Xây dựng một con khủng long từ Một Con gà – Jack Horner

Building a dinosaur from a chicken - Jack Horner

Building a dinosaur from a chicken - Jack Horner


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

when<00:00:16.320> I<00:00:16.480> was<00:00:16.920> uh<00:00:17.199> growing<00:00:17.560> up<00:00:17.680> in
when I was uh growing up in when I was uh growing up in Montana<00:00:20.279> I<00:00:20.640> uh<00:00:21.000> I<00:00:21.160> had<00:00:21.320> two<00:00:21.720> dreams<00:00:22.720> I<00:00:22.800> wanted Montana I uh I had two dreams I wanted Montana I uh I had two dreams I wanted to<00:00:23.199> be<00:00:23.320> a<00:00:23.560> paleontologist<00:00:24.560> a<00:00:24.680> dinosaur to be a paleontologist a dinosaur to be a paleontologist a dinosaur paleontologist<00:00:27.119> and<00:00:27.240> I<00:00:27.320> wanted<00:00:27.560> to<00:00:27.720> have<00:00:27.840> a paleontologist and I wanted to have a paleontologist and I wanted to have a pet pet pet dinosaur<00:00:30.039> and dinosaur and dinosaur and so<00:00:31.840> that's<00:00:32.040> what<00:00:32.239> I've<00:00:32.399> been<00:00:32.680> striving<00:00:33.280> for so that's what I've been striving for so that's what I've been striving for all<00:00:34.120> of<00:00:34.280> my all of my all of my life<00:00:36.320> I<00:00:36.440> was<00:00:36.680> very<00:00:37.079> fortunate<00:00:38.079> early<00:00:38.399> in<00:00:38.559> my life I was very fortunate early in my life I was very fortunate early in my career<00:00:40.280> I<00:00:40.440> was<00:00:40.960> fortunate<00:00:41.960> in<00:00:42.160> finding<00:00:42.719> things career I was fortunate in finding things career I was fortunate in finding things I<00:00:43.640> wasn't<00:00:43.960> very<00:00:44.160> good<00:00:44.280> at<00:00:44.440> reading<00:00:44.960> things<00:00:45.559> in I wasn't very good at reading things in I wasn't very good at reading things in fact<00:00:46.000> I<00:00:46.120> don't<00:00:46.360> read<00:00:47.039> much<00:00:47.199> of<00:00:47.600> anything<00:00:48.600> I<00:00:48.719> am fact I don't read much of anything I am fact I don't read much of anything I am extremely<00:00:49.559> dyslexic<00:00:50.520> and<00:00:50.680> so<00:00:51.360> reading<00:00:51.719> is<00:00:51.879> the extremely dyslexic and so reading is the extremely dyslexic and so reading is the hardest<00:00:52.320> thing<00:00:52.520> I<00:00:53.000> do<00:00:54.000> but<00:00:54.160> instead<00:00:54.680> I<00:00:54.920> I<00:00:55.039> go hardest thing I do but instead I I go hardest thing I do but instead I I go out<00:00:55.280> and<00:00:55.399> I<00:00:55.559> find<00:00:55.920> things<00:00:56.640> and<00:00:56.800> I<00:00:56.920> just<00:00:57.120> pick out and I find things and I just pick out and I find things and I just pick things<00:00:57.559> up<00:00:58.280> I<00:00:58.440> basically<00:00:59.359> you<00:00:59.440> know<00:00:59.640> practice things up I basically you know practice things up I basically you know practice just<00:01:00.879> for<00:01:01.120> finding<00:01:01.480> money<00:01:01.719> on<00:01:01.879> the just for finding money on the just for finding money on the street<00:01:04.040> and<00:01:04.239> I<00:01:04.680> wander<00:01:05.119> about<00:01:05.360> the<00:01:05.519> hills<00:01:05.840> and street and I wander about the hills and street and I wander about the hills and and<00:01:06.479> I<00:01:06.680> have<00:01:06.920> found<00:01:07.240> a<00:01:07.360> few<00:01:07.720> things and I have found a few things and I have found a few things and<00:01:10.560> I<00:01:10.680> have<00:01:10.840> been<00:01:11.000> fortunate<00:01:11.479> enough<00:01:11.720> to<00:01:11.920> find and I have been fortunate enough to find and I have been fortunate enough to find things<00:01:13.119> like<00:01:14.119> the<00:01:14.240> first<00:01:14.560> eggs<00:01:15.119> in<00:01:15.280> the things like the first eggs in the things like the first eggs in the Western<00:01:15.759> hemosphere<00:01:16.439> and<00:01:17.400> the<00:01:17.520> first<00:01:17.759> baby Western hemosphere and the first baby Western hemosphere and the first baby dinosaurs<00:01:18.640> in<00:01:18.880> nests<00:01:19.680> and<00:01:20.680> the<00:01:20.880> first dinosaurs in nests and the first dinosaurs in nests and the first dinosaur<00:01:22.040> embryos<00:01:23.040> and<00:01:23.400> massive dinosaur embryos and massive dinosaur embryos and massive accumulations<00:01:24.720> of accumulations of accumulations of Bones<00:01:26.799> and<00:01:27.799> it<00:01:27.960> happened<00:01:28.240> to<00:01:28.360> be<00:01:28.479> at<00:01:28.600> a<00:01:28.840> time Bones and it happened to be at a time Bones and it happened to be at a time when<00:01:30.000> people<00:01:30.200> were<00:01:30.439> just<00:01:30.640> starting<00:01:31.000> to<00:01:31.240> begin when people were just starting to begin when people were just starting to begin to<00:01:31.840> realize<00:01:32.360> the<00:01:32.640> dinosaurs<00:01:33.640> weren't<00:01:34.040> the<00:01:34.240> big to realize the dinosaurs weren't the big to realize the dinosaurs weren't the big stupid<00:01:35.880> green<00:01:36.560> reptiles<00:01:37.280> of<00:01:37.960> that<00:01:38.159> people<00:01:38.399> had stupid green reptiles of that people had stupid green reptiles of that people had thought<00:01:38.759> for<00:01:38.960> so<00:01:39.119> many<00:01:39.360> years<00:01:39.640> and<00:01:39.920> people thought for so many years and people thought for so many years and people were<00:01:40.560> starting<00:01:40.840> to<00:01:41.000> get<00:01:41.119> an<00:01:41.320> idea<00:01:41.640> that were starting to get an idea that were starting to get an idea that dinosaurs<00:01:42.280> were dinosaurs were dinosaurs were special<00:01:44.040> and<00:01:44.479> so<00:01:45.479> at<00:01:45.640> that<00:01:45.880> time<00:01:46.200> I<00:01:46.320> was<00:01:46.479> able special and so at that time I was able special and so at that time I was able to<00:01:46.920> make<00:01:47.280> some<00:01:48.280> interesting<00:01:49.119> hypotheses to make some interesting hypotheses to make some interesting hypotheses along<00:01:50.439> with<00:01:50.600> my<00:01:50.840> colleagues<00:01:51.640> we<00:01:51.759> were<00:01:52.000> able<00:01:52.240> to along with my colleagues we were able to along with my colleagues we were able to actually<00:01:53.320> say<00:01:53.680> that<00:01:54.320> dinosaurs<00:01:55.079> based<00:01:55.320> on<00:01:55.479> the actually say that dinosaurs based on the actually say that dinosaurs based on the evidence<00:01:56.000> we<00:01:56.159> had<00:01:56.399> the evidence we had the evidence we had the dinosaurs<00:01:58.280> built<00:01:58.680> nests<00:01:59.680> and<00:01:59.960> and<00:02:00.280> lived<00:02:00.600> in dinosaurs built nests and and lived in dinosaurs built nests and and lived in colonies<00:02:02.799> and<00:02:03.200> cared<00:02:03.479> for<00:02:03.680> their<00:02:03.920> young colonies and cared for their young colonies and cared for their young brought<00:02:04.680> food<00:02:04.960> to<00:02:05.119> their brought food to their brought food to their babies<00:02:06.920> and<00:02:07.439> traveled<00:02:07.960> in<00:02:08.200> gigantic<00:02:09.039> herds<00:02:10.039> so babies and traveled in gigantic herds so babies and traveled in gigantic herds so it<00:02:10.319> was<00:02:10.599> it<00:02:10.679> was<00:02:10.920> it<00:02:11.000> was<00:02:11.200> pretty<00:02:11.400> interesting it was it was it was pretty interesting it was it was it was pretty interesting stuff<00:02:12.640> I<00:02:12.760> have<00:02:12.959> gone<00:02:13.200> on<00:02:13.480> to<00:02:14.400> find<00:02:14.760> more<00:02:15.080> things stuff I have gone on to find more things stuff I have gone on to find more things and<00:02:16.120> and<00:02:16.599> discover<00:02:16.959> that<00:02:17.280> that<00:02:17.480> dinosaurs and and discover that that dinosaurs and and discover that that dinosaurs really<00:02:18.400> were<00:02:18.720> very<00:02:19.000> social<00:02:19.680> we<00:02:19.840> have<00:02:20.239> found<00:02:21.239> um really were very social we have found um really were very social we have found um a<00:02:21.840> lot<00:02:22.000> of<00:02:22.280> evidence<00:02:23.280> that<00:02:23.519> dinosaurs<00:02:24.239> changed a lot of evidence that dinosaurs changed a lot of evidence that dinosaurs changed from<00:02:24.959> when<00:02:25.080> they<00:02:25.200> were<00:02:25.400> juveniles<00:02:25.959> to<00:02:26.120> when from when they were juveniles to when from when they were juveniles to when they<00:02:26.319> were<00:02:26.480> adults<00:02:27.000> the<00:02:27.239> appearance<00:02:27.760> of<00:02:27.959> them they were adults the appearance of them they were adults the appearance of them would<00:02:28.280> have<00:02:28.440> been<00:02:28.720> different<00:02:29.560> which<00:02:29.959> it<00:02:30.040> is<00:02:30.160> in would have been different which it is in would have been different which it is in all<00:02:30.560> social<00:02:31.080> animals<00:02:32.080> in<00:02:32.280> social<00:02:32.599> groups<00:02:32.879> of all social animals in social groups of all social animals in social groups of animals<00:02:33.480> the<00:02:33.680> juveniles<00:02:34.319> always<00:02:34.599> look animals the juveniles always look animals the juveniles always look different<00:02:35.120> than<00:02:35.280> the<00:02:35.480> adults<00:02:36.480> the<00:02:36.599> adults<00:02:36.959> can different than the adults the adults can different than the adults the adults can recognize<00:02:37.599> the<00:02:37.720> juveniles<00:02:38.360> the<00:02:38.519> juveniles recognize the juveniles the juveniles recognize the juveniles the juveniles can<00:02:39.159> recognize<00:02:39.640> the<00:02:40.040> adults<00:02:41.040> and<00:02:41.200> so<00:02:42.000> we're can recognize the adults and so we're can recognize the adults and so we're making<00:02:43.159> a<00:02:43.480> better<00:02:43.800> picture<00:02:44.120> of<00:02:44.280> what<00:02:44.400> a making a better picture of what a making a better picture of what a dinosaur<00:02:45.040> looked<00:02:45.280> like<00:02:45.480> and<00:02:45.599> they<00:02:45.720> didn't dinosaur looked like and they didn't dinosaur looked like and they didn't just<00:02:46.400> all<00:02:46.720> Chase<00:02:47.680> Jeeps just all Chase Jeeps just all Chase Jeeps around<00:02:50.920> but<00:02:51.800> it<00:02:51.959> is<00:02:52.280> that<00:02:52.519> social<00:02:53.000> thing<00:02:53.360> that around but it is that social thing that around but it is that social thing that that<00:02:54.200> I<00:02:54.360> guess<00:02:55.400> attracted<00:02:56.400> Michael<00:02:56.959> kryon<00:02:57.959> in that I guess attracted Michael kryon in that I guess attracted Michael kryon in his<00:02:58.360> book<00:02:59.319> he<00:02:59.480> talked<00:02:59.959> about<00:03:00.159> the<00:03:00.360> social his book he talked about the social his book he talked about the social animals<00:03:01.599> and<00:03:02.120> then<00:03:02.360> Steven<00:03:02.720> Spielberg<00:03:03.319> of animals and then Steven Spielberg of animals and then Steven Spielberg of course<00:03:04.159> depicts<00:03:04.680> these<00:03:04.959> dinosaurs<00:03:05.640> as<00:03:05.840> being course depicts these dinosaurs as being course depicts these dinosaurs as being very<00:03:06.440> social very social very social creatures<00:03:08.560> the<00:03:08.720> theme<00:03:08.920> of<00:03:09.120> this<00:03:09.280> story<00:03:09.640> is creatures the theme of this story is creatures the theme of this story is building<00:03:10.159> a<00:03:10.319> dinosaur<00:03:10.920> and<00:03:11.040> so<00:03:11.959> we<00:03:12.159> come<00:03:12.440> to building a dinosaur and so we come to building a dinosaur and so we come to that<00:03:13.360> part<00:03:13.560> of<00:03:13.799> Jurassic<00:03:14.319> Park<00:03:14.720> this<00:03:14.840> is<00:03:15.120> you that part of Jurassic Park this is you that part of Jurassic Park this is you know<00:03:15.360> Michael<00:03:15.799> kryon<00:03:16.239> really<00:03:16.799> was<00:03:17.000> one<00:03:17.159> of<00:03:17.280> the know Michael kryon really was one of the know Michael kryon really was one of the first<00:03:17.640> people<00:03:17.879> to<00:03:18.120> talk<00:03:18.400> about<00:03:19.080> bringing first people to talk about bringing first people to talk about bringing dinosaurs<00:03:20.360> back<00:03:20.519> to<00:03:21.080> life<00:03:22.080> you<00:03:22.239> all<00:03:22.400> know<00:03:22.640> the dinosaurs back to life you all know the dinosaurs back to life you all know the story<00:03:23.239> right<00:03:23.400> I<00:03:23.480> mean<00:03:24.040> I<00:03:24.159> assume<00:03:24.519> everyone story right I mean I assume everyone story right I mean I assume everyone here<00:03:25.080> has<00:03:25.200> seen<00:03:25.440> Jurassic<00:03:25.920> Park<00:03:26.799> if<00:03:26.879> you<00:03:27.000> want here has seen Jurassic Park if you want here has seen Jurassic Park if you want to<00:03:27.280> make<00:03:27.440> a<00:03:27.560> dinosaur<00:03:28.040> you<00:03:28.239> go<00:03:28.400> out<00:03:28.599> you<00:03:28.760> find to make a dinosaur you go out you find to make a dinosaur you go out you find yourself<00:03:29.400> a<00:03:29.879> piece<00:03:30.080> of<00:03:30.400> petrified<00:03:31.120> tree<00:03:31.760> sap yourself a piece of petrified tree sap yourself a piece of petrified tree sap otherwise<00:03:33.159> known<00:03:33.400> as<00:03:33.599> Amber<00:03:34.599> that<00:03:34.920> has<00:03:35.120> some otherwise known as Amber that has some otherwise known as Amber that has some blood<00:03:36.280> sucking<00:03:36.760> insects<00:03:37.200> in<00:03:37.439> it<00:03:38.439> good<00:03:38.840> ones blood sucking insects in it good ones blood sucking insects in it good ones and<00:03:40.680> you<00:03:41.000> get<00:03:41.239> your<00:03:41.400> insect<00:03:41.840> you<00:03:41.959> drill<00:03:42.280> into and you get your insect you drill into and you get your insect you drill into it<00:03:42.680> and<00:03:42.799> you<00:03:42.920> suck<00:03:43.200> out<00:03:43.400> some<00:03:43.680> DNA<00:03:44.680> because it and you suck out some DNA because it and you suck out some DNA because obviously<00:03:45.360> all<00:03:45.760> insects<00:03:46.239> that<00:03:46.360> suck<00:03:46.720> blood<00:03:46.959> in obviously all insects that suck blood in obviously all insects that suck blood in those<00:03:47.400> days<00:03:48.400> suck<00:03:48.799> dinosaur<00:03:49.400> DNA<00:03:49.959> out<00:03:51.159> and<00:03:52.159> and those days suck dinosaur DNA out and and those days suck dinosaur DNA out and and you<00:03:52.640> take<00:03:52.840> your<00:03:53.120> DNA<00:03:53.560> back<00:03:53.760> to<00:03:53.879> the<00:03:54.040> laboratory you take your DNA back to the laboratory you take your DNA back to the laboratory and<00:03:54.879> you<00:03:55.040> clone<00:03:55.360> it<00:03:56.319> and<00:03:57.159> I<00:03:57.319> guess<00:03:57.480> you<00:03:57.840> inject and you clone it and I guess you inject and you clone it and I guess you inject it<00:03:58.360> into<00:03:58.799> maybe<00:03:59.040> an<00:03:59.200> ostrich<00:04:00.000> or<00:04:00.120> something it into maybe an ostrich or something it into maybe an ostrich or something like<00:04:00.680> that<00:04:01.680> and<00:04:01.879> then<00:04:02.680> you<00:04:02.879> wait<00:04:03.159> and<00:04:03.319> lo<00:04:03.480> and like that and then you wait and lo and like that and then you wait and lo and behold<00:04:04.000> out<00:04:04.280> pops<00:04:05.040> a<00:04:05.200> little<00:04:05.400> baby behold out pops a little baby behold out pops a little baby dinosaur<00:04:07.319> and<00:04:07.599> everybody's<00:04:08.120> happy<00:04:08.360> about

that<00:04:13.360> and<00:04:13.560> they're<00:04:13.879> happy<00:04:14.519> over<00:04:14.720> and<00:04:14.879> over
that and they're happy over and over that and they're happy over and over again<00:04:15.319> they<00:04:15.439> keep<00:04:15.640> doing<00:04:15.879> it<00:04:16.040> they<00:04:16.160> just<00:04:16.320> keep again they keep doing it they just keep again they keep doing it they just keep making<00:04:16.840> these<00:04:17.040> things<00:04:17.440> and<00:04:18.440> and<00:04:18.720> then<00:04:19.079> they making these things and and then they making these things and and then they then<00:04:20.000> then<00:04:20.440> and<00:04:20.720> then<00:04:21.440> you<00:04:21.600> know<00:04:22.400> then<00:04:23.400> the then then and then you know then the then then and then you know then the dinosaurs<00:04:24.199> being dinosaurs being dinosaurs being social<00:04:26.199> act<00:04:26.400> out<00:04:26.639> their<00:04:26.880> socialness<00:04:27.880> and<00:04:28.000> they social act out their socialness and they social act out their socialness and they get<00:04:28.479> together<00:04:29.320> and<00:04:29.479> they

conspire<00:04:33.000> and<00:04:33.120> of<00:04:33.280> course<00:04:33.520> that's<00:04:33.759> what<00:04:33.919> makes
conspire and of course that's what makes conspire and of course that's what makes Steven<00:04:34.800> Spielberg's<00:04:35.440> movie<00:04:36.440> conspiring Steven Spielberg's movie conspiring Steven Spielberg's movie conspiring dinosaurs<00:04:38.479> chasing<00:04:38.960> people<00:04:39.199> around<00:04:39.919> so<00:04:40.120> I dinosaurs chasing people around so I dinosaurs chasing people around so I assume<00:04:40.639> everybody<00:04:41.000> knows<00:04:41.280> that<00:04:41.440> if<00:04:41.560> you assume everybody knows that if you assume everybody knows that if you actually<00:04:42.199> had<00:04:42.400> a<00:04:42.520> piece<00:04:42.720> of<00:04:43.000> Amber<00:04:43.400> and<00:04:43.520> it<00:04:43.680> had actually had a piece of Amber and it had actually had a piece of Amber and it had an<00:04:44.039> insect<00:04:44.400> in<00:04:44.520> it<00:04:44.759> and<00:04:45.000> you<00:04:45.960> drilled<00:04:46.360> into<00:04:46.680> it an insect in it and you drilled into it an insect in it and you drilled into it and<00:04:47.280> you<00:04:48.280> got<00:04:48.479> something<00:04:48.759> out<00:04:48.919> of<00:04:49.080> that<00:04:49.320> insect and you got something out of that insect and you got something out of that insect and<00:04:49.880> you<00:04:50.039> cloned<00:04:50.440> it<00:04:50.680> and<00:04:50.800> you<00:04:50.960> did<00:04:51.120> it<00:04:51.280> over and you cloned it and you did it over and you cloned it and you did it over and<00:04:51.600> over<00:04:51.759> and<00:04:51.919> over<00:04:52.160> again<00:04:52.880> you'd<00:04:53.120> have<00:04:53.240> a and over and over again you'd have a and over and over again you'd have a room<00:04:53.680> full<00:04:53.800> of room full of room full of mosquitoes

right<00:04:59.720> or
right or right or maybe<00:05:01.680> and<00:05:01.880> probably<00:05:02.160> a<00:05:02.240> whole<00:05:02.360> bunch<00:05:02.520> of maybe and probably a whole bunch of maybe and probably a whole bunch of trees<00:05:03.120> as<00:05:03.759> well<00:05:04.759> now<00:05:04.880> if<00:05:04.960> you<00:05:05.080> want<00:05:05.320> dinosaur trees as well now if you want dinosaur trees as well now if you want dinosaur DNA<00:05:06.320> I<00:05:06.479> say<00:05:07.120> go<00:05:07.280> to<00:05:07.400> the DNA I say go to the DNA I say go to the dinosaur<00:05:09.800> so<00:05:10.000> that's<00:05:10.160> what<00:05:10.320> we've<00:05:10.520> done<00:05:11.320> back dinosaur so that's what we've done back dinosaur so that's what we've done back in<00:05:11.639> 1993<00:05:12.520> when<00:05:12.680> the<00:05:12.759> movie<00:05:13.080> came<00:05:13.280> out<00:05:13.880> we in 1993 when the movie came out we in 1993 when the movie came out we actually<00:05:14.360> had<00:05:14.479> a<00:05:14.639> grant<00:05:14.919> from<00:05:15.080> the<00:05:15.199> National actually had a grant from the National actually had a grant from the National Science<00:05:16.080> Foundation<00:05:17.080> to<00:05:17.320> attempt<00:05:17.639> to<00:05:17.880> extract Science Foundation to attempt to extract Science Foundation to attempt to extract DNA<00:05:18.840> from<00:05:18.960> a<00:05:19.280> dinosaur<00:05:20.280> and<00:05:20.759> we<00:05:20.919> chose<00:05:21.280> the DNA from a dinosaur and we chose the DNA from a dinosaur and we chose the dinosaur<00:05:21.960> on<00:05:22.080> the<00:05:22.280> left<00:05:22.720> a<00:05:22.880> Tyrannosaurus<00:05:23.680> Rex dinosaur on the left a Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur on the left a Tyrannosaurus Rex which<00:05:24.560> was<00:05:24.680> a<00:05:24.840> very<00:05:25.039> nice<00:05:25.319> specimen<00:05:26.280> and<00:05:26.400> one which was a very nice specimen and one which was a very nice specimen and one of<00:05:26.680> my<00:05:26.840> former<00:05:27.560> doctoral<00:05:28.080> students<00:05:28.520> Dr<00:05:28.759> Mary of my former doctoral students Dr Mary of my former doctoral students Dr Mary schwitzer schwitzer schwitzer actually<00:05:30.960> had<00:05:31.199> the<00:05:31.720> background<00:05:32.199> to<00:05:32.360> do<00:05:32.560> this actually had the background to do this actually had the background to do this sort<00:05:32.919> of<00:05:33.080> thing<00:05:33.280> and<00:05:33.520> so<00:05:34.520> she<00:05:34.759> looked<00:05:35.080> into<00:05:35.280> the sort of thing and so she looked into the sort of thing and so she looked into the bone<00:05:35.600> of<00:05:35.759> this<00:05:35.919> T-Rex<00:05:36.479> one<00:05:36.600> of<00:05:36.680> the<00:05:36.840> thigh bone of this T-Rex one of the thigh bone of this T-Rex one of the thigh bones<00:05:38.400> and<00:05:38.800> she<00:05:39.199> actually<00:05:40.199> found<00:05:40.639> some<00:05:40.919> very bones and she actually found some very bones and she actually found some very interesting<00:05:41.720> structures<00:05:42.199> in<00:05:42.600> there<00:05:43.600> they interesting structures in there they interesting structures in there they found<00:05:44.120> these<00:05:44.400> red<00:05:44.800> circular<00:05:45.800> looking found these red circular looking found these red circular looking objects<00:05:47.800> and<00:05:48.160> they<00:05:48.319> looked<00:05:48.800> for<00:05:49.000> all<00:05:49.160> the objects and they looked for all the objects and they looked for all the world<00:05:49.639> like<00:05:49.840> red<00:05:50.080> blood world like red blood world like red blood cells<00:05:52.280> and<00:05:52.440> they're<00:05:52.720> in<00:05:53.680> what<00:05:53.919> appear<00:05:54.240> to<00:05:54.400> be cells and they're in what appear to be cells and they're in what appear to be the<00:05:55.400> blood<00:05:55.680> channels<00:05:56.199> that<00:05:56.360> go<00:05:56.560> through<00:05:56.720> the the blood channels that go through the the blood channels that go through the bone<00:05:57.720> and<00:05:57.880> so<00:05:58.800> she<00:05:59.000> thought<00:05:59.280> well<00:05:59.680> what<00:05:59.800> the bone and so she thought well what the bone and so she thought well what the heck<00:06:00.479> so heck so heck so she<00:06:02.280> sampled<00:06:02.800> some<00:06:03.039> material<00:06:03.560> out<00:06:03.680> of<00:06:03.840> it<00:06:04.319> and she sampled some material out of it and she sampled some material out of it and it<00:06:04.600> wasn't<00:06:04.880> DNA<00:06:05.400> she<00:06:05.520> didn't<00:06:05.800> find<00:06:06.160> DNA<00:06:07.160> but it wasn't DNA she didn't find DNA but it wasn't DNA she didn't find DNA but she<00:06:07.599> did<00:06:07.919> find<00:06:09.120> he<00:06:10.120> which<00:06:10.240> is<00:06:10.520> the<00:06:10.759> biological she did find he which is the biological she did find he which is the biological Foundation<00:06:12.319> of<00:06:13.160> hemoglobin<00:06:14.160> and<00:06:14.319> that<00:06:14.400> was Foundation of hemoglobin and that was Foundation of hemoglobin and that was really<00:06:15.280> cool<00:06:16.280> that<00:06:16.400> was<00:06:16.560> interesting<00:06:17.000> I<00:06:17.240> that really cool that was interesting I that really cool that was interesting I that was<00:06:17.919> here<00:06:18.120> we<00:06:18.280> have<00:06:18.520> 65<00:06:19.080> milliony was here we have 65 milliony was here we have 65 milliony old old old he<00:06:23.120> well<00:06:24.080> we<00:06:24.240> tried<00:06:24.560> and<00:06:24.720> tried<00:06:25.000> and<00:06:25.080> we he well we tried and tried and we he well we tried and tried and we couldn't<00:06:25.440> really<00:06:25.680> get<00:06:25.840> anything<00:06:26.120> else<00:06:26.360> out<00:06:26.479> of couldn't really get anything else out of couldn't really get anything else out of it<00:06:26.840> so<00:06:27.759> a<00:06:27.880> few<00:06:28.080> years<00:06:28.319> went<00:06:28.560> by<00:06:28.759> and<00:06:28.880> then<00:06:29.000> we it so a few years went by and then we it so a few years went by and then we started<00:06:29.639> the<00:06:29.720> hell<00:06:29.960> Creek<00:06:30.319> project<00:06:30.720> and<00:06:30.800> the started the hell Creek project and the started the hell Creek project and the hell<00:06:31.120> Creek<00:06:31.400> project<00:06:31.759> was<00:06:31.919> this<00:06:32.240> massive hell Creek project was this massive hell Creek project was this massive undertaking<00:06:33.280> to<00:06:33.520> get<00:06:34.199> as<00:06:34.360> many<00:06:34.720> dinosaurs<00:06:35.280> as undertaking to get as many dinosaurs as undertaking to get as many dinosaurs as we<00:06:35.520> could<00:06:35.800> possibly<00:06:36.199> find<00:06:36.520> and<00:06:36.840> hopefully we could possibly find and hopefully we could possibly find and hopefully find<00:06:38.599> some<00:06:38.960> dinosaurs<00:06:39.560> that<00:06:39.720> had<00:06:39.880> more find some dinosaurs that had more find some dinosaurs that had more material<00:06:40.560> in<00:06:40.720> them<00:06:41.400> and<00:06:41.560> out<00:06:41.680> in<00:06:41.800> eastern material in them and out in eastern material in them and out in eastern Montana<00:06:43.720> there's<00:06:44.039> a<00:06:44.599> a<00:06:44.720> lot<00:06:44.880> of<00:06:45.120> space<00:06:45.680> a<00:06:45.800> lot Montana there's a a lot of space a lot Montana there's a a lot of space a lot of<00:06:46.080> bad<00:06:46.319> lands<00:06:46.680> and<00:06:47.000> not<00:06:47.199> very<00:06:47.360> many<00:06:47.639> people of bad lands and not very many people of bad lands and not very many people and<00:06:48.160> so<00:06:48.960> you<00:06:49.080> can<00:06:49.240> go<00:06:49.360> out<00:06:49.520> there<00:06:49.639> and<00:06:49.800> find<00:06:49.960> a and so you can go out there and find a and so you can go out there and find a lot<00:06:50.199> of<00:06:50.319> stuff<00:06:50.560> and<00:06:50.680> we<00:06:50.800> did<00:06:51.000> find<00:06:51.199> a<00:06:51.319> lot<00:06:51.440> of lot of stuff and we did find a lot of lot of stuff and we did find a lot of stuff<00:06:51.800> we<00:06:51.919> found<00:06:52.160> a<00:06:52.319> lot<00:06:52.440> of<00:06:53.680> Tyrannosaurs<00:06:54.680> but stuff we found a lot of Tyrannosaurs but stuff we found a lot of Tyrannosaurs but we<00:06:54.960> found<00:06:55.319> one<00:06:55.599> special<00:06:55.960> Tyrannosaur<00:06:56.800> and<00:06:57.000> we we found one special Tyrannosaur and we we found one special Tyrannosaur and we called<00:06:57.319> it<00:06:57.479> B<00:06:57.759> rex<00:06:58.759> and<00:06:58.879> B<00:06:59.120> rex<00:06:59.360> was<00:06:59.720> found called it B rex and B rex was found called it B rex and B rex was found under<00:07:00.879> a<00:07:01.120> th000<00:07:01.639> cubic<00:07:01.960> yards<00:07:02.199> of<00:07:02.360> rock<00:07:03.240> it under a th000 cubic yards of rock it under a th000 cubic yards of rock it wasn't<00:07:03.680> a<00:07:03.840> very<00:07:04.160> complete<00:07:04.680> T-Rex<00:07:05.680> and<00:07:05.840> it wasn't a very complete T-Rex and it wasn't a very complete T-Rex and it wasn't<00:07:06.479> a<00:07:06.599> very<00:07:06.840> big wasn't a very big wasn't a very big T-Rex<00:07:08.960> but<00:07:09.080> it<00:07:09.160> was<00:07:09.280> a<00:07:09.440> very<00:07:09.680> special<00:07:10.560> BX<00:07:11.560> I<00:07:11.680> and T-Rex but it was a very special BX I and T-Rex but it was a very special BX I and my<00:07:11.960> colleagues<00:07:12.319> cut<00:07:12.560> into<00:07:12.840> it<00:07:13.039> and<00:07:13.240> we<00:07:13.720> were my colleagues cut into it and we were my colleagues cut into it and we were able<00:07:14.319> to<00:07:14.599> determine<00:07:15.199> by<00:07:15.360> looking<00:07:15.800> at<00:07:16.319> lines<00:07:16.599> of able to determine by looking at lines of able to determine by looking at lines of Arrested<00:07:17.240> growth<00:07:17.919> some<00:07:18.120> lines<00:07:18.440> in<00:07:18.560> it<00:07:18.800> that<00:07:19.160> b Arrested growth some lines in it that b Arrested growth some lines in it that b rex<00:07:19.639> had<00:07:19.840> died<00:07:20.080> at<00:07:20.199> the<00:07:20.360> age<00:07:20.520> of<00:07:21.199> 16<00:07:22.199> we<00:07:22.319> don't rex had died at the age of 16 we don't rex had died at the age of 16 we don't really<00:07:22.759> know<00:07:23.000> how<00:07:23.160> long<00:07:23.440> dinosaurs<00:07:24.039> Liv really know how long dinosaurs Liv really know how long dinosaurs Liv because<00:07:24.560> we<00:07:24.680> haven't<00:07:24.919> found<00:07:25.199> the<00:07:25.280> oldest<00:07:25.639> one because we haven't found the oldest one because we haven't found the oldest one yet<00:07:27.080> but<00:07:27.360> this<00:07:27.479> one<00:07:27.680> died<00:07:27.919> at<00:07:28.039> the<00:07:28.160> age<00:07:28.319> of<00:07:28.479> 16 yet but this one died at the age of 16 yet but this one died at the age of 16 we<00:07:30.199> gave<00:07:30.520> samples<00:07:30.919> to<00:07:31.039> Mary<00:07:31.280> schwitzer<00:07:31.919> and we gave samples to Mary schwitzer and we gave samples to Mary schwitzer and she<00:07:32.280> was<00:07:32.560> actually<00:07:33.000> able<00:07:33.240> to<00:07:33.479> determine<00:07:33.960> that she was actually able to determine that she was actually able to determine that b<00:07:34.319> rex<00:07:34.599> was<00:07:34.759> a<00:07:34.919> female<00:07:35.879> based<00:07:36.199> on<00:07:36.440> medular b rex was a female based on medular b rex was a female based on medular tissue<00:07:37.680> found<00:07:38.000> on<00:07:38.160> the<00:07:38.319> inside<00:07:38.680> of<00:07:38.800> the<00:07:38.919> bone tissue found on the inside of the bone tissue found on the inside of the bone medular<00:07:40.319> tissue<00:07:40.759> is<00:07:40.879> the<00:07:41.199> calcium<00:07:41.919> buildup medular tissue is the calcium buildup medular tissue is the calcium buildup the<00:07:43.120> calcium<00:07:43.560> storage<00:07:44.120> basically<00:07:44.599> when<00:07:44.759> an the calcium storage basically when an the calcium storage basically when an animal<00:07:45.240> is<00:07:45.479> pregnant<00:07:46.319> when<00:07:46.479> a<00:07:46.639> bird<00:07:47.120> is animal is pregnant when a bird is animal is pregnant when a bird is pregnant<00:07:49.000> so<00:07:49.520> here<00:07:49.639> was<00:07:49.800> a<00:07:50.000> character<00:07:50.400> that pregnant so here was a character that pregnant so here was a character that linked<00:07:50.960> birds<00:07:51.240> and linked birds and linked birds and dinosaurs<00:07:53.240> but<00:07:53.479> Mary<00:07:53.720> went<00:07:53.919> further<00:07:54.319> she<00:07:54.599> took dinosaurs but Mary went further she took dinosaurs but Mary went further she took the<00:07:54.919> bone<00:07:55.199> and<00:07:55.319> she<00:07:55.479> dumped<00:07:55.759> it<00:07:55.919> into<00:07:56.400> acid<00:07:57.400> now the bone and she dumped it into acid now the bone and she dumped it into acid now we<00:07:58.479> all<00:07:58.680> know<00:07:58.840> that<00:07:58.960> bones<00:07:59.199> are we all know that bones are we all know that bones are fossilized<00:08:01.240> and<00:08:01.360> so<00:08:01.520> if<00:08:01.599> you<00:08:01.720> dump<00:08:01.919> it<00:08:02.039> into fossilized and so if you dump it into fossilized and so if you dump it into acid<00:08:02.599> there<00:08:02.680> shouldn't<00:08:02.960> be<00:08:03.120> anything<00:08:04.000> left acid there shouldn't be anything left acid there shouldn't be anything left but<00:08:05.319> there<00:08:05.520> was<00:08:05.720> something<00:08:06.479> left<00:08:07.479> there<00:08:07.560> were but there was something left there were but there was something left there were blood<00:08:08.000> vessels<00:08:08.479> left<00:08:09.360> there<00:08:09.479> were<00:08:09.759> flexible blood vessels left there were flexible blood vessels left there were flexible clear<00:08:11.280> blood clear blood clear blood vessels<00:08:13.440> and<00:08:13.680> so<00:08:14.080> here<00:08:14.319> was<00:08:14.520> the<00:08:14.720> first<00:08:15.000> soft vessels and so here was the first soft vessels and so here was the first soft tissues<00:08:15.919> from<00:08:16.039> a<00:08:16.360> dinosaur<00:08:17.360> was tissues from a dinosaur was tissues from a dinosaur was extraordinary<00:08:19.280> but<00:08:19.400> she<00:08:19.639> also<00:08:19.960> found extraordinary but she also found extraordinary but she also found osteocytes<00:08:21.360> which<00:08:21.479> are<00:08:21.680> the<00:08:21.840> cells<00:08:22.199> that<00:08:22.360> laid osteocytes which are the cells that laid osteocytes which are the cells that laid down<00:08:22.840> the down the down the bones<00:08:24.639> and<00:08:25.400> try<00:08:25.599> and<00:08:25.800> try<00:08:26.159> we<00:08:26.400> could<00:08:26.560> not<00:08:26.840> find bones and try and try we could not find bones and try and try we could not find DNA<00:08:28.759> but<00:08:28.879> she<00:08:29.080> did<00:08:29.240> find<00:08:29.520> find<00:08:29.720> evidence<00:08:30.080> of DNA but she did find find evidence of DNA but she did find find evidence of proteins<00:08:32.039> but<00:08:32.399> we<00:08:32.599> thought<00:08:32.880> maybe<00:08:33.800> well<00:08:34.800> we proteins but we thought maybe well we proteins but we thought maybe well we thought<00:08:35.200> maybe<00:08:35.599> that<00:08:36.279> the<00:08:36.479> material<00:08:36.959> was thought maybe that the material was thought maybe that the material was breaking<00:08:37.680> down<00:08:38.039> after<00:08:38.240> it<00:08:38.320> was<00:08:38.479> coming<00:08:38.719> out<00:08:38.880> of breaking down after it was coming out of breaking down after it was coming out of the<00:08:39.120> ground<00:08:39.440> we<00:08:39.560> thought<00:08:39.719> maybe<00:08:39.919> it<00:08:40.000> was the ground we thought maybe it was the ground we thought maybe it was deteriorating<00:08:40.959> very<00:08:41.279> fast<00:08:42.240> and<00:08:42.440> so<00:08:43.159> we<00:08:43.279> built deteriorating very fast and so we built deteriorating very fast and so we built a<00:08:43.719> laboratory<00:08:44.440> in<00:08:44.560> the<00:08:44.680> back<00:08:44.800> of<00:08:44.920> an<00:08:45.040> 18 a laboratory in the back of an 18 a laboratory in the back of an 18 wheeler<00:08:45.839> trailer<00:08:46.839> actually<00:08:47.160> took<00:08:47.440> the wheeler trailer actually took the wheeler trailer actually took the laboratory<00:08:48.320> to<00:08:48.480> the<00:08:48.760> field<00:08:49.760> where<00:08:49.959> we<00:08:50.120> could laboratory to the field where we could laboratory to the field where we could get<00:08:50.760> better<00:08:51.080> samples<00:08:51.959> and<00:08:52.120> we<00:08:52.279> did<00:08:52.600> we<00:08:52.760> got get better samples and we did we got get better samples and we did we got better<00:08:53.839> material<00:08:54.839> uh<00:08:54.959> the<00:08:55.080> cells<00:08:55.480> looked better material uh the cells looked better material uh the cells looked better<00:08:56.720> the<00:08:56.880> vessels<00:08:57.320> looked<00:08:57.959> better<00:08:58.959> found better the vessels looked better found better the vessels looked better found the<00:08:59.839> protein<00:09:00.360> collagen<00:09:01.000> I<00:09:01.079> mean<00:09:01.279> it<00:09:01.800> it<00:09:01.920> was the protein collagen I mean it it was the protein collagen I mean it it was wonderful<00:09:02.800> stuff<00:09:03.800> but<00:09:04.000> it's<00:09:04.240> not<00:09:05.120> dinosaur wonderful stuff but it's not dinosaur wonderful stuff but it's not dinosaur DNA<00:09:07.360> so<00:09:08.360> we<00:09:08.519> have<00:09:08.920> discovered<00:09:09.279> that<00:09:09.640> dinosaur DNA so we have discovered that dinosaur DNA so we have discovered that dinosaur DNA<00:09:11.120> all<00:09:11.680> DNA<00:09:12.120> just<00:09:12.320> breaks<00:09:12.680> down<00:09:12.959> too<00:09:13.279> fast DNA all DNA just breaks down too fast DNA all DNA just breaks down too fast we're<00:09:13.880> just<00:09:14.120> not<00:09:14.800> going<00:09:15.079> to<00:09:15.399> be<00:09:15.560> able<00:09:15.800> to<00:09:16.040> do we're just not going to be able to do we're just not going to be able to do what<00:09:17.200> they<00:09:17.320> did<00:09:17.480> in<00:09:17.640> Jurassic<00:09:18.079> Park<00:09:18.360> we're<00:09:18.560> not what they did in Jurassic Park we're not what they did in Jurassic Park we're not going<00:09:19.040> to<00:09:19.240> be<00:09:19.399> able<00:09:19.600> to<00:09:20.079> make<00:09:20.279> a<00:09:20.800> dinosaur going to be able to make a dinosaur going to be able to make a dinosaur based<00:09:22.399> on<00:09:23.399> a based on a based on a dinosaur<00:09:25.880> but<00:09:26.880> birds<00:09:27.320> are<00:09:27.680> dinosaurs dinosaur but birds are dinosaurs dinosaur but birds are dinosaurs birds<00:09:29.959> are<00:09:30.240> living birds are living birds are living dinosaurs<00:09:32.720> we<00:09:33.160> actually<00:09:33.800> classify<00:09:34.560> them<00:09:35.560> as dinosaurs we actually classify them as dinosaurs we actually classify them as dinosaurs<00:09:36.920> We<00:09:37.079> Now<00:09:37.399> call<00:09:37.600> them<00:09:37.800> non-avian dinosaurs We Now call them non-avian dinosaurs We Now call them non-avian dinosaurs<00:09:39.200> and<00:09:39.440> Aven<00:09:40.079> dinosaurs<00:09:41.079> so<00:09:41.240> the dinosaurs and Aven dinosaurs so the dinosaurs and Aven dinosaurs so the non-avian<00:09:42.040> dinosaurs<00:09:42.560> are<00:09:42.720> the<00:09:42.839> big<00:09:43.000> clunky non-avian dinosaurs are the big clunky non-avian dinosaurs are the big clunky ones<00:09:43.560> that<00:09:43.720> went<00:09:44.399> extinct<00:09:45.399> Aven<00:09:45.800> dinosaurs ones that went extinct Aven dinosaurs ones that went extinct Aven dinosaurs are<00:09:46.680> our<00:09:46.880> modern<00:09:47.440> birds<00:09:48.440> so<00:09:48.600> we<00:09:48.720> don't<00:09:48.880> have<00:09:49.000> to are our modern birds so we don't have to are our modern birds so we don't have to make<00:09:49.279> a<00:09:49.560> dinosaur<00:09:50.560> so<00:09:50.680> I<00:09:50.839> already<00:09:51.160> have

[Music] [Music] them<00:09:58.959> I<00:09:59.079> know<00:09:59.440> you're<00:09:59.839> you're<00:10:00.320> you're<00:10:00.440> as<00:10:00.600> bad them I know you're you're you're as bad them I know you're you're you're as bad as<00:10:00.880> the<00:10:01.000> sixth<00:10:01.279> graders as the sixth graders as the sixth graders right<00:10:04.240> the<00:10:04.399> sixth<00:10:04.680> graders<00:10:05.079> look<00:10:05.279> at<00:10:05.399> it<00:10:05.480> and right the sixth graders look at it and right the sixth graders look at it and they they they say say say no<00:10:09.720> you<00:10:09.839> can<00:10:10.079> call<00:10:10.279> it<00:10:10.680> you<00:10:10.800> can<00:10:11.000> call<00:10:11.120> it<00:10:11.240> a no you can call it you can call it a no you can call it you can call it a dinosaur<00:10:12.320> but<00:10:12.440> look<00:10:12.560> at<00:10:12.680> the<00:10:12.800> Velociraptor dinosaur but look at the Velociraptor dinosaur but look at the Velociraptor the<00:10:13.600> Velociraptor<00:10:14.279> is the Velociraptor is the Velociraptor is cool<00:10:17.079> the<00:10:17.320> chicken<00:10:17.839> is

not<00:10:21.240> so<00:10:21.440> this<00:10:21.560> is<00:10:21.680> our<00:10:22.000> problem<00:10:23.000> as<00:10:23.120> you<00:10:23.279> can
not so this is our problem as you can not so this is our problem as you can imagine<00:10:25.839> the<00:10:26.000> chicken<00:10:26.360> is<00:10:26.480> a<00:10:26.640> dinosaur<00:10:27.640> I<00:10:27.720> mean imagine the chicken is a dinosaur I mean imagine the chicken is a dinosaur I mean it<00:10:28.040> really<00:10:28.279> is<00:10:28.519> I<00:10:28.600> mean<00:10:28.880> you<00:10:29.640> you<00:10:29.839> can't<00:10:30.120> argue it really is I mean you you can't argue it really is I mean you you can't argue with<00:10:30.680> it<00:10:31.279> because<00:10:31.600> we<00:10:31.800> you<00:10:31.920> know<00:10:32.079> we're<00:10:32.240> the with it because we you know we're the with it because we you know we're the classifiers<00:10:33.079> and<00:10:33.240> we've<00:10:33.480> classified<00:10:33.959> it<00:10:34.160> that

way<00:10:41.880> but<00:10:42.000> the<00:10:42.120> sixth<00:10:42.440> graders<00:10:42.839> demand<00:10:43.240> it<00:10:44.000> fix
way but the sixth graders demand it fix way but the sixth graders demand it fix the the the chicken<00:10:46.800> so<00:10:47.800> so<00:10:48.079> that's<00:10:48.240> what<00:10:48.399> I'm<00:10:48.560> here<00:10:48.720> to chicken so so that's what I'm here to chicken so so that's what I'm here to tell<00:10:49.040> you<00:10:49.200> about<00:10:49.480> how<00:10:49.720> we're<00:10:49.920> going<00:10:50.120> to<00:10:50.320> fix<00:10:50.560> a tell you about how we're going to fix a tell you about how we're going to fix a chicken<00:10:52.760> so<00:10:53.480> we<00:10:53.680> have<00:10:53.880> a<00:10:54.079> number<00:10:54.480> of<00:10:55.160> of<00:10:55.399> ways chicken so we have a number of of ways chicken so we have a number of of ways that<00:10:55.839> we<00:10:56.079> actually that we actually that we actually can<00:10:58.560> fix<00:10:58.880> the can fix the can fix the because<00:11:01.000> Evolution<00:11:01.560> works<00:11:02.560> we<00:11:02.760> actually<00:11:03.160> have because Evolution works we actually have because Evolution works we actually have some<00:11:03.600> evolutionary some evolutionary some evolutionary tools<00:11:05.920> we'll<00:11:06.120> call<00:11:06.320> them<00:11:06.880> biological tools we'll call them biological tools we'll call them biological modification<00:11:08.320> tools<00:11:09.160> we<00:11:09.320> have<00:11:09.880> selection<00:11:10.880> and modification tools we have selection and modification tools we have selection and we<00:11:11.160> know<00:11:11.360> selection<00:11:11.880> works<00:11:12.320> right<00:11:12.519> I<00:11:12.600> mean<00:11:12.800> we we know selection works right I mean we we know selection works right I mean we started<00:11:13.600> out<00:11:13.760> with<00:11:13.880> a<00:11:14.000> wolf-like<00:11:14.480> creature started out with a wolf-like creature started out with a wolf-like creature and<00:11:15.440> we<00:11:15.600> end<00:11:15.760> up<00:11:15.959> with<00:11:16.160> a and we end up with a and we end up with a malti<00:11:18.839> I<00:11:18.920> mean malti I mean malti I mean that's<00:11:21.880> that's<00:11:22.880> that's<00:11:23.079> definitely<00:11:23.560> genetic that's that's that's definitely genetic that's that's that's definitely genetic modification<00:11:26.360> or<00:11:26.920> any<00:11:27.120> of<00:11:27.240> the<00:11:27.399> other<00:11:27.760> funny modification or any of the other funny modification or any of the other funny looking<00:11:28.320> little<00:11:28.560> dogs looking little dogs looking little dogs we<00:11:30.639> also<00:11:30.920> have<00:11:31.160> trans<00:11:31.600> Genesis<00:11:32.200> trans<00:11:32.639> Genesis we also have trans Genesis trans Genesis we also have trans Genesis trans Genesis is<00:11:33.279> really<00:11:33.519> cool<00:11:33.800> too<00:11:34.120> that's<00:11:34.279> where<00:11:34.440> you<00:11:34.600> take is really cool too that's where you take is really cool too that's where you take a<00:11:35.160> gene<00:11:35.480> out<00:11:35.639> of<00:11:35.800> one<00:11:36.040> animal<00:11:36.360> and<00:11:36.519> stick<00:11:36.760> it<00:11:36.880> in a gene out of one animal and stick it in a gene out of one animal and stick it in another<00:11:37.360> one<00:11:38.120> that's<00:11:38.320> how<00:11:38.480> we<00:11:38.920> you<00:11:39.040> know another one that's how we you know another one that's how we you know that's<00:11:39.320> how<00:11:39.480> people<00:11:39.639> made<00:11:40.320> glowfish<00:11:41.320> you<00:11:41.519> take that's how people made glowfish you take that's how people made glowfish you take a<00:11:41.880> jean<00:11:42.519> a<00:11:42.680> glow<00:11:43.040> Jean<00:11:43.440> out<00:11:43.600> of<00:11:43.760> a<00:11:44.360> out<00:11:44.519> of<00:11:44.680> a a jean a glow Jean out of a out of a a jean a glow Jean out of a out of a coral<00:11:46.200> or<00:11:46.440> a<00:11:47.160> or<00:11:47.320> a<00:11:47.519> jellyfish<00:11:48.240> and<00:11:48.320> you<00:11:48.480> stick coral or a or a jellyfish and you stick coral or a or a jellyfish and you stick it<00:11:48.839> in<00:11:49.000> a<00:11:49.480> zebra<00:11:49.959> fish<00:11:50.200> and<00:11:50.760> they<00:11:51.399> glow<00:11:52.399> and<00:11:52.600> you it in a zebra fish and they glow and you it in a zebra fish and they glow and you know<00:11:52.839> that's<00:11:53.000> pretty<00:11:53.279> cool<00:11:53.760> and<00:11:54.079> they know that's pretty cool and they know that's pretty cool and they obviously<00:11:54.920> make<00:11:55.079> a<00:11:55.160> lot<00:11:55.279> of<00:11:55.360> money<00:11:55.600> off<00:11:55.760> of obviously make a lot of money off of obviously make a lot of money off of them<00:11:57.040> and<00:11:57.160> now<00:11:57.360> they're<00:11:57.600> you<00:11:57.680> know<00:11:57.800> they're them and now they're you know they're them and now they're you know they're making<00:11:58.240> glow<00:11:58.639> rabbits<00:11:59.040> and<00:11:59.240> and<00:12:00.079> glow<00:12:00.399> all making glow rabbits and and glow all making glow rabbits and and glow all sorts<00:12:00.760> of<00:12:00.839> things<00:12:01.040> and<00:12:01.160> I<00:12:01.279> guess<00:12:01.399> we<00:12:01.519> could sorts of things and I guess we could sorts of things and I guess we could make<00:12:01.760> a<00:12:01.880> glow

chicken<00:12:05.560> but<00:12:05.800> I<00:12:05.880> don't<00:12:06.079> think<00:12:06.240> that'll
chicken but I don't think that'll chicken but I don't think that'll satisfy<00:12:06.920> the<00:12:07.040> six<00:12:07.279> graders satisfy the six graders satisfy the six graders either<00:12:09.680> but<00:12:09.839> there's<00:12:10.320> another<00:12:10.680> thing<00:12:11.000> there's either but there's another thing there's either but there's another thing there's what<00:12:11.560> we<00:12:11.720> call<00:12:12.040> adamism<00:12:12.680> activation<00:12:13.680> and what we call adamism activation and what we call adamism activation and adamism<00:12:14.519> activation<00:12:15.120> is adamism activation is adamism activation is basically<00:12:17.600> an<00:12:17.760> atavism<00:12:18.399> is<00:12:18.560> a<00:12:19.360> is<00:12:19.519> an basically an atavism is a is an basically an atavism is a is an ancestral<00:12:20.639> characteristic<00:12:21.639> now<00:12:22.320> you've ancestral characteristic now you've ancestral characteristic now you've you've<00:12:22.959> heard<00:12:23.399> that<00:12:23.760> occasionally<00:12:24.440> children you've heard that occasionally children you've heard that occasionally children are<00:12:25.079> born<00:12:25.399> with are born with are born with tals<00:12:27.440> and<00:12:27.720> it's<00:12:28.000> because<00:12:28.880> it's<00:12:29.040> a<00:12:29.199> an tals and it's because it's a an tals and it's because it's a an ancestral ancestral ancestral characteristic<00:12:31.519> and<00:12:31.639> so<00:12:31.839> there<00:12:31.959> are<00:12:32.160> a<00:12:32.279> number characteristic and so there are a number characteristic and so there are a number of<00:12:33.040> atavisms<00:12:33.959> that<00:12:34.279> can<00:12:34.560> happen<00:12:35.399> snakes<00:12:35.839> are of atavisms that can happen snakes are of atavisms that can happen snakes are occasionally<00:12:36.639> born<00:12:36.959> with<00:12:37.800> legs<00:12:38.800> and<00:12:38.920> here's occasionally born with legs and here's occasionally born with legs and here's an<00:12:39.399> example<00:12:39.920> this<00:12:40.040> is<00:12:40.320> a<00:12:41.199> chicken<00:12:42.199> with<00:12:42.839> teeth an example this is a chicken with teeth an example this is a chicken with teeth a<00:12:43.959> fellow<00:12:44.279> by<00:12:44.399> the<00:12:44.480> name<00:12:44.639> of<00:12:44.800> Matthew<00:12:45.160> Harris a fellow by the name of Matthew Harris a fellow by the name of Matthew Harris at<00:12:45.639> the<00:12:45.760> University<00:12:46.279> of<00:12:46.480> Wisconsin<00:12:47.040> in at the University of Wisconsin in at the University of Wisconsin in Madison<00:12:48.240> actually<00:12:48.600> figured<00:12:48.920> out<00:12:49.040> a<00:12:49.160> way<00:12:49.279> to Madison actually figured out a way to Madison actually figured out a way to stimulate<00:12:50.600> the stimulate the stimulate the gene<00:12:52.880> of<00:12:53.160> teeth<00:12:53.480> for<00:12:53.720> teeth<00:12:54.279> and<00:12:54.399> so<00:12:54.920> was<00:12:55.160> able gene of teeth for teeth and so was able gene of teeth for teeth and so was able to<00:12:55.639> actually<00:12:56.040> turn<00:12:56.560> the<00:12:56.839> tooth<00:12:57.160> gene<00:12:57.519> on<00:12:58.320> and to actually turn the tooth gene on and to actually turn the tooth gene on and produce<00:12:59.519> teeth<00:12:59.920> in<00:13:00.839> in<00:13:01.279> chickens<00:13:02.000> which<00:13:02.959> now produce teeth in in chickens which now produce teeth in in chickens which now that's<00:13:03.320> a<00:13:03.480> good<00:13:03.720> characteristic<00:13:04.320> we<00:13:04.440> can<00:13:04.760> we that's a good characteristic we can we that's a good characteristic we can we can<00:13:05.000> save<00:13:05.399> that<00:13:05.560> one<00:13:05.800> all<00:13:05.920> right<00:13:06.199> we<00:13:06.320> we<00:13:06.440> know can save that one all right we we know can save that one all right we we know we<00:13:06.760> can<00:13:06.880> use<00:13:07.440> that<00:13:08.040> we<00:13:08.160> can<00:13:08.399> make<00:13:09.279> a<00:13:09.519> chicken we can use that we can make a chicken we can use that we can make a chicken with with with teeth<00:13:13.360> that's<00:13:13.519> getting<00:13:13.800> closer<00:13:14.320> that's teeth that's getting closer that's teeth that's getting closer that's better<00:13:14.760> than<00:13:14.839> a<00:13:14.959> glowwing

chicken<00:13:18.519> a<00:13:18.639> friend<00:13:18.839> of<00:13:19.000> mine<00:13:19.360> a<00:13:19.600> a<00:13:19.760> colleague
chicken a friend of mine a a colleague chicken a friend of mine a a colleague of<00:13:20.240> mine<00:13:20.480> Dr<00:13:20.720> Hans<00:13:21.000> Larsson<00:13:21.399> at<00:13:21.519> McGill of mine Dr Hans Larsson at McGill of mine Dr Hans Larsson at McGill University<00:13:22.920> is<00:13:23.240> actually<00:13:23.560> looking<00:13:23.839> at<00:13:24.040> adisms University is actually looking at adisms University is actually looking at adisms and<00:13:25.199> he's<00:13:25.440> looking<00:13:26.120> at<00:13:26.279> them<00:13:26.480> by<00:13:26.680> looking<00:13:27.040> at and he's looking at them by looking at and he's looking at them by looking at the<00:13:27.880> embryogenesis<00:13:28.880> of<00:13:29.199> birds<00:13:29.480> and<00:13:29.760> actually the embryogenesis of birds and actually the embryogenesis of birds and actually looking<00:13:30.399> at<00:13:30.600> how<00:13:30.800> they<00:13:30.959> develop<00:13:31.360> and<00:13:31.519> he's looking at how they develop and he's looking at how they develop and he's interested<00:13:32.560> in<00:13:32.760> how<00:13:33.279> birds<00:13:34.279> actually<00:13:34.639> lost interested in how birds actually lost interested in how birds actually lost their<00:13:35.320> tail<00:13:36.279> he's<00:13:36.480> also<00:13:36.680> interested<00:13:37.040> in<00:13:37.199> the their tail he's also interested in the their tail he's also interested in the transformation<00:13:38.320> of<00:13:38.519> the<00:13:39.120> arm<00:13:39.639> the<00:13:39.800> hand<00:13:40.079> to transformation of the arm the hand to transformation of the arm the hand to the<00:13:40.399> wing<00:13:41.240> he's<00:13:41.480> looking<00:13:41.760> for<00:13:42.000> those<00:13:42.199> genes<00:13:42.639> as the wing he's looking for those genes as the wing he's looking for those genes as well<00:13:43.360> and<00:13:43.560> I<00:13:43.639> said<00:13:44.000> well<00:13:44.199> you<00:13:44.279> know<00:13:45.279> if<00:13:45.399> you<00:13:45.519> can well and I said well you know if you can well and I said well you know if you can find<00:13:46.040> those<00:13:46.360> I<00:13:46.480> can<00:13:46.680> just<00:13:47.240> reverse<00:13:47.639> them<00:13:47.800> and find those I can just reverse them and find those I can just reverse them and make<00:13:48.880> what<00:13:49.000> I<00:13:49.120> need<00:13:49.320> to<00:13:49.480> make<00:13:49.639> for<00:13:49.800> the<00:13:49.920> sixth make what I need to make for the sixth make what I need to make for the sixth graders<00:13:51.759> and<00:13:51.920> so<00:13:52.160> he<00:13:52.360> agreed<00:13:52.720> and<00:13:52.959> so<00:13:53.959> that's graders and so he agreed and so that's graders and so he agreed and so that's what<00:13:54.240> we're<00:13:54.399> looking<00:13:54.680> into<00:13:55.600> if<00:13:55.720> you<00:13:55.839> look<00:13:55.959> at what we're looking into if you look at what we're looking into if you look at dinosaur<00:13:56.759> hands<00:13:57.759> a<00:13:58.000> velociraptor<00:13:59.320> has<00:13:59.519> that dinosaur hands a velociraptor has that dinosaur hands a velociraptor has that cool<00:14:00.040> looking<00:14:00.399> hand<00:14:00.680> with<00:14:00.800> the<00:14:00.959> claws<00:14:01.320> on<00:14:01.480> it cool looking hand with the claws on it cool looking hand with the claws on it archaeopteris<00:14:03.120> which<00:14:03.240> is<00:14:03.360> a<00:14:03.519> bird<00:14:04.079> a archaeopteris which is a bird a archaeopteris which is a bird a primitive<00:14:04.639> bird<00:14:05.199> still<00:14:05.600> has<00:14:05.920> that<00:14:06.279> very primitive bird still has that very primitive bird still has that very primitive<00:14:07.079> hand<00:14:07.880> but<00:14:08.079> as<00:14:08.199> you<00:14:08.279> can<00:14:08.440> see<00:14:08.600> the primitive hand but as you can see the primitive hand but as you can see the pigeon<00:14:09.160> or<00:14:09.320> a<00:14:09.480> chicken<00:14:09.800> or<00:14:10.000> anything<00:14:10.320> else pigeon or a chicken or anything else pigeon or a chicken or anything else like<00:14:10.880> a<00:14:11.000> bird<00:14:11.920> has<00:14:12.160> kind<00:14:12.279> of<00:14:12.360> a<00:14:12.480> weird<00:14:12.800> looking like a bird has kind of a weird looking like a bird has kind of a weird looking hand<00:14:14.240> because<00:14:15.240> the<00:14:15.399> hand<00:14:15.600> is<00:14:15.720> a hand because the hand is a hand because the hand is a wing<00:14:17.480> but<00:14:17.600> the<00:14:17.759> cool<00:14:18.040> thing<00:14:18.360> is<00:14:19.120> is<00:14:19.279> that<00:14:19.440> if wing but the cool thing is is that if wing but the cool thing is is that if you<00:14:19.680> look<00:14:19.839> in<00:14:20.040> the<00:14:20.279> embryo<00:14:21.120> as<00:14:21.399> the<00:14:21.560> embryo<00:14:22.040> is you look in the embryo as the embryo is you look in the embryo as the embryo is developing<00:14:23.759> the<00:14:23.920> hand<00:14:24.839> actually<00:14:26.199> looks developing the hand actually looks developing the hand actually looks pretty<00:14:27.440> much<00:14:27.680> like<00:14:27.839> the<00:14:27.959> arch<00:14:28.320> opter<00:14:28.800> hand<00:14:29.199> it pretty much like the arch opter hand it pretty much like the arch opter hand it has<00:14:29.560> the<00:14:29.759> three<00:14:29.959> fingers<00:14:30.399> the<00:14:30.519> three<00:14:30.759> digits has the three fingers the three digits has the three fingers the three digits but<00:14:31.560> a<00:14:31.720> gene<00:14:31.959> turns<00:14:32.279> on<00:14:32.519> that<00:14:32.680> actually<00:14:33.000> fuses but a gene turns on that actually fuses but a gene turns on that actually fuses those<00:14:34.240> together<00:14:35.240> and<00:14:35.399> so<00:14:35.959> what<00:14:36.079> we're<00:14:36.279> looking those together and so what we're looking those together and so what we're looking for<00:14:36.800> is<00:14:37.079> that<00:14:37.240> Gene<00:14:37.560> we<00:14:37.680> want<00:14:37.800> to<00:14:38.040> stop<00:14:38.440> that for is that Gene we want to stop that for is that Gene we want to stop that Gene<00:14:38.880> from<00:14:39.040> turning<00:14:39.360> on<00:14:39.839> fusing<00:14:40.320> those<00:14:40.519> hands Gene from turning on fusing those hands Gene from turning on fusing those hands together<00:14:41.440> so<00:14:41.600> we<00:14:41.680> can<00:14:41.800> get<00:14:41.920> a<00:14:42.040> chicken<00:14:42.399> that together so we can get a chicken that together so we can get a chicken that hatches<00:14:42.920> out<00:14:43.680> with<00:14:43.800> a<00:14:43.959> three-fingered<00:14:44.639> hand hatches out with a three-fingered hand hatches out with a three-fingered hand like<00:14:45.320> the like the like the archaeopteris<00:14:47.000> and<00:14:47.160> the<00:14:47.279> same<00:14:47.560> goes<00:14:48.040> for<00:14:48.240> the archaeopteris and the same goes for the archaeopteris and the same goes for the Tails<00:14:50.120> birds<00:14:50.600> have<00:14:51.199> basically<00:14:52.199> rudimentary Tails birds have basically rudimentary Tails birds have basically rudimentary tails<00:14:55.079> and tails and tails and so<00:14:56.839> we<00:14:57.040> know<00:14:57.519> that<00:14:58.320> in<00:14:58.639> Embry so we know that in Embry so we know that in Embry as<00:15:00.000> the<00:15:00.199> animal<00:15:00.519> is<00:15:00.800> developing<00:15:01.399> it<00:15:01.639> actually as the animal is developing it actually as the animal is developing it actually has<00:15:03.040> a<00:15:03.240> relatively<00:15:03.839> long<00:15:04.279> tail<00:15:05.279> but<00:15:05.480> a<00:15:05.720> gene has a relatively long tail but a gene has a relatively long tail but a gene turns<00:15:06.440> on<00:15:07.279> and<00:15:07.480> resorbs<00:15:08.120> the<00:15:08.320> tail<00:15:09.240> gets<00:15:09.480> rid turns on and resorbs the tail gets rid turns on and resorbs the tail gets rid of<00:15:09.800> it<00:15:10.480> so<00:15:10.759> that's<00:15:10.920> the<00:15:11.079> other<00:15:11.279> Gene<00:15:11.560> we're of it so that's the other Gene we're of it so that's the other Gene we're looking<00:15:12.040> for<00:15:12.480> we<00:15:12.600> want<00:15:12.720> to<00:15:13.079> stop<00:15:13.920> that<00:15:14.079> tail looking for we want to stop that tail looking for we want to stop that tail from from from resorbing<00:15:16.959> so<00:15:17.959> what<00:15:18.079> we're<00:15:18.279> trying<00:15:18.519> to<00:15:18.720> do resorbing so what we're trying to do resorbing so what we're trying to do really<00:15:19.600> is<00:15:20.560> take<00:15:20.720> our really is take our really is take our chicken<00:15:23.000> modify<00:15:23.720> it<00:15:24.720> and<00:15:24.880> make<00:15:25.040> a chicken modify it and make a chicken modify it and make a chickenosaurus

it's<00:15:30.240> a<00:15:30.440> cooler<00:15:30.920> looking<00:15:31.240> chicken<00:15:31.959> I<00:15:32.040> mean<00:15:32.920> but
it's a cooler looking chicken I mean but it's a cooler looking chicken I mean but it's<00:15:33.279> just<00:15:33.480> the<00:15:33.680> very<00:15:34.639> Basics<00:15:35.639> so<00:15:36.040> that<00:15:36.199> really it's just the very Basics so that really it's just the very Basics so that really is<00:15:36.600> what<00:15:36.680> we're<00:15:36.839> doing<00:15:37.680> and<00:15:37.920> people<00:15:38.199> always is what we're doing and people always is what we're doing and people always say<00:15:38.720> well<00:15:38.959> you<00:15:39.079> know<00:15:39.560> why<00:15:39.759> do<00:15:40.040> that<00:15:40.360> why<00:15:40.600> make say well you know why do that why make say well you know why do that why make this<00:15:41.160> thing<00:15:41.680> what<00:15:41.880> good<00:15:42.120> is<00:15:42.639> it<00:15:43.639> well<00:15:44.000> that's<00:15:44.160> a this thing what good is it well that's a this thing what good is it well that's a good<00:15:44.519> question<00:15:44.959> you<00:15:45.319> know<00:15:46.319> actually<00:15:46.959> I<00:15:47.079> think good question you know actually I think good question you know actually I think it's<00:15:47.399> a<00:15:47.519> great<00:15:47.720> way<00:15:47.880> to<00:15:48.040> teach<00:15:48.360> kids<00:15:48.600> about it's a great way to teach kids about it's a great way to teach kids about evolutionary<00:15:49.600> biology<00:15:50.240> and<00:15:50.759> developmental evolutionary biology and developmental evolutionary biology and developmental biology<00:15:52.360> and<00:15:52.480> all<00:15:52.639> sorts<00:15:52.839> of<00:15:53.040> things<00:15:53.319> and biology and all sorts of things and biology and all sorts of things and quite<00:15:54.519> frankly<00:15:55.000> I<00:15:55.079> think<00:15:55.360> if<00:15:56.120> if<00:15:56.680> uh<00:15:57.680> Colonel quite frankly I think if if uh Colonel quite frankly I think if if uh Colonel Sanders<00:15:58.519> was<00:15:58.680> to Sanders was to Sanders was to be<00:16:00.360> careful<00:16:00.759> how<00:16:00.880> he<00:16:01.040> worded<00:16:01.360> it<00:16:01.560> he<00:16:01.680> could be careful how he worded it he could be careful how he worded it he could actually<00:16:02.759> advertise<00:16:03.279> an<00:16:03.480> extra


anyway<00:16:13.560> when<00:16:13.959> Ard<00:16:14.279> Dino<00:16:14.560> chicken
anyway when Ard Dino chicken anyway when Ard Dino chicken hatches<00:16:17.399> it<00:16:17.519> will<00:16:17.720> be<00:16:18.199> obviously<00:16:18.639> the<00:16:18.800> poster hatches it will be obviously the poster hatches it will be obviously the poster child<00:16:19.560> or<00:16:19.800> what<00:16:19.920> you<00:16:20.000> might<00:16:20.199> call<00:16:20.399> the<00:16:20.560> poster child or what you might call the poster child or what you might call the poster chick<00:16:22.360> for<00:16:22.880> technology<00:16:23.880> entertainment<00:16:24.759> and chick for technology entertainment and chick for technology entertainment and design<00:16:26.000> thank<00:16:26.199> you

Jack Horner, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed, paleontology, dinosaur, fossil, archaeology, chicken

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