Xây dựng văn hóa thành công-Mark Wilson

Building a culture of success - Mark Wilson

Building a culture of success - Mark Wilson


most<00:00:06.240> every<00:00:06.540> day<00:00:06.569> I'm<00:00:06.839> with<00:00:06.960> principals
most every day I'm with principals most every day I'm with principals assistant<00:00:07.950> principals<00:00:08.189> and<00:00:08.820> people<00:00:09.090> who<00:00:09.210> want assistant principals and people who want assistant principals and people who want to<00:00:09.480> be<00:00:09.599> administrators<00:00:10.380> and<00:00:10.530> everyone<00:00:11.070> wants to be administrators and everyone wants to be administrators and everyone wants the<00:00:11.429> same<00:00:11.460> thing<00:00:11.969> a<00:00:12.410> successful<00:00:13.410> school<00:00:13.679> they the same thing a successful school they the same thing a successful school they want<00:00:14.370> their<00:00:14.519> students<00:00:14.910> to<00:00:14.969> be<00:00:15.059> successful want their students to be successful want their students to be successful their<00:00:16.080> teachers<00:00:16.529> to<00:00:16.680> be<00:00:16.800> successful<00:00:17.119> but<00:00:18.119> how their teachers to be successful but how their teachers to be successful but how do<00:00:18.390> you<00:00:18.570> go<00:00:18.690> about<00:00:18.869> this<00:00:19.289> how<00:00:20.070> do<00:00:20.130> you<00:00:20.279> have<00:00:20.460> a do you go about this how do you have a do you go about this how do you have a successful<00:00:21.029> school<00:00:21.539> there<00:00:22.380> are<00:00:22.500> so<00:00:22.800> many successful school there are so many successful school there are so many mandates<00:00:23.670> with<00:00:24.029> which<00:00:24.240> we<00:00:24.480> must<00:00:24.660> comply<00:00:25.080> and mandates with which we must comply and mandates with which we must comply and we<00:00:25.800> have<00:00:25.980> to<00:00:26.130> comply<00:00:26.460> with<00:00:26.490> them<00:00:26.910> but<00:00:27.750> that's we have to comply with them but that's we have to comply with them but that's not<00:00:28.080> the<00:00:28.380> end<00:00:28.560> of<00:00:28.710> it<00:00:28.859> we<00:00:29.369> have<00:00:29.550> to<00:00:29.670> go<00:00:29.789> beyond not the end of it we have to go beyond not the end of it we have to go beyond that<00:00:30.269> we<00:00:30.900> have<00:00:30.929> to<00:00:31.140> go<00:00:31.260> into<00:00:32.000> performance<00:00:33.000> we that we have to go into performance we that we have to go into performance we have<00:00:33.510> to<00:00:33.600> go<00:00:33.690> into<00:00:33.840> excellence<00:00:34.410> we<00:00:35.160> have<00:00:35.309> to have to go into excellence we have to have to go into excellence we have to build<00:00:35.700> an<00:00:36.350> environment<00:00:37.350> of<00:00:37.469> success<00:00:37.980> if<00:00:38.670> you build an environment of success if you build an environment of success if you want<00:00:39.690> a<00:00:39.750> successful<00:00:40.110> school<00:00:40.590> there's<00:00:41.280> so<00:00:41.550> many want a successful school there's so many want a successful school there's so many different<00:00:42.059> pieces<00:00:42.210> you<00:00:42.510> could<00:00:42.660> do<00:00:42.840> as<00:00:43.110> an different pieces you could do as an different pieces you could do as an administrator<00:00:44.040> but<00:00:44.879> I<00:00:44.940> would<00:00:45.180> suggest<00:00:45.770> start administrator but I would suggest start administrator but I would suggest start with<00:00:47.280> culture<00:00:47.789> a<00:00:48.289> culture<00:00:49.289> of<00:00:49.590> success<00:00:49.969> begins with culture a culture of success begins with culture a culture of success begins with<00:00:51.300> defining<00:00:51.780> what<00:00:52.110> culture<00:00:53.010> is<00:00:53.239> cultures with defining what culture is cultures with defining what culture is cultures the<00:00:54.390> beliefs<00:00:54.719> and<00:00:54.960> priorities<00:00:55.559> that<00:00:55.829> drive the beliefs and priorities that drive the beliefs and priorities that drive the<00:00:56.489> thoughts<00:00:56.820> and<00:00:57.149> actions<00:00:57.390> of<00:00:57.989> the<00:00:58.410> people the thoughts and actions of the people the thoughts and actions of the people at<00:00:58.800> the<00:00:58.890> school<00:00:59.010> and<00:00:59.460> the<00:01:00.239> school at the school and the school at the school and the school administrator<00:01:01.289> is<00:01:01.670> the<00:01:02.670> proprietor<00:01:03.359> the administrator is the proprietor the administrator is the proprietor the spokesperson<00:01:04.949> the<00:01:05.369> keeper<00:01:05.820> of<00:01:06.000> those spokesperson the keeper of those spokesperson the keeper of those thoughts<00:01:07.229> and<00:01:07.500> beliefs<00:01:07.880> he<00:01:08.880> says<00:01:09.210> what<00:01:09.479> they thoughts and beliefs he says what they thoughts and beliefs he says what they are<00:01:10.369> she<00:01:11.369> does<00:01:11.909> things<00:01:12.360> that<00:01:12.689> show<00:01:12.900> people are she does things that show people are she does things that show people what<00:01:13.350> they<00:01:13.470> are<00:01:13.650> and<00:01:13.860> eventually<00:01:14.729> you<00:01:15.119> hear what they are and eventually you hear what they are and eventually you hear the<00:01:15.450> echoes<00:01:15.810> of<00:01:15.840> your<00:01:16.110> words<00:01:16.290> in<00:01:16.500> the<00:01:16.560> hall<00:01:16.770> you the echoes of your words in the hall you the echoes of your words in the hall you see<00:01:17.520> people<00:01:17.820> carrying<00:01:18.000> out<00:01:18.210> the<00:01:18.330> thoughts<00:01:18.570> and see people carrying out the thoughts and see people carrying out the thoughts and actions<00:01:18.990> of<00:01:19.290> the<00:01:19.409> school<00:01:19.710> and<00:01:20.100> you've<00:01:20.369> built<00:01:20.580> a actions of the school and you've built a actions of the school and you've built a culture<00:01:21.030> so<00:01:21.570> how<00:01:21.720> do<00:01:21.780> you<00:01:21.900> go<00:01:22.049> about<00:01:22.170> this culture so how do you go about this culture so how do you go about this success<00:01:24.030> is<00:01:24.330> measured<00:01:25.020> in<00:01:25.380> a<00:01:25.470> lot<00:01:25.619> of success is measured in a lot of success is measured in a lot of different<00:01:26.040> ways<00:01:26.220> it's<00:01:26.610> often<00:01:27.030> measured<00:01:27.390> in different ways it's often measured in different ways it's often measured in quantifiable<00:01:28.259> pieces<00:01:28.740> with<00:01:29.150> graduation<00:01:30.150> rate quantifiable pieces with graduation rate quantifiable pieces with graduation rate students<00:01:31.710> in<00:01:31.860> advanced<00:01:32.310> courses<00:01:32.790> students students in advanced courses students students in advanced courses students who<00:01:33.860> are<00:01:34.860> doing<00:01:34.979> well<00:01:35.159> in<00:01:35.430> advanced<00:01:35.700> courses who are doing well in advanced courses who are doing well in advanced courses in<00:01:36.329> college<00:01:36.900> placement<00:01:37.590> scores<00:01:37.860> at<00:01:38.790> our in college placement scores at our in college placement scores at our school<00:01:39.509> we<00:01:40.079> had<00:01:40.320> explosive<00:01:41.189> growth<00:01:41.460> in<00:01:41.790> all<00:01:42.030> of school we had explosive growth in all of school we had explosive growth in all of those<00:01:42.329> areas<00:01:42.810> but<00:01:43.290> we<00:01:43.439> didn't<00:01:43.890> start those areas but we didn't start those areas but we didn't start exclusively<00:01:45.090> focusing<00:01:45.689> on<00:01:45.810> those<00:01:45.930> areas<00:01:46.140> we exclusively focusing on those areas we exclusively focusing on those areas we had<00:01:46.829> hundreds<00:01:47.280> of<00:01:47.369> people<00:01:47.670> who<00:01:47.759> visited<00:01:48.090> our had hundreds of people who visited our had hundreds of people who visited our school<00:01:48.390> and<00:01:49.079> I<00:01:49.140> wanted<00:01:49.350> to<00:01:49.409> come<00:01:49.560> and<00:01:49.680> find<00:01:49.890> a school and I wanted to come and find a school and I wanted to come and find a nugget<00:01:50.280> that<00:01:50.670> they<00:01:50.790> could<00:01:50.970> take<00:01:51.149> back<00:01:51.329> and nugget that they could take back and nugget that they could take back and they<00:01:51.659> could<00:01:51.720> do<00:01:51.930> this<00:01:52.110> particular<00:01:52.680> action<00:01:52.890> and they could do this particular action and they could do this particular action and that<00:01:53.759> could<00:01:53.939> be<00:01:54.030> successful<00:01:54.720> at<00:01:54.810> their<00:01:54.930> school that could be successful at their school that could be successful at their school but<00:01:56.430> it<00:01:56.640> wasn't<00:01:56.969> about<00:01:57.060> what<00:01:57.390> it<00:01:57.990> was<00:01:58.140> about but it wasn't about what it was about but it wasn't about what it was about how<00:01:58.649> we<00:01:58.710> were<00:01:58.979> doing<00:01:59.009> what<00:01:59.520> we<00:01:59.640> were<00:01:59.670> doing<00:02:00.090> it how we were doing what we were doing it how we were doing what we were doing it was<00:02:00.659> about<00:02:00.840> why<00:02:01.170> we<00:02:01.409> were<00:02:01.530> doing<00:02:01.799> what<00:02:01.950> we<00:02:01.979> were was about why we were doing what we were was about why we were doing what we were doing<00:02:02.490> it<00:02:02.880> was<00:02:03.000> about<00:02:03.180> culture<00:02:04.130> so<00:02:05.130> to<00:02:05.939> build<00:02:06.119> a doing it was about culture so to build a doing it was about culture so to build a culture<00:02:06.450> of<00:02:06.659> success<00:02:07.140> you<00:02:07.799> need<00:02:07.920> to<00:02:07.979> have<00:02:08.129> a culture of success you need to have a culture of success you need to have a vision<00:02:08.520> what<00:02:09.509> is<00:02:09.629> it<00:02:09.780> that<00:02:09.869> you're<00:02:10.020> seeking<00:02:10.259> to vision what is it that you're seeking to vision what is it that you're seeking to do<00:02:10.590> as<00:02:10.739> a<00:02:10.770> school<00:02:11.129> you<00:02:11.879> need<00:02:12.030> to<00:02:12.120> have<00:02:12.209> unity do as a school you need to have unity do as a school you need to have unity has<00:02:13.560> to<00:02:13.739> be<00:02:13.829> a<00:02:13.860> coming<00:02:14.219> together<00:02:14.340> a has to be a coming together a has to be a coming together a collaboration<00:02:15.390> a<00:02:15.569> vision<00:02:16.500> of<00:02:16.620> one<00:02:16.860> person<00:02:17.370> is collaboration a vision of one person is collaboration a vision of one person is just<00:02:18.390> that<00:02:18.629> and<00:02:18.959> there<00:02:19.620> has<00:02:19.739> to<00:02:19.769> be just that and there has to be just that and there has to be empowerment<00:02:20.700> people<00:02:21.659> have<00:02:21.840> to<00:02:21.989> be<00:02:22.109> able<00:02:22.140> to<00:02:22.620> do empowerment people have to be able to do empowerment people have to be able to do people<00:02:23.640> have<00:02:23.790> to<00:02:23.909> be<00:02:24.030> able<00:02:24.060> to<00:02:24.329> act<00:02:25.280> those people have to be able to act those people have to be able to act those pieces<00:02:26.760> together<00:02:26.939> they<00:02:27.840> create<00:02:28.170> a<00:02:28.200> special pieces together they create a special pieces together they create a special culture<00:02:29.010> of<00:02:29.159> any<00:02:29.549> organization<00:02:30.329> but culture of any organization but culture of any organization but particularly<00:02:31.290> at<00:02:31.379> a<00:02:31.470> school<00:02:31.739> I<00:02:32.150> would<00:02:33.150> suggest particularly at a school I would suggest particularly at a school I would suggest that<00:02:33.599> the<00:02:33.780> people<00:02:34.079> of<00:02:34.200> the<00:02:34.290> school<00:02:34.560> the that the people of the school the that the people of the school the residents<00:02:35.549> the<00:02:35.670> stakeholders<00:02:36.299> have<00:02:36.840> to<00:02:37.019> come residents the stakeholders have to come residents the stakeholders have to come together<00:02:37.340> they<00:02:38.340> have<00:02:38.459> to<00:02:38.579> answer<00:02:38.849> a<00:02:38.879> certain together they have to answer a certain together they have to answer a certain set<00:02:39.989> of<00:02:40.019> questions<00:02:40.590> beginning<00:02:41.280> with<00:02:41.400> Who<00:02:41.549> am<00:02:41.700> I set of questions beginning with Who am I set of questions beginning with Who am I because<00:02:42.480> each<00:02:42.629> individual<00:02:43.230> has<00:02:43.409> something<00:02:43.769> to because each individual has something to because each individual has something to bring<00:02:44.069> to<00:02:44.219> the<00:02:44.340> school<00:02:45.019> collectively<00:02:46.019> the bring to the school collectively the bring to the school collectively the group<00:02:46.500> has<00:02:46.709> to<00:02:46.739> answer<00:02:47.040> who<00:02:47.370> are<00:02:47.489> we<00:02:47.670> and<00:02:48.510> once group has to answer who are we and once group has to answer who are we and once those<00:02:48.959> are<00:02:49.019> answered<00:02:49.530> you<00:02:49.829> can<00:02:49.980> move<00:02:50.129> to<00:02:50.159> those those are answered you can move to those those are answered you can move to those next<00:02:50.609> questions<00:02:51.120> which<00:02:51.269> are<00:02:51.389> really<00:02:51.659> critical next questions which are really critical next questions which are really critical what<00:02:53.010> is<00:02:53.159> it<00:02:53.310> that<00:02:53.400> we<00:02:53.549> wish<00:02:53.760> to<00:02:53.790> be<00:02:54.120> and<00:02:54.389> why what is it that we wish to be and why what is it that we wish to be and why and<00:02:55.049> how<00:02:55.769> do<00:02:56.040> we<00:02:56.159> become<00:02:56.340> what<00:02:56.970> we<00:02:57.000> wish<00:02:57.269> to<00:02:57.480> be and how do we become what we wish to be and how do we become what we wish to be at<00:02:58.230> our<00:02:58.470> school<00:02:58.859> we<00:02:59.730> determine<00:03:00.269> what<00:03:00.480> we at our school we determine what we at our school we determine what we wanted<00:03:00.870> to<00:03:00.989> be<00:03:01.139> we<00:03:01.769> determined<00:03:02.220> that<00:03:02.250> we wanted to be we determined that we wanted to be we determined that we wanted<00:03:02.730> to<00:03:02.790> be<00:03:03.060> a<00:03:03.269> place<00:03:04.260> of<00:03:04.290> student<00:03:04.859> success wanted to be a place of student success wanted to be a place of student success and<00:03:06.150> we<00:03:06.419> focused<00:03:06.780> on<00:03:06.930> three<00:03:07.109> Dublin's<00:03:07.590> what and we focused on three Dublin's what and we focused on three Dublin's what they<00:03:08.459> know<00:03:08.989> what<00:03:09.989> they're<00:03:10.169> able<00:03:10.290> to<00:03:10.470> do<00:03:10.739> and they know what they're able to do and they know what they're able to do and what<00:03:12.090> kind<00:03:12.359> of<00:03:12.419> people<00:03:12.720> they're<00:03:12.870> growing<00:03:13.139> to what kind of people they're growing to what kind of people they're growing to be<00:03:13.439> that<00:03:14.340> approach<00:03:14.879> gave<00:03:15.569> our<00:03:15.870> school<00:03:16.349> a be that approach gave our school a be that approach gave our school a significant<00:03:17.790> focus<00:03:18.030> on<00:03:18.449> students<00:03:19.409> in<00:03:19.530> what significant focus on students in what significant focus on students in what they<00:03:19.889> were<00:03:19.949> doing<00:03:20.419> it<00:03:21.419> came<00:03:21.690> together<00:03:21.870> also they were doing it came together also they were doing it came together also with<00:03:23.790> the<00:03:23.909> vision<00:03:24.329> a<00:03:24.479> piece<00:03:24.989> of<00:03:25.139> unity<00:03:25.530> and<00:03:25.590> it with the vision a piece of unity and it with the vision a piece of unity and it was<00:03:25.799> in<00:03:25.949> two<00:03:26.129> words<00:03:26.370> one<00:03:27.150> Morgan<00:03:27.840> as<00:03:28.099> Morgan was in two words one Morgan as Morgan was in two words one Morgan as Morgan County<00:03:29.400> High<00:03:29.549> School<00:03:29.879> one<00:03:30.150> Morgan<00:03:30.599> was<00:03:30.900> more County High School one Morgan was more County High School one Morgan was more than<00:03:31.229> a<00:03:31.319> motto<00:03:31.560> it<00:03:32.159> was<00:03:32.310> a<00:03:32.340> way<00:03:32.519> of<00:03:32.549> life than a motto it was a way of life than a motto it was a way of life one<00:03:33.780> Morgan<00:03:34.199> not<00:03:34.530> only<00:03:34.889> meant<00:03:35.159> coming one Morgan not only meant coming one Morgan not only meant coming together<00:03:35.909> as<00:03:36.359> one<00:03:36.389> but<00:03:37.349> it<00:03:37.470> also<00:03:37.590> meant<00:03:37.919> that together as one but it also meant that together as one but it also meant that the<00:03:38.190> one<00:03:38.430> individual<00:03:39.060> one<00:03:39.599> person<00:03:40.139> is<00:03:40.290> very the one individual one person is very the one individual one person is very important<00:03:41.459> their<00:03:42.090> hopes<00:03:42.389> their<00:03:42.720> dreams<00:03:42.750> their important their hopes their dreams their important their hopes their dreams their aspirations<00:03:43.290> the<00:03:44.099> things<00:03:44.370> that<00:03:44.549> they're<00:03:44.669> good aspirations the things that they're good aspirations the things that they're good at<00:03:44.879> they<00:03:45.329> matter<00:03:45.659> and<00:03:45.900> they're<00:03:46.260> exceptional at they matter and they're exceptional at they matter and they're exceptional with<00:03:47.370> vision<00:03:47.879> and<00:03:48.060> unity<00:03:48.389> we<00:03:48.959> add<00:03:49.139> empowerment with vision and unity we add empowerment with vision and unity we add empowerment and<00:03:50.159> empowerment<00:03:51.000> as<00:03:51.269> Daniel<00:03:51.599> Paint<00:03:51.840> mentions and empowerment as Daniel Paint mentions and empowerment as Daniel Paint mentions in<00:03:52.409> his<00:03:52.500> book<00:03:52.560> Drive<00:03:53.040> is<00:03:53.479> that<00:03:54.479> piece<00:03:54.780> of in his book Drive is that piece of in his book Drive is that piece of motivation<00:03:55.709> that<00:03:55.739> really<00:03:56.069> helps<00:03:56.310> people<00:03:56.430> be motivation that really helps people be motivation that really helps people be very<00:03:56.819> successful<00:03:57.479> in<00:03:57.930> what<00:03:58.079> they<00:03:58.109> do<00:03:58.260> when very successful in what they do when very successful in what they do when people<00:03:59.370> have<00:03:59.609> purpose<00:04:00.090> and<00:04:00.329> you<00:04:01.019> give<00:04:01.199> them people have purpose and you give them people have purpose and you give them autonomy<00:04:01.739> they'll<00:04:02.280> work<00:04:02.549> toward<00:04:02.849> mastery<00:04:03.090> and autonomy they'll work toward mastery and autonomy they'll work toward mastery and that's<00:04:05.010> what<00:04:05.189> happened<00:04:05.519> at<00:04:05.609> our<00:04:05.699> school<00:04:06.090> we that's what happened at our school we that's what happened at our school we had<00:04:07.019> a<00:04:07.049> genuine<00:04:07.439> coming<00:04:07.829> together<00:04:07.949> of<00:04:08.419> people had a genuine coming together of people had a genuine coming together of people who<00:04:09.959> had<00:04:10.139> a<00:04:10.169> purpose<00:04:10.739> of<00:04:11.060> this<00:04:12.060> one<00:04:12.299> Morgan<00:04:12.780> of who had a purpose of this one Morgan of who had a purpose of this one Morgan of people<00:04:13.229> had<00:04:13.349> a<00:04:13.379> vision<00:04:13.709> success<00:04:14.370> not<00:04:14.639> just<00:04:14.939> in people had a vision success not just in people had a vision success not just in one<00:04:15.359> format<00:04:15.900> or<00:04:16.079> one<00:04:16.440> pursuit<00:04:17.009> but<00:04:17.489> many one format or one pursuit but many one format or one pursuit but many because<00:04:18.900> of<00:04:19.109> our<00:04:19.519> focus<00:04:20.519> on<00:04:20.669> empowerment<00:04:21.120> our because of our focus on empowerment our because of our focus on empowerment our students<00:04:22.079> and<00:04:22.169> teachers<00:04:22.440> were<00:04:22.469> able<00:04:22.800> to<00:04:22.860> do students and teachers were able to do students and teachers were able to do amazing<00:04:23.430> things amazing things amazing things they<00:04:24.000> were<00:04:24.060> may<00:04:24.240> have<00:04:24.360> able<00:04:24.690> to<00:04:24.810> do they were may have able to do they were may have able to do extraordinary<00:04:25.710> things<00:04:26.280> we<00:04:26.639> were<00:04:26.729> a<00:04:26.789> very extraordinary things we were a very extraordinary things we were a very ordinary<00:04:27.419> place<00:04:27.900> a<00:04:28.199> very<00:04:28.650> normal<00:04:28.919> school<00:04:29.370> of<00:04:29.610> a ordinary place a very normal school of a ordinary place a very normal school of a thousand<00:04:30.150> students<00:04:30.650> 50%<00:04:31.650> on<00:04:31.979> free<00:04:32.310> and thousand students 50% on free and thousand students 50% on free and reduced<00:04:32.669> lunch reduced lunch reduced lunch 12%<00:04:33.719> special-needs<00:04:34.590> students<00:04:35.099> but<00:04:35.909> we<00:04:36.210> did 12% special-needs students but we did 12% special-needs students but we did amazing<00:04:37.110> extraordinary<00:04:38.039> things<00:04:38.669> because amazing extraordinary things because amazing extraordinary things because people<00:04:39.150> had<00:04:39.840> the<00:04:39.990> opportunity<00:04:40.020> to<00:04:40.860> do<00:04:40.979> those people had the opportunity to do those people had the opportunity to do those things<00:04:41.430> we<00:04:41.909> build<00:04:42.150> a<00:04:42.240> skatepark<00:04:43.039> we<00:04:44.120> started<00:04:45.120> a things we build a skatepark we started a things we build a skatepark we started a drive<00:04:45.509> that<00:04:45.870> went<00:04:46.050> national<00:04:46.319> where<00:04:46.830> we<00:04:46.949> wrote drive that went national where we wrote drive that went national where we wrote 25,000<00:04:48.360> handwritten<00:04:48.719> letters<00:04:49.139> all<00:04:49.319> in<00:04:49.500> one 25,000 handwritten letters all in one 25,000 handwritten letters all in one day<00:04:49.860> to<00:04:50.250> support<00:04:50.430> dashain<00:04:51.000> muscular day to support dashain muscular day to support dashain muscular dystrophy<00:04:52.050> research<00:04:52.500> we<00:04:53.400> started<00:04:54.270> a<00:04:54.330> program dystrophy research we started a program dystrophy research we started a program for<00:04:54.840> English<00:04:55.199> language<00:04:55.680> learners<00:04:55.710> to<00:04:56.219> support for English language learners to support for English language learners to support them<00:04:56.789> in<00:04:56.909> their<00:04:57.000> efforts<00:04:57.180> on<00:04:57.599> a<00:04:57.870> daily<00:04:58.469> basis them in their efforts on a daily basis them in their efforts on a daily basis every<00:04:59.250> year<00:04:59.430> we<00:04:59.550> raise<00:04:59.759> thousands<00:05:00.389> of<00:05:00.479> dollars every year we raise thousands of dollars every year we raise thousands of dollars to<00:05:01.830> be<00:05:01.949> able<00:05:02.069> to<00:05:02.219> take<00:05:02.430> community<00:05:02.940> children<00:05:03.180> to to be able to take community children to to be able to take community children to shop<00:05:04.110> at<00:05:04.409> Christmas<00:05:04.830> time<00:05:05.039> both<00:05:05.310> for shop at Christmas time both for shop at Christmas time both for themselves<00:05:05.639> and<00:05:05.969> for<00:05:06.300> their<00:05:06.360> family<00:05:06.780> members themselves and for their family members themselves and for their family members we<00:05:07.979> had<00:05:08.159> a<00:05:08.190> mock<00:05:08.520> Congress<00:05:09.240> which<00:05:09.930> taught<00:05:10.229> our we had a mock Congress which taught our we had a mock Congress which taught our students<00:05:10.889> not<00:05:11.669> just<00:05:11.969> by<00:05:12.210> reading<00:05:12.509> about<00:05:12.870> it students not just by reading about it students not just by reading about it but<00:05:13.229> doing<00:05:13.530> about<00:05:13.770> it<00:05:13.830> on<00:05:14.099> a<00:05:14.159> three<00:05:14.550> day<00:05:14.580> basis but doing about it on a three day basis but doing about it on a three day basis culminating<00:05:16.440> a<00:05:16.590> whole<00:05:16.800> semester<00:05:17.430> of<00:05:17.460> study culminating a whole semester of study culminating a whole semester of study learning<00:05:18.330> bills<00:05:18.719> and<00:05:19.080> learning<00:05:19.500> to<00:05:19.590> argue learning bills and learning to argue learning bills and learning to argue about<00:05:19.979> things<00:05:20.539> which<00:05:21.539> really<00:05:22.169> came<00:05:22.409> in<00:05:22.620> handy about things which really came in handy about things which really came in handy when<00:05:23.789> we<00:05:24.150> had<00:05:24.389> the<00:05:24.539> opportunity<00:05:24.889> to<00:05:25.889> lobby<00:05:26.370> our when we had the opportunity to lobby our when we had the opportunity to lobby our actual<00:05:27.240> state<00:05:27.719> legislature<00:05:28.439> to<00:05:29.099> pass<00:05:29.279> a<00:05:29.340> bill actual state legislature to pass a bill actual state legislature to pass a bill called<00:05:30.060> Caleb's<00:05:30.539> law<00:05:30.779> which<00:05:31.620> made<00:05:32.039> it<00:05:32.159> illegal called Caleb's law which made it illegal called Caleb's law which made it illegal for<00:05:32.699> anyone<00:05:33.210> in<00:05:33.569> the<00:05:33.719> state<00:05:33.960> of<00:05:33.990> Georgia<00:05:34.349> to for anyone in the state of Georgia to for anyone in the state of Georgia to text<00:05:34.979> while<00:05:35.129> driving<00:05:35.449> our<00:05:36.449> students<00:05:37.139> had<00:05:37.740> the text while driving our students had the text while driving our students had the power<00:05:38.069> to<00:05:38.219> act<00:05:38.430> our<00:05:38.759> teachers<00:05:39.300> empowered<00:05:40.139> them power to act our teachers empowered them power to act our teachers empowered them and<00:05:40.710> because<00:05:41.339> of<00:05:41.370> this<00:05:41.610> we<00:05:41.969> did<00:05:42.120> amazing and because of this we did amazing and because of this we did amazing things<00:05:42.750> at<00:05:42.900> our<00:05:42.990> school<00:05:43.639> including<00:05:44.639> this things at our school including this things at our school including this which<00:05:45.810> is<00:05:46.400> an<00:05:47.400> example<00:05:47.879> of<00:05:48.210> the<00:05:48.479> extraordinary which is an example of the extraordinary which is an example of the extraordinary things<00:05:49.409> that<00:05:49.529> can<00:05:49.740> happen<00:05:49.949> when<00:05:50.310> people<00:05:50.370> come things that can happen when people come things that can happen when people come together<00:05:51.029> with<00:05:51.569> a<00:05:51.599> common<00:05:51.839> vision<00:05:52.199> in<00:05:52.529> unity<00:05:53.310> I together with a common vision in unity I together with a common vision in unity I was<00:05:55.469> at<00:05:55.589> the<00:05:55.680> tennis<00:05:55.979> courts<00:05:56.039> one<00:05:56.430> afternoon was at the tennis courts one afternoon was at the tennis courts one afternoon and<00:05:57.180> two<00:05:57.479> students<00:05:57.960> Tyler<00:05:58.349> and<00:05:58.560> Jerry<00:05:58.949> had and two students Tyler and Jerry had and two students Tyler and Jerry had walked<00:05:59.279> up<00:05:59.520> to<00:05:59.669> me<00:05:59.819> and<00:06:00.000> they<00:06:00.990> said<00:06:01.229> doc<00:06:01.699> you walked up to me and they said doc you walked up to me and they said doc you got<00:06:02.879> something<00:06:03.150> we<00:06:03.210> want<00:06:03.360> to<00:06:03.449> talk<00:06:03.569> to<00:06:03.779> you got something we want to talk to you got something we want to talk to you about<00:06:04.520> said<00:06:05.520> sure<00:06:05.789> they<00:06:06.659> said<00:06:06.900> -<00:06:06.990> you<00:06:07.050> know about said sure they said - you know about said sure they said - you know Nick<00:06:07.409> Walker<00:06:07.740> and<00:06:08.699> I<00:06:08.819> said<00:06:09.000> sure<00:06:09.210> I<00:06:09.240> know<00:06:09.389> Nick Nick Walker and I said sure I know Nick Nick Walker and I said sure I know Nick Walker<00:06:10.310> they<00:06:11.310> said<00:06:11.580> he's<00:06:11.699> one<00:06:11.849> of<00:06:11.879> the<00:06:12.000> best Walker they said he's one of the best Walker they said he's one of the best kids<00:06:12.419> we<00:06:12.599> have<00:06:12.719> at<00:06:12.870> school<00:06:13.139> I'm<00:06:14.129> gonna<00:06:14.250> said kids we have at school I'm gonna said kids we have at school I'm gonna said yeah<00:06:14.639> we<00:06:14.849> got<00:06:15.000> a<00:06:15.029> lot<00:06:15.210> of<00:06:15.240> good<00:06:15.449> kids yeah we got a lot of good kids yeah we got a lot of good kids they<00:06:17.039> said<00:06:17.310> doc<00:06:17.490> do<00:06:17.669> you<00:06:17.699> know<00:06:17.849> he<00:06:18.000> holds<00:06:18.150> the they said doc do you know he holds the they said doc do you know he holds the door<00:06:18.629> open<00:06:18.960> for<00:06:18.990> everybody<00:06:19.409> at<00:06:19.949> lunch<00:06:20.339> every door open for everybody at lunch every door open for everybody at lunch every day<00:06:20.819> at<00:06:21.060> school day at school day at school I<00:06:21.629> said<00:06:22.139> yeah<00:06:22.349> Nick<00:06:22.800> is<00:06:22.979> great<00:06:23.389> they<00:06:24.389> said<00:06:24.889> we I said yeah Nick is great they said we I said yeah Nick is great they said we want<00:06:25.949> to<00:06:26.069> do<00:06:26.129> something<00:06:26.400> special<00:06:26.610> for<00:06:26.789> Nick<00:06:27.120> we want to do something special for Nick we want to do something special for Nick we want<00:06:28.229> everybody<00:06:28.650> to<00:06:28.800> know<00:06:28.949> what<00:06:29.129> he<00:06:29.250> means<00:06:29.400> to want everybody to know what he means to want everybody to know what he means to our<00:06:29.699> school<00:06:30.089> and<00:06:30.750> I<00:06:30.839> said<00:06:30.900> what<00:06:31.139> do<00:06:31.199> you<00:06:31.259> want our school and I said what do you want our school and I said what do you want to<00:06:31.500> do<00:06:31.650> and<00:06:32.599> Tyler<00:06:33.599> and<00:06:33.750> Jared<00:06:34.169> said<00:06:34.440> we<00:06:35.069> want to do and Tyler and Jared said we want to do and Tyler and Jared said we want to<00:06:35.279> have<00:06:35.399> an<00:06:35.550> assembly<00:06:35.880> we<00:06:36.120> want<00:06:36.240> to<00:06:36.300> bring<00:06:36.449> all to have an assembly we want to bring all to have an assembly we want to bring all the<00:06:36.719> students<00:06:37.110> to<00:06:37.169> the<00:06:37.259> school<00:06:37.500> together<00:06:37.649> and the students to the school together and the students to the school together and all<00:06:38.219> the<00:06:38.370> tea all the tea all the tea and<00:06:39.000> we<00:06:39.180> want<00:06:39.330> to<00:06:39.419> give<00:06:39.509> him<00:06:39.569> a<00:06:39.689> plaque<00:06:39.930> in and we want to give him a plaque in and we want to give him a plaque in front<00:06:40.199> of<00:06:40.470> everyone<00:06:41.180> our<00:06:42.180> school<00:06:42.509> is<00:06:42.629> kind<00:06:42.810> of front of everyone our school is kind of front of everyone our school is kind of place<00:06:43.169> where<00:06:43.379> that<00:06:43.770> wasn't<00:06:44.099> so<00:06:44.250> unusual<00:06:44.759> so<00:06:45.569> we place where that wasn't so unusual so we place where that wasn't so unusual so we called<00:06:46.139> an<00:06:46.289> assembly<00:06:46.590> no<00:06:47.219> one<00:06:47.430> knew<00:06:47.580> what<00:06:47.729> it called an assembly no one knew what it called an assembly no one knew what it was<00:06:47.879> for<00:06:48.210> only<00:06:48.539> a<00:06:48.719> few<00:06:48.990> people<00:06:49.169> and<00:06:49.469> when<00:06:49.979> we was for only a few people and when we was for only a few people and when we gather<00:06:50.310> together<00:06:50.550> the<00:06:51.030> cheerleaders<00:06:51.509> went<00:06:51.719> up gather together the cheerleaders went up gather together the cheerleaders went up into<00:06:51.960> the<00:06:52.139> stands<00:06:52.590> and<00:06:52.860> they<00:06:52.979> got<00:06:53.159> Nick<00:06:53.430> and into the stands and they got Nick and into the stands and they got Nick and brought<00:06:53.759> him<00:06:53.879> down<00:06:53.909> to<00:06:54.060> the<00:06:54.180> floor<00:06:54.349> and<00:06:55.349> the brought him down to the floor and the brought him down to the floor and the football<00:06:55.770> players<00:06:56.099> made<00:06:57.060> a<00:06:57.090> tunnel<00:06:57.449> and<00:06:58.020> Nick football players made a tunnel and Nick football players made a tunnel and Nick was<00:06:58.500> walked<00:06:58.800> through<00:06:59.129> the<00:06:59.280> tunnel<00:06:59.610> to<00:06:59.639> the<00:06:59.849> end was walked through the tunnel to the end was walked through the tunnel to the end of<00:07:00.120> the<00:07:00.180> gym<00:07:00.419> and<00:07:00.629> there<00:07:01.139> at<00:07:01.229> the<00:07:01.319> end<00:07:01.439> of<00:07:01.530> the of the gym and there at the end of the of the gym and there at the end of the gym<00:07:01.830> was<00:07:02.580> a<00:07:02.610> big<00:07:02.909> chair<00:07:03.210> a<00:07:03.240> throne<00:07:03.689> because gym was a big chair a throne because gym was a big chair a throne because Nick<00:07:04.860> was<00:07:05.069> king<00:07:05.340> for<00:07:05.580> the<00:07:05.669> day<00:07:05.849> as<00:07:06.199> he<00:07:07.199> sat<00:07:07.620> in Nick was king for the day as he sat in Nick was king for the day as he sat in the<00:07:07.800> chair<00:07:08.180> people<00:07:09.180> came<00:07:09.569> up<00:07:09.840> one<00:07:10.289> at<00:07:10.409> a<00:07:10.500> time the chair people came up one at a time the chair people came up one at a time there<00:07:11.190> were<00:07:11.280> songs<00:07:11.580> there<00:07:12.090> were<00:07:12.150> testimonials there were songs there were testimonials there were songs there were testimonials people<00:07:13.229> talking<00:07:13.560> about<00:07:13.800> what<00:07:13.979> Nick<00:07:14.250> meant<00:07:14.550> to people talking about what Nick meant to people talking about what Nick meant to our<00:07:14.849> school<00:07:15.180> and<00:07:15.389> the<00:07:16.349> head<00:07:16.560> dietitian<00:07:17.190> mr. our school and the head dietitian mr. our school and the head dietitian mr. Ronda<00:07:17.669> grabbed<00:07:17.879> the<00:07:17.969> microphone<00:07:18.150> and<00:07:18.629> she Ronda grabbed the microphone and she Ronda grabbed the microphone and she said<00:07:18.960> Nick<00:07:19.169> everybody<00:07:19.620> knows<00:07:19.860> you<00:07:20.009> hold<00:07:20.190> the said Nick everybody knows you hold the said Nick everybody knows you hold the door<00:07:20.460> up<00:07:20.639> and<00:07:20.789> every<00:07:20.969> day<00:07:21.120> for<00:07:21.300> people<00:07:21.569> to<00:07:21.629> come door up and every day for people to come door up and every day for people to come in<00:07:21.840> but<00:07:22.110> what<00:07:22.229> they<00:07:22.319> don't<00:07:22.440> know<00:07:22.590> is<00:07:22.889> before in but what they don't know is before in but what they don't know is before you<00:07:23.849> do<00:07:23.969> that<00:07:24.150> you<00:07:24.270> come<00:07:24.419> back<00:07:24.569> in<00:07:24.750> the<00:07:24.780> kitchen you do that you come back in the kitchen you do that you come back in the kitchen where<00:07:25.979> our<00:07:26.099> ladies<00:07:26.430> are<00:07:26.550> cooking<00:07:26.759> for where our ladies are cooking for where our ladies are cooking for everyone<00:07:27.449> and<00:07:27.990> you<00:07:28.169> know<00:07:28.349> every<00:07:28.830> one<00:07:29.009> of<00:07:29.039> the everyone and you know every one of the everyone and you know every one of the lunch<00:07:29.370> ladies<00:07:29.759> buy<00:07:29.940> me<00:07:30.180> and<00:07:31.169> you<00:07:32.129> know<00:07:32.279> their lunch ladies buy me and you know their lunch ladies buy me and you know their children's<00:07:32.879> names<00:07:33.060> and<00:07:33.870> you<00:07:34.110> ask<00:07:34.319> about<00:07:34.680> him children's names and you ask about him children's names and you ask about him and<00:07:35.430> you<00:07:35.669> tell<00:07:35.849> him<00:07:35.969> how<00:07:36.090> pretty<00:07:36.360> they<00:07:36.509> look and you tell him how pretty they look and you tell him how pretty they look that<00:07:36.840> day<00:07:38.870> then<00:07:39.870> Nick's<00:07:40.139> teacher<00:07:40.409> grabbed<00:07:40.710> a that day then Nick's teacher grabbed a that day then Nick's teacher grabbed a microphone<00:07:41.000> miss<00:07:42.000> Holloway<00:07:42.740> and<00:07:43.740> she<00:07:43.919> did<00:07:44.069> the microphone miss Holloway and she did the microphone miss Holloway and she did the most<00:07:44.219> powerful<00:07:44.819> thing<00:07:44.969> I<00:07:45.090> saw<00:07:45.270> in<00:07:45.449> 25<00:07:45.840> years<00:07:45.870> of most powerful thing I saw in 25 years of most powerful thing I saw in 25 years of education<00:07:46.740> she<00:07:46.979> said<00:07:47.310> if<00:07:47.870> Nick<00:07:48.870> has<00:07:49.110> given<00:07:49.409> you education she said if Nick has given you education she said if Nick has given you a<00:07:49.500> compliment<00:07:50.099> this<00:07:50.250> year<00:07:50.719> would<00:07:51.719> you<00:07:51.779> stand a compliment this year would you stand a compliment this year would you stand up<00:07:52.909> we<00:07:53.909> had<00:07:54.029> a<00:07:54.060> thousand<00:07:54.569> students<00:07:54.900> and<00:07:54.960> 120 up we had a thousand students and 120 up we had a thousand students and 120 staff<00:07:55.800> members<00:07:56.250> in<00:07:56.400> there<00:07:56.550> and<00:07:56.759> nearly staff members in there and nearly staff members in there and nearly everybody<00:07:57.690> in<00:07:57.930> the<00:07:58.050> room<00:07:58.259> stood<00:07:59.360> because<00:08:01.099> of everybody in the room stood because of everybody in the room stood because of one<00:08:02.430> person<00:08:02.940> who<00:08:03.719> made<00:08:03.930> such<00:08:04.259> a<00:08:04.289> big one person who made such a big one person who made such a big difference<00:08:04.710> at<00:08:05.099> our<00:08:05.190> school difference at our school difference at our school one<00:08:05.940> morgen<00:08:06.419> a<00:08:06.599> culture<00:08:07.589> of<00:08:07.620> success<00:08:08.509> brought one morgen a culture of success brought one morgen a culture of success brought together<00:08:10.039> by<00:08:11.060> this<00:08:12.060> vision<00:08:12.659> of<00:08:12.779> what<00:08:13.529> Student together by this vision of what Student together by this vision of what Student Success<00:08:14.099> really<00:08:14.639> looked<00:08:14.909> like Success really looked like Success really looked like well<00:08:16.379> we<00:08:16.800> concluded<00:08:17.370> the<00:08:17.460> ceremony<00:08:17.940> Tyler<00:08:18.509> and well we concluded the ceremony Tyler and well we concluded the ceremony Tyler and Jared<00:08:19.020> read<00:08:19.740> their<00:08:19.949> plaque<00:08:20.219> in<00:08:20.490> it<00:08:21.060> read<00:08:22.879> to Jared read their plaque in it read to Jared read their plaque in it read to Nick<00:08:24.060> Walker<00:08:24.469> mr.<00:08:25.469> Morgan<00:08:25.860> County<00:08:26.479> for Nick Walker mr. Morgan County for Nick Walker mr. Morgan County for showing<00:08:27.870> all<00:08:28.020> of<00:08:28.050> the<00:08:28.229> students<00:08:28.770> and<00:08:28.919> teachers showing all of the students and teachers showing all of the students and teachers here<00:08:29.580> how<00:08:30.240> we<00:08:30.300> should<00:08:30.659> treat<00:08:30.690> each<00:08:31.080> other<00:08:33.110> its here how we should treat each other its here how we should treat each other its success<00:08:35.329> it's<00:08:36.329> not<00:08:36.690> a<00:08:36.719> test<00:08:37.140> score<00:08:37.409> but<00:08:37.949> we<00:08:38.039> did success it's not a test score but we did success it's not a test score but we did well<00:08:38.430> on<00:08:38.459> all<00:08:38.760> the<00:08:38.909> test<00:08:39.149> scores<00:08:39.449> because<00:08:40.169> we well on all the test scores because we well on all the test scores because we focused<00:08:40.740> on<00:08:40.890> the<00:08:41.010> big<00:08:41.190> pieces<00:08:41.459> first<00:08:42.000> we<00:08:42.870> came focused on the big pieces first we came focused on the big pieces first we came together<00:08:43.289> with<00:08:43.709> a<00:08:43.740> vision<00:08:44.070> we<00:08:44.459> empowered together with a vision we empowered together with a vision we empowered people<00:08:45.180> to<00:08:45.390> act<00:08:45.600> and<00:08:45.959> we<00:08:46.560> had<00:08:46.740> success people to act and we had success people to act and we had success Thanks

Mark Wilson, professional, development, Education, teacher, teaching, TEDActive, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED-Ed

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