Xây dựng một bảo tàng bảo tàng trên web-Amit Sood

Building a museum of museums on the web - Amit Sood

Building a museum of museums on the web - Amit Sood


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my<00:00:16.369> name<00:00:16.520> is<00:00:16.640> Ahmet<00:00:16.910> and<00:00:17.180> 18<00:00:17.539> months<00:00:17.689> ago<00:00:17.930> I<00:00:18.289> had my name is Ahmet and 18 months ago I had my name is Ahmet and 18 months ago I had another<00:00:18.619> job<00:00:19.189> at<00:00:19.520> Google another job at Google another job at Google and<00:00:20.029> I<00:00:20.360> pitched<00:00:20.900> this<00:00:21.380> idea<00:00:21.560> of<00:00:21.980> doing and I pitched this idea of doing and I pitched this idea of doing something<00:00:23.029> with<00:00:23.480> museums<00:00:24.079> and<00:00:24.410> art<00:00:24.880> -<00:00:25.880> my<00:00:26.000> boss something with museums and art - my boss something with museums and art - my boss was<00:00:26.599> actually<00:00:26.750> here<00:00:27.109> and<00:00:27.259> she<00:00:28.189> allowed<00:00:28.400> me<00:00:28.550> to was actually here and she allowed me to was actually here and she allowed me to do<00:00:28.789> it<00:00:28.939> and<00:00:29.150> it<00:00:29.960> took<00:00:30.140> 18<00:00:30.289> months<00:00:30.769> a<00:00:31.460> lot<00:00:31.939> of<00:00:32.089> fun do it and it took 18 months a lot of fun do it and it took 18 months a lot of fun negotiations<00:00:33.050> and<00:00:33.230> stories<00:00:33.589> I<00:00:33.710> can<00:00:33.769> tell<00:00:34.040> you negotiations and stories I can tell you negotiations and stories I can tell you with<00:00:34.309> 17<00:00:34.820> very<00:00:35.150> interesting<00:00:35.690> museums<00:00:36.110> from with 17 very interesting museums from with 17 very interesting museums from nine<00:00:36.530> countries<00:00:36.769> but<00:00:37.430> I'm<00:00:37.550> gonna<00:00:37.730> focus<00:00:37.970> on nine countries but I'm gonna focus on nine countries but I'm gonna focus on the<00:00:38.329> demo<00:00:38.860> the<00:00:39.860> lot<00:00:40.040> of<00:00:40.070> stories<00:00:40.550> about<00:00:40.850> why<00:00:41.659> we the demo the lot of stories about why we the demo the lot of stories about why we did<00:00:42.140> this<00:00:42.290> I<00:00:42.559> think<00:00:42.890> my<00:00:43.039> personal<00:00:43.550> story<00:00:43.789> is did this I think my personal story is did this I think my personal story is explained<00:00:44.840> right<00:00:44.989> simply<00:00:45.350> in<00:00:45.500> the<00:00:45.590> slide<00:00:45.829> and explained right simply in the slide and explained right simply in the slide and it's<00:00:46.160> access<00:00:46.760> and<00:00:47.059> I<00:00:47.870> grew<00:00:48.620> up<00:00:48.649> in<00:00:48.829> India<00:00:49.129> I<00:00:49.879> had it's access and I grew up in India I had it's access and I grew up in India I had a<00:00:50.300> great<00:00:50.510> education<00:00:50.710> not<00:00:51.710> complaining<00:00:52.219> but<00:00:52.760> I a great education not complaining but I a great education not complaining but I didn't<00:00:53.000> have<00:00:53.120> access<00:00:53.270> to<00:00:53.809> a<00:00:53.840> lot<00:00:53.989> of<00:00:54.020> these didn't have access to a lot of these didn't have access to a lot of these museums<00:00:54.500> and<00:00:54.859> these<00:00:55.160> artworks<00:00:55.579> and<00:00:55.879> so<00:00:56.390> when<00:00:56.510> I museums and these artworks and so when I museums and these artworks and so when I started<00:00:56.809> travelling<00:00:57.289> and<00:00:57.440> going<00:00:57.530> to<00:00:58.160> these started travelling and going to these started travelling and going to these museums<00:00:58.699> I<00:00:58.910> started<00:00:59.539> learning<00:00:59.690> a<00:00:59.930> lot<00:01:00.109> and museums I started learning a lot and museums I started learning a lot and while<00:01:01.550> working<00:01:01.760> at<00:01:01.940> Google<00:01:02.300> I<00:01:02.510> try<00:01:02.960> to<00:01:03.019> put while working at Google I try to put while working at Google I try to put this<00:01:03.920> desire<00:01:04.399> to<00:01:04.789> make<00:01:05.119> it<00:01:05.479> more<00:01:05.630> accessible this desire to make it more accessible this desire to make it more accessible with<00:01:06.740> technology<00:01:07.280> together<00:01:07.460> so<00:01:08.300> we<00:01:08.660> formed<00:01:08.929> a with technology together so we formed a with technology together so we formed a team<00:01:09.200> a<00:01:09.470> great<00:01:10.009> team<00:01:10.250> of<00:01:10.280> people<00:01:10.520> and<00:01:10.850> we team a great team of people and we team a great team of people and we started<00:01:12.140> doing<00:01:12.259> this<00:01:12.500> I'm<00:01:12.890> gonna<00:01:13.009> probably started doing this I'm gonna probably started doing this I'm gonna probably get<00:01:13.460> into<00:01:13.640> the<00:01:13.759> demo<00:01:13.850> and<00:01:14.270> then<00:01:14.690> you<00:01:15.080> know<00:01:15.200> tell get into the demo and then you know tell get into the demo and then you know tell you<00:01:15.920> a<00:01:15.979> couple<00:01:16.160> of<00:01:16.340> the<00:01:16.490> interesting<00:01:16.610> things you a couple of the interesting things you a couple of the interesting things we've<00:01:17.390> had<00:01:17.539> since<00:01:17.780> launch<00:01:18.050> so<00:01:19.039> simple<00:01:19.910> you we've had since launch so simple you we've had since launch so simple you come<00:01:20.270> to<00:01:20.450> Google<00:01:20.569> Art<00:01:20.840> Project<00:01:20.899> calm<00:01:21.709> you<00:01:22.369> look come to Google Art Project calm you look come to Google Art Project calm you look around<00:01:23.209> all<00:01:23.539> these<00:01:23.899> museums<00:01:24.380> here<00:01:24.590> because around all these museums here because around all these museums here because you<00:01:25.099> feed<00:01:25.340> Z<00:01:25.550> you<00:01:25.789> got<00:01:25.940> the<00:01:26.060> MoMA<00:01:26.300> the<00:01:26.840> homie you feed Z you got the MoMA the homie you feed Z you got the MoMA the homie Taj<00:01:27.319> the<00:01:27.739> reich's<00:01:27.950> the<00:01:28.280> mango<00:01:28.640> I'm<00:01:29.060> gonna Taj the reich's the mango I'm gonna Taj the reich's the mango I'm gonna actually<00:01:29.660> get<00:01:30.020> to<00:01:30.319> one<00:01:30.619> of<00:01:30.709> my<00:01:30.830> favorites<00:01:31.360> the actually get to one of my favorites the actually get to one of my favorites the Metropolitan<00:01:32.959> Museum<00:01:33.110> of<00:01:33.289> Art<00:01:33.500> in<00:01:33.649> New<00:01:33.679> York Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York two<00:01:35.000> ways<00:01:35.209> of<00:01:35.420> going<00:01:35.690> in<00:01:35.989> very<00:01:36.200> simple<00:01:37.130> click two ways of going in very simple click two ways of going in very simple click and<00:01:38.259> bang<00:01:39.259> you're<00:01:39.530> in<00:01:39.649> this<00:01:39.770> museum<00:01:40.190> doesn't and bang you're in this museum doesn't and bang you're in this museum doesn't matter<00:01:40.580> where<00:01:40.789> you<00:01:40.970> are<00:01:41.000> Bombay<00:01:42.009> Mexico matter where you are Bombay Mexico matter where you are Bombay Mexico doesn't<00:01:43.310> really<00:01:43.489> matter<00:01:43.729> you<00:01:44.360> move<00:01:44.569> around doesn't really matter you move around doesn't really matter you move around you<00:01:45.050> have<00:01:45.140> fun<00:01:45.590> you<00:01:46.099> want<00:01:46.250> to<00:01:46.280> navigate<00:01:46.429> around you have fun you want to navigate around you have fun you want to navigate around the<00:01:47.090> museum<00:01:47.390> open<00:01:48.289> the<00:01:48.380> plan<00:01:48.590> up<00:01:48.800> and<00:01:49.039> in<00:01:49.759> one the museum open the plan up and in one the museum open the plan up and in one click<00:01:50.270> jump<00:01:51.190> you're<00:01:52.190> in<00:01:52.340> there<00:01:52.580> you<00:01:53.119> want<00:01:53.270> to click jump you're in there you want to click jump you're in there you want to go<00:01:53.420> to<00:01:53.479> the<00:01:53.539> end<00:01:53.690> of<00:01:53.780> the<00:01:53.869> corridor go to the end of the corridor go to the end of the corridor keep<00:01:54.709> going<00:01:55.039> have<00:01:55.369> fun<00:01:55.670> you<00:01:56.030> know<00:01:56.149> explore keep going have fun you know explore keep going have fun you know explore [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Thanks<00:02:04.060> I<00:02:04.150> haven't<00:02:04.420> come<00:02:04.540> to<00:02:04.570> the<00:02:04.750> best<00:02:04.930> part Thanks I haven't come to the best part Thanks I haven't come to the best part sir sir sir so<00:02:07.810> now<00:02:07.990> I'm<00:02:08.350> in<00:02:08.530> front<00:02:08.590> of<00:02:09.010> one<00:02:09.850> of<00:02:09.910> my so now I'm in front of one of my so now I'm in front of one of my favorite<00:02:10.330> paintings<00:02:10.540> the<00:02:11.020> harvesters<00:02:11.560> by favorite paintings the harvesters by favorite paintings the harvesters by Pieter<00:02:11.920> Bruegel<00:02:12.250> at<00:02:12.340> the<00:02:12.430> met<00:02:12.580> I<00:02:12.850> see<00:02:13.300> this Pieter Bruegel at the met I see this Pieter Bruegel at the met I see this plus<00:02:13.600> sign<00:02:13.870> if<00:02:14.320> the<00:02:14.500> museum<00:02:14.800> has<00:02:14.920> given<00:02:15.130> us<00:02:15.220> the plus sign if the museum has given us the plus sign if the museum has given us the image<00:02:15.580> you<00:02:15.850> click<00:02:16.000> on<00:02:16.210> it<00:02:16.360> now<00:02:16.960> this<00:02:17.110> is<00:02:17.170> one<00:02:17.410> of image you click on it now this is one of image you click on it now this is one of the<00:02:17.620> images<00:02:17.710> so<00:02:18.160> this<00:02:18.280> is<00:02:18.400> all<00:02:18.520> the<00:02:18.550> metadata the images so this is all the metadata the images so this is all the metadata information<00:02:19.870> for<00:02:20.110> those<00:02:20.290> of<00:02:20.440> you<00:02:20.560> who<00:02:20.680> are information for those of you who are information for those of you who are truly<00:02:21.100> interested<00:02:21.730> in<00:02:21.820> art<00:02:21.970> you<00:02:22.330> can<00:02:22.510> click truly interested in art you can click truly interested in art you can click this<00:02:23.380> but<00:02:23.650> I'm<00:02:23.740> going<00:02:23.890> to<00:02:23.920> click<00:02:24.010> this<00:02:24.190> off this but I'm going to click this off this but I'm going to click this off right<00:02:24.580> now<00:02:24.730> and<00:02:25.110> this<00:02:26.110> is<00:02:26.260> one<00:02:26.380> of<00:02:26.410> these right now and this is one of these right now and this is one of these images<00:02:26.920> that<00:02:27.070> we<00:02:27.190> captured<00:02:27.640> and<00:02:27.820> what<00:02:27.910> we<00:02:28.030> call images that we captured and what we call images that we captured and what we call gigapixel<00:02:28.780> technology<00:02:29.230> so<00:02:29.500> this<00:02:30.340> image<00:02:30.640> for gigapixel technology so this image for gigapixel technology so this image for example<00:02:30.850> has<00:02:31.360> close<00:02:31.600> to<00:02:31.780> I<00:02:31.810> think<00:02:31.930> around<00:02:32.320> 10 example has close to I think around 10 example has close to I think around 10 billion<00:02:32.740> pixels<00:02:33.070> and<00:02:33.430> I<00:02:33.640> get<00:02:33.790> a<00:02:33.820> lot<00:02:34.000> of<00:02:34.030> people billion pixels and I get a lot of people billion pixels and I get a lot of people asking<00:02:34.870> me<00:02:35.020> what<00:02:35.920> do<00:02:36.010> you<00:02:36.070> get<00:02:36.340> for<00:02:36.580> 10<00:02:36.760> billion asking me what do you get for 10 billion asking me what do you get for 10 billion pixels<00:02:37.270> so<00:02:37.660> I'm<00:02:37.720> gonna<00:02:37.900> try<00:02:37.990> and<00:02:38.080> show<00:02:38.350> you pixels so I'm gonna try and show you pixels so I'm gonna try and show you what<00:02:38.680> you<00:02:38.800> really<00:02:38.830> get<00:02:39.220> for<00:02:39.460> 10<00:02:39.580> billion what you really get for 10 billion what you really get for 10 billion pixels<00:02:40.060> you<00:02:40.870> can<00:02:40.900> zoom<00:02:41.230> around<00:02:41.320> very<00:02:41.800> simply pixels you can zoom around very simply pixels you can zoom around very simply you<00:02:42.670> know<00:02:42.790> you<00:02:42.850> see<00:02:43.060> some<00:02:43.270> fun<00:02:43.450> stuff you know you see some fun stuff you know you see some fun stuff happening<00:02:44.110> here<00:02:44.170> you<00:02:44.830> know<00:02:44.980> I<00:02:45.010> love<00:02:45.220> this<00:02:45.430> guy happening here you know I love this guy happening here you know I love this guy his<00:02:46.030> expression<00:02:46.540> is<00:02:46.660> priceless<00:02:46.980> but<00:02:47.980> but<00:02:48.730> then his expression is priceless but but then his expression is priceless but but then you<00:02:48.970> really<00:02:49.210> want<00:02:49.390> to<00:02:49.480> go<00:02:49.690> deep<00:02:49.960> and<00:02:50.260> so<00:02:50.710> I you really want to go deep and so I you really want to go deep and so I started<00:02:51.070> playing<00:02:51.220> around<00:02:51.520> and<00:02:51.880> I<00:02:52.420> found started playing around and I found started playing around and I found something<00:02:53.020> going<00:02:53.380> on<00:02:53.530> over<00:02:53.740> here<00:02:53.770> and<00:02:54.340> I<00:02:54.730> was something going on over here and I was something going on over here and I was like<00:02:55.030> hold<00:02:55.630> on like hold on like hold on that<00:02:56.200> sounds<00:02:56.560> interesting<00:02:57.340> went<00:02:58.150> in<00:02:58.420> and<00:02:58.660> I that sounds interesting went in and I that sounds interesting went in and I started<00:02:59.260> noticing<00:02:59.410> that<00:03:00.130> these<00:03:00.310> kids<00:03:00.610> were started noticing that these kids were started noticing that these kids were actually<00:03:01.060> beating<00:03:01.450> something<00:03:01.900> I<00:03:02.140> did<00:03:03.100> a actually beating something I did a actually beating something I did a little<00:03:03.280> research<00:03:03.490> spoke<00:03:04.209> to<00:03:04.330> a<00:03:04.360> couple<00:03:04.570> of<00:03:04.600> my little research spoke to a couple of my little research spoke to a couple of my contacts<00:03:05.170> at<00:03:05.350> the<00:03:05.410> Met<00:03:05.590> and<00:03:05.830> actually<00:03:06.430> found contacts at the Met and actually found contacts at the Met and actually found out<00:03:06.790> that<00:03:06.850> this<00:03:07.150> is<00:03:07.330> a<00:03:07.390> game<00:03:07.690> called<00:03:08.020> Scholl out that this is a game called Scholl out that this is a game called Scholl which<00:03:09.670> involves<00:03:10.150> beating<00:03:10.540> a<00:03:10.690> goose<00:03:10.959> with<00:03:11.470> a which involves beating a goose with a which involves beating a goose with a stick<00:03:11.890> on<00:03:12.130> Shrove<00:03:12.850> Tuesday<00:03:12.970> and<00:03:13.660> apparently stick on Shrove Tuesday and apparently stick on Shrove Tuesday and apparently it<00:03:14.739> was<00:03:14.920> quite<00:03:15.280> popular<00:03:15.489> I<00:03:15.880> don't<00:03:16.060> know<00:03:16.120> why it was quite popular I don't know why it was quite popular I don't know why they<00:03:16.420> did<00:03:16.570> it<00:03:16.600> but<00:03:17.020> you<00:03:17.170> know<00:03:17.260> I<00:03:17.290> learned they did it but you know I learned they did it but you know I learned something<00:03:17.890> about<00:03:18.100> it<00:03:18.459> now<00:03:19.420> just<00:03:20.020> you<00:03:20.260> know something about it now just you know something about it now just you know we're<00:03:20.770> really<00:03:20.860> deep<00:03:21.190> in<00:03:21.400> you<00:03:21.610> can<00:03:21.730> really<00:03:21.940> get we're really deep in you can really get we're really deep in you can really get the<00:03:22.090> cracks<00:03:22.450> not<00:03:22.690> just<00:03:22.840> to<00:03:22.900> give<00:03:23.020> you<00:03:23.080> some the cracks not just to give you some the cracks not just to give you some perspective<00:03:23.470> I'm<00:03:24.160> gonna<00:03:24.459> zoom<00:03:25.030> out<00:03:25.209> so<00:03:25.270> you perspective I'm gonna zoom out so you perspective I'm gonna zoom out so you really<00:03:25.780> see<00:03:25.930> what<00:03:25.959> you<00:03:26.200> get<00:03:26.580> here<00:03:27.580> is<00:03:27.940> where<00:03:28.600> we really see what you get here is where we really see what you get here is where we were<00:03:28.930> and<00:03:29.170> this<00:03:30.040> is<00:03:30.400> the<00:03:31.090> painting<00:03:32.580> so were and this is the painting so were and this is the painting so [Applause]

the<00:03:40.970> best<00:03:41.180> is<00:03:41.360> yet<00:03:41.480> to<00:03:41.570> come
the best is yet to come the best is yet to come so so so so<00:03:44.160> now<00:03:44.310> let's<00:03:44.849> just<00:03:44.940> quickly<00:03:45.390> jump<00:03:45.750> into<00:03:45.959> the so now let's just quickly jump into the so now let's just quickly jump into the moma<00:03:47.130> again<00:03:48.060> in<00:03:48.239> New<00:03:48.390> York<00:03:48.540> so<00:03:49.170> another<00:03:49.590> one<00:03:49.770> of moma again in New York so another one of moma again in New York so another one of my<00:03:49.950> favorites<00:03:50.340> the<00:03:50.489> starry<00:03:50.730> night<00:03:50.849> now<00:03:51.239> the my favorites the starry night now the my favorites the starry night now the example<00:03:52.380> I<00:03:52.440> showed<00:03:52.620> you<00:03:52.709> was<00:03:52.830> all<00:03:52.950> about example I showed you was all about example I showed you was all about finding<00:03:53.310> details<00:03:53.880> but<00:03:54.480> what<00:03:54.630> if<00:03:54.720> you<00:03:54.840> want<00:03:55.050> to finding details but what if you want to finding details but what if you want to see<00:03:55.260> brushstrokes<00:03:55.920> and<00:03:56.190> what<00:03:56.340> if<00:03:56.430> you<00:03:56.489> want<00:03:56.670> to see brushstrokes and what if you want to see brushstrokes and what if you want to see<00:03:56.880> you<00:03:57.330> know<00:03:57.450> how<00:03:57.840> Wango<00:03:58.290> actually<00:03:58.680> created see you know how Wango actually created see you know how Wango actually created this<00:03:59.190> masterpiece<00:03:59.459> you<00:04:00.450> zoom<00:04:00.750> in<00:04:00.959> you're this masterpiece you zoom in you're this masterpiece you zoom in you're really<00:04:01.769> going<00:04:01.950> I'm<00:04:02.130> gonna<00:04:02.250> go<00:04:02.340> to<00:04:02.489> one<00:04:02.610> of<00:04:02.670> my really going I'm gonna go to one of my really going I'm gonna go to one of my favorite<00:04:03.150> parts<00:04:03.420> in<00:04:03.510> this<00:04:03.599> painting<00:04:04.050> and<00:04:04.380> I'm favorite parts in this painting and I'm favorite parts in this painting and I'm really<00:04:05.220> gonna<00:04:05.430> get<00:04:05.640> to<00:04:05.700> the<00:04:05.910> cracks<00:04:06.560> this<00:04:07.560> is really gonna get to the cracks this is really gonna get to the cracks this is the<00:04:09.060> starry<00:04:09.300> night<00:04:09.569> I<00:04:09.870> think<00:04:10.140> you<00:04:10.500> know<00:04:10.620> never the starry night I think you know never the starry night I think you know never seen<00:04:11.550> like<00:04:11.760> this<00:04:11.910> before<00:04:12.150> I'm<00:04:13.140> gonna<00:04:13.319> show<00:04:13.500> you seen like this before I'm gonna show you seen like this before I'm gonna show you my<00:04:13.800> other<00:04:14.010> favorite<00:04:14.459> feature<00:04:14.670> there's<00:04:14.910> a<00:04:14.940> lot my other favorite feature there's a lot my other favorite feature there's a lot of<00:04:15.180> other<00:04:15.330> stuff<00:04:15.630> here<00:04:15.810> but<00:04:15.900> I<00:04:15.989> don't<00:04:16.049> have of other stuff here but I don't have of other stuff here but I don't have time time time this<00:04:17.609> is<00:04:17.820> the<00:04:17.940> real<00:04:18.090> cool<00:04:18.299> part<00:04:18.750> it's<00:04:18.989> called this is the real cool part it's called this is the real cool part it's called collections<00:04:19.769> anyone<00:04:20.639> of<00:04:20.760> you<00:04:20.880> anybody collections anyone of you anybody collections anyone of you anybody doesn't<00:04:21.780> matter<00:04:22.049> if<00:04:22.290> you're<00:04:22.410> rich<00:04:22.650> if<00:04:23.010> you're doesn't matter if you're rich if you're doesn't matter if you're rich if you're poor<00:04:23.370> if<00:04:23.790> you<00:04:24.060> have<00:04:24.210> you<00:04:24.750> know<00:04:24.870> a<00:04:25.110> fancy<00:04:25.860> you poor if you have you know a fancy you poor if you have you know a fancy you know<00:04:26.190> house<00:04:26.490> doesn't<00:04:26.880> matter<00:04:27.000> you<00:04:27.150> can<00:04:27.300> go<00:04:27.479> and know house doesn't matter you can go and know house doesn't matter you can go and create<00:04:27.870> your<00:04:27.960> own<00:04:28.050> Museum<00:04:28.590> online<00:04:28.919> create create your own Museum online create create your own Museum online create your<00:04:29.370> own<00:04:29.400> collection<00:04:30.030> across<00:04:30.479> all<00:04:30.780> these your own collection across all these your own collection across all these images<00:04:31.320> very<00:04:31.860> simply<00:04:32.310> you<00:04:32.580> go<00:04:32.760> in<00:04:32.970> and<00:04:33.210> I've images very simply you go in and I've images very simply you go in and I've created<00:04:34.139> this<00:04:34.380> called<00:04:34.620> the<00:04:34.710> power<00:04:34.889> of<00:04:35.070> zoom created this called the power of zoom created this called the power of zoom you<00:04:35.940> can<00:04:35.970> just<00:04:36.300> zoom<00:04:36.780> around<00:04:37.110> this<00:04:37.380> is<00:04:37.500> the you can just zoom around this is the you can just zoom around this is the ambassador's<00:04:38.250> based<00:04:39.210> in<00:04:39.330> the<00:04:39.389> National ambassador's based in the National ambassador's based in the National Gallery<00:04:39.840> you<00:04:40.590> can<00:04:40.740> annotate<00:04:41.010> the<00:04:41.340> stuff<00:04:41.639> send Gallery you can annotate the stuff send Gallery you can annotate the stuff send it<00:04:42.150> to<00:04:42.240> your<00:04:42.389> friends<00:04:42.870> and<00:04:43.020> really<00:04:43.260> get<00:04:43.650> a it to your friends and really get a it to your friends and really get a conversation<00:04:44.010> going<00:04:44.430> about<00:04:44.790> what<00:04:45.060> you're conversation going about what you're conversation going about what you're feeling<00:04:45.360> when<00:04:46.320> you<00:04:46.470> go<00:04:46.590> through<00:04:46.800> these feeling when you go through these feeling when you go through these masterpieces<00:04:47.479> so<00:04:48.479> I<00:04:48.510> think<00:04:48.810> in<00:04:49.080> conclusion masterpieces so I think in conclusion masterpieces so I think in conclusion for<00:04:50.700> me<00:04:50.880> the<00:04:51.450> main<00:04:51.630> thing<00:04:51.660> is<00:04:52.169> that<00:04:52.200> all<00:04:52.590> the for me the main thing is that all the for me the main thing is that all the amazing<00:04:53.130> stuff<00:04:53.340> here<00:04:53.400> does<00:04:54.240> not<00:04:54.390> really<00:04:54.600> come amazing stuff here does not really come amazing stuff here does not really come from<00:04:54.960> Google<00:04:55.350> it<00:04:55.710> doesn't<00:04:55.979> in<00:04:56.160> my<00:04:56.400> opinion from Google it doesn't in my opinion from Google it doesn't in my opinion even<00:04:57.000> come<00:04:57.150> from<00:04:57.270> the<00:04:57.360> museum's<00:04:57.780> polish<00:04:58.169> and even come from the museum's polish and even come from the museum's polish and say<00:04:58.440> that<00:04:58.620> it<00:04:59.160> really<00:04:59.820> comes<00:05:00.120> from<00:05:00.419> these say that it really comes from these say that it really comes from these artists<00:05:01.169> and<00:05:01.350> you<00:05:02.280> know<00:05:02.370> that's<00:05:02.669> been<00:05:02.940> my artists and you know that's been my artists and you know that's been my humbling<00:05:03.660> experience<00:05:04.229> in<00:05:04.440> this<00:05:04.590> I<00:05:04.860> mean<00:05:04.979> I humbling experience in this I mean I humbling experience in this I mean I hope<00:05:05.700> in<00:05:05.850> this<00:05:05.970> digital<00:05:06.360> medium<00:05:06.750> that<00:05:06.930> we<00:05:07.140> do hope in this digital medium that we do hope in this digital medium that we do justice<00:05:07.800> to<00:05:08.370> their<00:05:08.550> artwork<00:05:09.030> and<00:05:09.180> represented justice to their artwork and represented justice to their artwork and represented properly<00:05:10.140> online<00:05:10.830> and<00:05:11.070> the<00:05:11.850> biggest<00:05:12.150> question properly online and the biggest question properly online and the biggest question I<00:05:12.510> get<00:05:12.690> asked<00:05:12.930> nowadays<00:05:13.410> is<00:05:13.710> did<00:05:14.340> you<00:05:14.430> do<00:05:14.639> this I get asked nowadays is did you do this I get asked nowadays is did you do this to<00:05:15.180> replicate<00:05:15.660> the<00:05:15.810> experience<00:05:16.200> of<00:05:16.500> going<00:05:16.770> to to replicate the experience of going to to replicate the experience of going to a<00:05:17.039> museum<00:05:17.430> and<00:05:17.610> the<00:05:18.510> answer<00:05:18.840> is<00:05:18.990> no<00:05:19.200> it's<00:05:19.470> to a museum and the answer is no it's to a museum and the answer is no it's to supplement<00:05:20.550> the<00:05:20.639> experience<00:05:21.210> and<00:05:21.479> that's<00:05:22.080> it supplement the experience and that's it supplement the experience and that's it thank<00:05:22.530> you thank you thank you [Applause]

art art history, museum, Art, Project, Amit, Sood, art, online, see, art, paintings, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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