<00:02:49.290> is<00:02:49.620> truly<00:02:50.549> a<00:02:50.580> magic and the plant world is truly a magic and the plant world is truly a magic moment moment moment it's<00:02:52.379> the<00:02:52.560> mystical<00:02:53.099> moment<00:02:53.280> where<00:02:53.970> life it's the mystical moment where life it's the mystical moment where life regenerates<00:02:54.900> itself<00:02:55.079> over<00:02:55.739> and<00:02:55.890> over<00:02:56.730> again regenerates itself over and over again regenerates itself over and over again so<00:02:58.890> here<00:02:59.130> is<00:02:59.250> some<00:02:59.430> nectar<00:02:59.760> from<00:03:00.000> my<00:03:00.120> film<00:03:00.450> I so here is some nectar from my film I so here is some nectar from my film I hope<00:03:01.739> you'll<00:03:01.980> drink<00:03:02.340> tweet<00:03:03.209> and<00:03:03.450> plant<00:03:04.380> some hope you'll drink tweet and plant some hope you'll drink tweet and plant some seeds<00:03:04.950> the<00:03:05.250> pollinator-friendly<00:03:05.670> garden seeds the pollinator-friendly garden seeds the pollinator-friendly garden I'll<00:03:07.650> always<00:03:07.890> take<00:03:08.220> time<00:03:08.549> to<00:03:08.760> smell<00:03:08.879> the I'll always take time to smell the I'll always take time to smell the flowers<00:03:09.599> and<00:03:10.560> let<00:03:10.799> it<00:03:10.920> fill<00:03:11.160> you<00:03:11.310> with<00:03:11.340> beauty flowers and let it fill you with beauty flowers and let it fill you with beauty and<00:03:12.290> rediscover<00:03:13.290> that<00:03:14.160> sense<00:03:14.489> of<00:03:14.610> wonder<00:03:15.260> here and rediscover that sense of wonder here and rediscover that sense of wonder here are<00:03:16.379> some<00:03:16.560> images<00:03:16.680> from<00:03:17.069> the<00:03:17.250> film


thank<00:07:22.390> you


Louie Schwartzberg, TED, Talk, Wings, of, Life, honeybee, bee, honey, pollination, pollin

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