Ý nghĩa của một đối tượng lượng tử có thể nhìn thấy – Aaron O ‘ Connell

Making sense of a visible quantum object - Aaron O'Connell

Making sense of a visible quantum object - Aaron O'Connell


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

this<00:00:17.000> is<00:00:17.119> a<00:00:17.279> representation<00:00:17.880> of<00:00:18.000> your<00:00:18.199> brain
this is a representation of your brain this is a representation of your brain and<00:00:19.080> your<00:00:19.240> brain<00:00:19.480> can<00:00:19.600> be<00:00:19.720> broken<00:00:20.039> into<00:00:20.279> two and your brain can be broken into two and your brain can be broken into two parts<00:00:21.439> uh<00:00:21.560> there's<00:00:21.840> the<00:00:22.199> left<00:00:22.480> half<00:00:22.760> which<00:00:22.840> is parts uh there's the left half which is parts uh there's the left half which is The<00:00:23.119> Logical<00:00:23.599> side<00:00:24.000> and<00:00:24.240> then<00:00:24.760> the<00:00:24.920> right<00:00:25.199> half The Logical side and then the right half The Logical side and then the right half which<00:00:25.720> is<00:00:25.920> the<00:00:26.439> intuitive<00:00:27.439> and<00:00:27.519> so<00:00:27.640> if<00:00:27.720> we<00:00:27.840> add which is the intuitive and so if we add which is the intuitive and so if we add a<00:00:28.199> scale<00:00:28.720> to<00:00:28.880> measure<00:00:29.160> the<00:00:29.320> aptitude<00:00:29.759> of<00:00:30.000> each a scale to measure the aptitude of each a scale to measure the aptitude of each hemisphere<00:00:31.039> then<00:00:31.199> we<00:00:31.320> can<00:00:31.480> plot<00:00:31.720> our<00:00:31.880> brain hemisphere then we can plot our brain hemisphere then we can plot our brain and<00:00:32.880> for<00:00:33.040> example<00:00:33.600> this<00:00:33.719> would<00:00:33.879> be<00:00:34.040> somebody and for example this would be somebody and for example this would be somebody who's<00:00:34.559> completely<00:00:35.040> logical<00:00:36.000> this<00:00:36.079> would<00:00:36.239> be who's completely logical this would be who's completely logical this would be someone<00:00:36.680> who's<00:00:37.000> entirely someone who's entirely someone who's entirely intuitive<00:00:39.440> so<00:00:39.600> where<00:00:39.719> would<00:00:39.879> you<00:00:40.039> put<00:00:40.200> your intuitive so where would you put your intuitive so where would you put your brain<00:00:40.879> on<00:00:41.120> this<00:00:41.360> scale<00:00:42.360> some<00:00:42.520> of<00:00:42.640> us<00:00:42.800> may<00:00:42.920> have brain on this scale some of us may have brain on this scale some of us may have opted<00:00:43.480> for<00:00:43.879> you<00:00:43.960> know<00:00:44.120> one<00:00:44.239> of<00:00:44.360> these<00:00:44.559> extremes opted for you know one of these extremes opted for you know one of these extremes but<00:00:45.559> I<00:00:45.640> think<00:00:45.760> for<00:00:46.039> most<00:00:46.239> people<00:00:46.440> in<00:00:46.559> the but I think for most people in the but I think for most people in the audience<00:00:47.160> your<00:00:47.360> brain<00:00:47.960> is<00:00:48.120> something<00:00:48.399> like audience your brain is something like audience your brain is something like this<00:00:48.879> with<00:00:49.039> a<00:00:49.199> high<00:00:49.399> aptitude<00:00:50.000> in<00:00:50.239> both this with a high aptitude in both this with a high aptitude in both hemispheres<00:00:51.199> at<00:00:51.360> the<00:00:51.480> same<00:00:51.800> time<00:00:52.239> I<00:00:52.320> mean<00:00:52.440> it's hemispheres at the same time I mean it's hemispheres at the same time I mean it's not<00:00:52.640> like<00:00:52.760> they're<00:00:52.920> mutually<00:00:53.399> exclusive<00:00:53.840> or not like they're mutually exclusive or not like they're mutually exclusive or anything<00:00:54.320> you<00:00:54.440> can<00:00:54.600> be<00:00:55.039> logical<00:00:55.559> and anything you can be logical and anything you can be logical and intuitive<00:00:57.039> and<00:00:57.160> so<00:00:57.520> I<00:00:57.640> consider<00:00:58.120> myself<00:00:58.440> one intuitive and so I consider myself one intuitive and so I consider myself one of<00:00:58.680> these<00:00:58.879> people<00:00:59.559> along<00:00:59.760> with<00:01:00.160> most<00:01:00.280> of<00:01:00.399> the of these people along with most of the of these people along with most of the other<00:01:00.840> experimental<00:01:01.519> Quantum<00:01:02.000> physicists<00:01:03.000> we other experimental Quantum physicists we other experimental Quantum physicists we need<00:01:03.280> a<00:01:03.359> good<00:01:03.519> deal<00:01:03.680> of<00:01:03.840> logic<00:01:04.119> to<00:01:04.239> string need a good deal of logic to string need a good deal of logic to string together<00:01:05.040> these<00:01:05.320> complex<00:01:05.799> ideas<00:01:06.760> but<00:01:06.920> at<00:01:07.040> the together these complex ideas but at the together these complex ideas but at the same<00:01:07.400> time<00:01:07.720> we<00:01:07.960> um<00:01:08.240> we<00:01:08.320> need<00:01:08.439> a<00:01:08.560> good<00:01:08.680> deal<00:01:08.840> of same time we um we need a good deal of same time we um we need a good deal of intuition<00:01:09.600> to<00:01:09.840> actually<00:01:10.159> make<00:01:10.360> the intuition to actually make the intuition to actually make the experiments<00:01:11.080> work<00:01:12.040> how<00:01:12.119> do<00:01:12.240> we<00:01:12.360> develop<00:01:12.720> this experiments work how do we develop this experiments work how do we develop this intuition<00:01:13.439> well<00:01:13.560> we<00:01:13.680> like<00:01:13.799> to<00:01:13.920> play<00:01:14.119> with intuition well we like to play with intuition well we like to play with stuff<00:01:14.600> so<00:01:14.720> we<00:01:14.840> go<00:01:14.920> out<00:01:15.040> and<00:01:15.159> play<00:01:15.360> with<00:01:15.479> it<00:01:15.960> and stuff so we go out and play with it and stuff so we go out and play with it and then<00:01:16.159> we<00:01:16.280> see<00:01:16.439> how<00:01:16.560> it<00:01:16.799> acts<00:01:17.560> and<00:01:17.640> then<00:01:17.759> we then we see how it acts and then we then we see how it acts and then we develop<00:01:18.240> our<00:01:18.400> intuition<00:01:18.960> from<00:01:19.320> from<00:01:19.560> there develop our intuition from from there develop our intuition from from there and<00:01:20.479> you<00:01:20.600> know<00:01:20.759> really<00:01:20.960> you<00:01:21.079> do<00:01:21.280> the<00:01:21.439> same and you know really you do the same and you know really you do the same thing<00:01:22.759> so<00:01:23.119> some<00:01:23.400> intuition<00:01:24.200> that<00:01:24.320> you<00:01:24.439> may thing so some intuition that you may thing so some intuition that you may have<00:01:24.799> developed<00:01:25.280> over<00:01:25.479> the<00:01:25.640> years<00:01:26.159> is<00:01:26.360> that have developed over the years is that have developed over the years is that one<00:01:27.200> thing<00:01:27.840> is<00:01:28.000> only<00:01:28.280> in<00:01:28.600> one<00:01:28.960> place<00:01:29.400> at<00:01:29.560> a<00:01:29.720> time one thing is only in one place at a time one thing is only in one place at a time I<00:01:30.960> mean<00:01:31.079> I<00:01:31.159> even<00:01:31.439> sound<00:01:31.759> weird<00:01:32.079> to<00:01:32.240> think<00:01:32.479> about I mean I even sound weird to think about I mean I even sound weird to think about uh<00:01:33.520> one<00:01:33.840> thing<00:01:34.399> being<00:01:34.680> in<00:01:35.280> two<00:01:35.600> different uh one thing being in two different uh one thing being in two different places<00:01:36.240> at<00:01:36.399> the<00:01:36.520> same<00:01:36.840> time<00:01:37.479> but<00:01:37.600> you<00:01:37.680> weren't places at the same time but you weren't places at the same time but you weren't born<00:01:38.280> with<00:01:38.479> this<00:01:38.640> notion<00:01:39.159> you<00:01:39.360> developed<00:01:39.840> it born with this notion you developed it born with this notion you developed it you<00:01:40.720> know<00:01:40.840> I<00:01:40.960> remember<00:01:41.600> watching<00:01:41.880> a<00:01:42.079> kid you know I remember watching a kid you know I remember watching a kid playing<00:01:42.520> on<00:01:42.640> a<00:01:42.759> car<00:01:43.000> stop<00:01:43.280> he<00:01:43.399> was<00:01:43.560> just<00:01:43.640> a playing on a car stop he was just a playing on a car stop he was just a toddler<00:01:44.159> and<00:01:44.280> he<00:01:44.360> wasn't<00:01:44.640> very<00:01:44.799> good<00:01:44.960> at<00:01:45.119> it toddler and he wasn't very good at it toddler and he wasn't very good at it and<00:01:45.560> he<00:01:45.680> kept<00:01:45.880> falling<00:01:46.200> over<00:01:46.719> but<00:01:47.040> I<00:01:47.119> bet and he kept falling over but I bet and he kept falling over but I bet playing<00:01:47.560> with<00:01:47.680> this<00:01:47.880> car<00:01:48.119> stop<00:01:48.640> taught<00:01:48.840> him<00:01:48.960> a playing with this car stop taught him a playing with this car stop taught him a really<00:01:49.320> valuable<00:01:49.719> lesson<00:01:50.119> and<00:01:50.280> that's<00:01:50.560> that really valuable lesson and that's that really valuable lesson and that's that large<00:01:51.479> things<00:01:51.880> don't<00:01:52.119> let<00:01:52.240> you<00:01:52.399> get<00:01:52.600> right large things don't let you get right large things don't let you get right past<00:01:53.079> him<00:01:53.840> and<00:01:53.960> that<00:01:54.119> they<00:01:54.240> stay<00:01:54.439> in<00:01:54.600> one<00:01:55.320> place past him and that they stay in one place past him and that they stay in one place and<00:01:56.439> so<00:01:56.719> this<00:01:56.840> is<00:01:56.960> a<00:01:57.119> great<00:01:57.360> conceptual<00:01:57.920> model and so this is a great conceptual model and so this is a great conceptual model to<00:01:58.479> have<00:01:58.680> of<00:01:58.840> the<00:01:59.000> world<00:01:59.920> unless<00:02:00.119> you're<00:02:00.240> a to have of the world unless you're a to have of the world unless you're a particle<00:02:00.840> physicist<00:02:01.680> it'd<00:02:01.880> be<00:02:02.000> a<00:02:02.079> terrible particle physicist it'd be a terrible particle physicist it'd be a terrible model<00:02:02.759> for<00:02:02.920> a<00:02:03.039> particle<00:02:03.439> physicist<00:02:03.960> because model for a particle physicist because model for a particle physicist because well<00:02:04.360> they<00:02:04.479> don't<00:02:04.640> play<00:02:04.759> with<00:02:04.920> car<00:02:05.159> stops<00:02:06.000> they well they don't play with car stops they well they don't play with car stops they play<00:02:06.320> with<00:02:06.479> these<00:02:06.680> little<00:02:07.119> little<00:02:07.320> weird play with these little little weird play with these little little weird particles<00:02:08.759> and<00:02:08.840> when<00:02:08.959> they<00:02:09.119> play<00:02:09.280> with<00:02:09.399> their particles and when they play with their particles and when they play with their particles<00:02:10.200> they<00:02:10.319> finally<00:02:10.679> do<00:02:10.879> all<00:02:11.000> sorts<00:02:11.200> of particles they finally do all sorts of particles they finally do all sorts of really<00:02:12.040> weird<00:02:12.680> weird<00:02:12.959> things<00:02:13.319> like<00:02:13.480> they<00:02:13.560> can really weird weird things like they can really weird weird things like they can fly<00:02:14.160> right<00:02:14.360> through<00:02:14.640> walls<00:02:15.440> or<00:02:15.599> they<00:02:15.720> can<00:02:15.920> be fly right through walls or they can be fly right through walls or they can be in<00:02:16.319> two<00:02:16.519> different<00:02:16.879> places<00:02:17.440> at<00:02:17.599> the<00:02:17.720> same<00:02:18.480> time in two different places at the same time in two different places at the same time and<00:02:19.599> so<00:02:19.879> they<00:02:20.000> wrote<00:02:20.280> down<00:02:20.680> all<00:02:20.920> these and so they wrote down all these and so they wrote down all these observations<00:02:22.239> and<00:02:22.360> they<00:02:22.519> called<00:02:22.720> it<00:02:23.200> the observations and they called it the observations and they called it the theory<00:02:23.959> of<00:02:24.160> quantum<00:02:25.080> mechanics<00:02:26.080> and<00:02:26.280> so<00:02:26.680> you theory of quantum mechanics and so you theory of quantum mechanics and so you know<00:02:26.959> that's<00:02:27.200> where<00:02:27.400> physics<00:02:27.760> was<00:02:27.920> at<00:02:28.239> a<00:02:28.319> few know that's where physics was at a few know that's where physics was at a few years<00:02:28.800> ago<00:02:29.440> you<00:02:29.560> needed<00:02:30.080> quantum<00:02:30.400> mechanics years ago you needed quantum mechanics years ago you needed quantum mechanics to<00:02:31.319> describe<00:02:32.239> little<00:02:32.800> tiny<00:02:33.160> particles<00:02:34.040> but to describe little tiny particles but to describe little tiny particles but you<00:02:34.280> didn't<00:02:34.560> need<00:02:34.720> it<00:02:34.959> to<00:02:35.280> describe<00:02:35.879> the<00:02:36.440> the you didn't need it to describe the the you didn't need it to describe the the large<00:02:37.200> everyday<00:02:37.680> objects<00:02:38.280> around<00:02:38.640> us<00:02:39.560> this large everyday objects around us this large everyday objects around us this didn't<00:02:39.959> really<00:02:40.159> sit<00:02:40.440> well<00:02:40.640> with<00:02:40.800> my<00:02:41.080> intuition didn't really sit well with my intuition didn't really sit well with my intuition and<00:02:42.280> maybe<00:02:42.480> it's<00:02:42.920> just<00:02:43.120> because<00:02:43.319> I<00:02:43.400> don't<00:02:43.599> play and maybe it's just because I don't play and maybe it's just because I don't play with<00:02:44.000> particles<00:02:44.760> very<00:02:45.040> often<00:02:45.879> well<00:02:46.040> I<00:02:46.080> mean<00:02:46.440> I with particles very often well I mean I with particles very often well I mean I play<00:02:46.680> with<00:02:46.840> them<00:02:47.200> sometimes<00:02:47.599> but<00:02:48.040> not<00:02:48.239> very play with them sometimes but not very play with them sometimes but not very often<00:02:49.239> um<00:02:49.400> and<00:02:49.560> I've<00:02:49.720> never<00:02:49.920> seen<00:02:50.280> them<00:02:51.000> I<00:02:51.080> mean often um and I've never seen them I mean often um and I've never seen them I mean nobody's<00:02:52.120> ever<00:02:52.400> seen<00:02:52.720> a nobody's ever seen a nobody's ever seen a particle<00:02:54.680> but<00:02:54.840> this<00:02:55.040> it<00:02:55.120> didn't<00:02:55.319> sit<00:02:55.560> well particle but this it didn't sit well particle but this it didn't sit well with<00:02:55.879> my<00:02:56.040> logical<00:02:56.440> side<00:02:56.760> either<00:02:57.480> because<00:02:57.760> if with my logical side either because if with my logical side either because if everything<00:02:58.720> is<00:02:58.920> made<00:02:59.120> up<00:02:59.280> of<00:02:59.599> little<00:02:59.879> little everything is made up of little little everything is made up of little little particles<00:03:00.680> and<00:03:00.840> all<00:03:01.040> the<00:03:01.159> little<00:03:01.400> particles particles and all the little particles particles and all the little particles follow<00:03:02.560> quantum<00:03:03.360> mechanics<00:03:04.360> then<00:03:04.480> shouldn't follow quantum mechanics then shouldn't follow quantum mechanics then shouldn't everything<00:03:05.720> just<00:03:06.040> follow<00:03:06.400> quantum

mechanics<00:03:09.879> yeah<00:03:10.080> I<00:03:10.120> don't<00:03:10.239> see<00:03:10.400> any<00:03:10.560> reason
mechanics yeah I don't see any reason mechanics yeah I don't see any reason why<00:03:10.959> it<00:03:11.519> shouldn't<00:03:12.519> and<00:03:12.680> so<00:03:12.920> I'd<00:03:13.080> feel<00:03:13.200> a<00:03:13.319> lot why it shouldn't and so I'd feel a lot why it shouldn't and so I'd feel a lot better<00:03:13.720> about<00:03:13.920> the<00:03:14.040> whole<00:03:14.280> thing<00:03:14.680> if<00:03:14.799> we<00:03:14.920> could better about the whole thing if we could better about the whole thing if we could somehow<00:03:15.440> show<00:03:16.400> that<00:03:16.519> an<00:03:16.680> everyday<00:03:17.200> object somehow show that an everyday object somehow show that an everyday object also<00:03:18.480> follows<00:03:18.840> quantum<00:03:19.400> mechanics<00:03:20.400> so<00:03:20.799> a<00:03:20.920> few also follows quantum mechanics so a few also follows quantum mechanics so a few years<00:03:21.319> ago<00:03:21.640> I<00:03:21.720> set<00:03:21.920> off<00:03:22.080> to<00:03:22.200> do<00:03:22.440> just years ago I set off to do just years ago I set off to do just that<00:03:24.319> so<00:03:25.159> I<00:03:25.319> I<00:03:25.440> made<00:03:25.640> one<00:03:26.519> this<00:03:26.640> is<00:03:26.799> the<00:03:26.959> first that so I I made one this is the first that so I I made one this is the first object<00:03:29.040> that<00:03:29.159> you<00:03:29.280> can<00:03:29.439> see object that you can see object that you can see that<00:03:30.640> has<00:03:30.840> been<00:03:31.040> in<00:03:31.159> a<00:03:31.319> mechanical<00:03:31.959> Quantum that has been in a mechanical Quantum that has been in a mechanical Quantum superp<00:03:33.120> position<00:03:34.120> so<00:03:34.360> we're<00:03:34.519> looking<00:03:34.720> at<00:03:34.879> here superp position so we're looking at here superp position so we're looking at here is<00:03:35.159> a<00:03:35.360> tiny<00:03:35.840> computer<00:03:36.560> chip<00:03:37.319> and<00:03:37.840> you<00:03:37.920> can<00:03:38.040> sort is a tiny computer chip and you can sort is a tiny computer chip and you can sort of<00:03:38.280> see<00:03:38.480> this<00:03:38.640> Green<00:03:39.000> Dot<00:03:39.680> right<00:03:39.799> in<00:03:39.920> the of see this Green Dot right in the of see this Green Dot right in the middle<00:03:40.599> and<00:03:40.720> that's<00:03:41.000> this<00:03:41.239> piece<00:03:41.400> of<00:03:41.519> metal middle and that's this piece of metal middle and that's this piece of metal I'm<00:03:41.840> going<00:03:41.920> to<00:03:42.000> be<00:03:42.159> talking<00:03:42.400> about<00:03:42.560> in<00:03:42.640> a I'm going to be talking about in a I'm going to be talking about in a minute<00:03:43.360> this<00:03:43.480> is<00:03:43.599> a<00:03:43.760> photograph<00:03:44.400> of<00:03:44.599> of<00:03:44.720> the minute this is a photograph of of the minute this is a photograph of of the object<00:03:45.200> and<00:03:45.319> here<00:03:45.480> I'm<00:03:45.760> zoom<00:03:45.959> in<00:03:46.080> a<00:03:46.200> little<00:03:46.360> bit object and here I'm zoom in a little bit object and here I'm zoom in a little bit we're<00:03:46.920> looking<00:03:47.239> right<00:03:47.360> there<00:03:47.519> in<00:03:47.599> the<00:03:47.760> center we're looking right there in the center we're looking right there in the center and<00:03:48.519> then<00:03:48.640> here's<00:03:48.840> a<00:03:49.080> really<00:03:49.519> really<00:03:49.720> big and then here's a really really big and then here's a really really big closeup<00:03:50.480> of<00:03:50.640> the<00:03:50.760> little<00:03:50.920> piece<00:03:51.080> of<00:03:51.200> metal<00:03:51.879> so closeup of the little piece of metal so closeup of the little piece of metal so what<00:03:52.079> we're<00:03:52.239> looking<00:03:52.400> at<00:03:52.560> is<00:03:52.640> a<00:03:52.799> little<00:03:52.959> chunk what we're looking at is a little chunk what we're looking at is a little chunk of<00:03:53.319> metal<00:03:53.840> and<00:03:53.959> it's<00:03:54.120> shaped<00:03:54.439> like<00:03:54.519> a<00:03:54.680> diving of metal and it's shaped like a diving of metal and it's shaped like a diving board<00:03:55.280> and<00:03:55.439> sticking<00:03:55.760> out<00:03:55.920> over<00:03:56.120> a<00:03:56.280> ledge<00:03:56.920> and board and sticking out over a ledge and board and sticking out over a ledge and so<00:03:57.200> I<00:03:57.319> made<00:03:57.560> this<00:03:57.760> thing<00:03:58.319> in<00:03:58.480> nearly<00:03:58.840> the<00:03:58.920> same so I made this thing in nearly the same so I made this thing in nearly the same way<00:03:59.280> as<00:03:59.400> you<00:03:59.480> make<00:03:59.879> computer<00:04:00.200> chip<00:04:00.519> I<00:04:00.599> went way as you make computer chip I went way as you make computer chip I went into<00:04:01.400> a<00:04:01.519> clean<00:04:01.840> room<00:04:02.040> with<00:04:02.120> a<00:04:02.239> fresh<00:04:02.480> silicon into a clean room with a fresh silicon into a clean room with a fresh silicon wafer<00:04:03.760> and<00:04:03.840> then<00:04:03.959> I<00:04:04.040> just<00:04:04.200> cranked<00:04:04.599> away<00:04:04.799> at wafer and then I just cranked away at wafer and then I just cranked away at all<00:04:05.040> the<00:04:05.159> big<00:04:05.319> machines<00:04:05.760> for<00:04:05.959> about<00:04:06.280> 100<00:04:06.519> hours all the big machines for about 100 hours all the big machines for about 100 hours for<00:04:07.400> the<00:04:07.519> last<00:04:07.760> step<00:04:07.920> I<00:04:08.000> had<00:04:08.079> to<00:04:08.200> build<00:04:08.439> my<00:04:08.519> own for the last step I had to build my own for the last step I had to build my own machine<00:04:09.480> to<00:04:09.640> make<00:04:09.920> this<00:04:10.239> swimming<00:04:10.599> pool machine to make this swimming pool machine to make this swimming pool shaped<00:04:11.120> hole<00:04:11.560> underneath<00:04:11.959> the<00:04:12.480> device<00:04:13.480> this shaped hole underneath the device this shaped hole underneath the device this device<00:04:14.159> has<00:04:14.360> the<00:04:14.599> ability<00:04:15.360> to<00:04:15.560> be<00:04:15.959> in<00:04:16.079> a device has the ability to be in a device has the ability to be in a Quantum<00:04:16.639> superp<00:04:17.000> position<00:04:17.880> but<00:04:18.079> it<00:04:18.160> needs<00:04:18.359> a Quantum superp position but it needs a Quantum superp position but it needs a little<00:04:18.680> help<00:04:18.880> to<00:04:19.040> do<00:04:19.199> it<00:04:19.720> here<00:04:19.880> let<00:04:20.000> me<00:04:20.160> give little help to do it here let me give little help to do it here let me give you<00:04:20.519> an<00:04:20.720> analogy<00:04:21.680> you<00:04:21.799> know<00:04:21.880> how<00:04:22.079> comfortable you an analogy you know how comfortable you an analogy you know how comfortable it<00:04:22.880> is<00:04:23.000> to<00:04:23.120> be<00:04:23.240> in<00:04:23.320> a<00:04:23.440> crowded<00:04:23.840> elevator<00:04:24.720> I<00:04:24.759> mean it is to be in a crowded elevator I mean it is to be in a crowded elevator I mean when<00:04:25.000> I'm<00:04:25.120> in<00:04:25.360> elevator<00:04:25.720> all<00:04:25.919> Al<00:04:26.199> I<00:04:26.360> like<00:04:26.479> do when I'm in elevator all Al I like do when I'm in elevator all Al I like do all<00:04:26.720> sorts<00:04:26.919> of<00:04:27.040> weird<00:04:27.280> things<00:04:27.600> but<00:04:27.800> then<00:04:28.280> other all sorts of weird things but then other all sorts of weird things but then other people<00:04:29.120> uh<00:04:29.240> get<00:04:29.360> on<00:04:29.520> board<00:04:29.720> bored<00:04:30.240> and<00:04:30.440> I people uh get on board bored and I people uh get on board bored and I stopped<00:04:30.800> doing<00:04:31.039> those<00:04:31.199> things<00:04:31.600> cuz<00:04:32.600> I<00:04:32.680> don't stopped doing those things cuz I don't stopped doing those things cuz I don't want<00:04:32.919> to<00:04:33.039> bother<00:04:33.280> them<00:04:33.400> or<00:04:33.560> frankly<00:04:33.960> scare want to bother them or frankly scare want to bother them or frankly scare them<00:04:36.520> so<00:04:36.919> quantum<00:04:37.280> mechanics<00:04:38.120> quantum them so quantum mechanics quantum them so quantum mechanics quantum mechanics<00:04:38.880> says<00:04:39.240> that<00:04:39.440> inanimate<00:04:40.039> objects mechanics says that inanimate objects mechanics says that inanimate objects feel<00:04:40.759> the<00:04:40.880> same<00:04:41.199> way<00:04:41.880> the<00:04:42.080> fellow<00:04:42.440> passengers feel the same way the fellow passengers feel the same way the fellow passengers for<00:04:43.280> inanimate<00:04:43.800> objects<00:04:44.080> are<00:04:44.280> not<00:04:44.440> just for inanimate objects are not just for inanimate objects are not just people<00:04:45.520> but<00:04:46.039> it's<00:04:46.240> also<00:04:46.520> the<00:04:46.639> light<00:04:46.880> shining people but it's also the light shining people but it's also the light shining on<00:04:47.400> it<00:04:48.000> and<00:04:48.120> the<00:04:48.240> wind<00:04:48.440> blowing<00:04:48.919> past<00:04:49.199> it<00:04:49.560> and on it and the wind blowing past it and on it and the wind blowing past it and the<00:04:49.800> Heat<00:04:50.000> of<00:04:50.080> the<00:04:50.240> room<00:04:51.240> and<00:04:51.320> so<00:04:51.479> we<00:04:51.600> knew<00:04:51.880> if the Heat of the room and so we knew if the Heat of the room and so we knew if we<00:04:52.080> wanted<00:04:52.320> to<00:04:52.440> see<00:04:53.120> this<00:04:53.320> piece<00:04:53.520> of<00:04:53.680> metal we wanted to see this piece of metal we wanted to see this piece of metal behave<00:04:54.360> Quantum<00:04:54.759> mechanically<00:04:55.440> we're<00:04:55.600> going behave Quantum mechanically we're going behave Quantum mechanically we're going to<00:04:55.720> have<00:04:55.840> to<00:04:55.919> kick<00:04:56.080> out<00:04:56.280> all<00:04:56.400> the<00:04:56.520> other to have to kick out all the other to have to kick out all the other passengers<00:04:57.800> and<00:04:57.880> so<00:04:58.039> that's<00:04:58.199> what<00:04:58.320> we<00:04:58.479> did<00:04:59.199> we passengers and so that's what we did we passengers and so that's what we did we turned<00:04:59.880> the<00:05:00.000> lights<00:05:00.840> and<00:05:00.919> then<00:05:01.039> we<00:05:01.160> put<00:05:01.280> it<00:05:01.400> in turned the lights and then we put it in turned the lights and then we put it in vacuum<00:05:01.919> and<00:05:02.000> sucked<00:05:02.320> out<00:05:02.479> all<00:05:02.639> the<00:05:02.800> air<00:05:03.400> and vacuum and sucked out all the air and vacuum and sucked out all the air and then<00:05:03.600> we<00:05:03.720> cooled<00:05:04.039> it<00:05:04.199> down<00:05:04.520> to<00:05:04.680> just<00:05:04.800> a then we cooled it down to just a then we cooled it down to just a fraction<00:05:05.320> of<00:05:05.400> a<00:05:05.560> degree<00:05:06.120> above<00:05:06.400> absolute<00:05:06.880> zero fraction of a degree above absolute zero fraction of a degree above absolute zero now<00:05:07.919> all<00:05:08.199> alone<00:05:08.520> in<00:05:08.639> the<00:05:08.800> elevator<00:05:09.680> the<00:05:09.800> little now all alone in the elevator the little now all alone in the elevator the little chunk<00:05:10.240> of<00:05:10.360> metal<00:05:10.720> was<00:05:11.000> free<00:05:11.199> to<00:05:11.400> act<00:05:11.720> however chunk of metal was free to act however chunk of metal was free to act however it<00:05:12.000> wanted<00:05:12.520> and<00:05:12.600> so<00:05:12.720> we<00:05:12.800> measured<00:05:13.120> its<00:05:13.320> motion it wanted and so we measured its motion it wanted and so we measured its motion we<00:05:13.800> found<00:05:14.000> it<00:05:14.120> was<00:05:14.280> moving<00:05:14.600> in<00:05:14.800> really<00:05:15.080> weird we found it was moving in really weird we found it was moving in really weird ways<00:05:16.199> instead<00:05:16.440> of<00:05:16.600> just<00:05:16.759> sitting<00:05:17.160> perfectly ways instead of just sitting perfectly ways instead of just sitting perfectly still<00:05:18.280> it<00:05:18.400> was<00:05:18.639> vibrating<00:05:19.160> and<00:05:19.280> the<00:05:19.360> way<00:05:19.479> it still it was vibrating and the way it still it was vibrating and the way it was<00:05:19.720> vibrating<00:05:20.120> was<00:05:20.319> breathing<00:05:21.240> something was vibrating was breathing something was vibrating was breathing something like<00:05:21.759> this<00:05:22.000> like<00:05:22.240> expanding<00:05:22.720> and<00:05:23.000> Contracting like this like expanding and Contracting like this like expanding and Contracting Bellows<00:05:24.280> and<00:05:24.479> by<00:05:24.600> giving<00:05:24.759> it<00:05:24.880> a<00:05:25.000> gentle<00:05:25.360> nudge Bellows and by giving it a gentle nudge Bellows and by giving it a gentle nudge we<00:05:26.120> were<00:05:26.240> able<00:05:26.440> to<00:05:26.560> make<00:05:26.680> it<00:05:26.840> both<00:05:27.120> vibrate<00:05:28.120> and we were able to make it both vibrate and we were able to make it both vibrate and not<00:05:28.680> vibrate<00:05:29.720> at<00:05:29.880> the<00:05:30.000> same<00:05:30.400> time<00:05:31.400> something not vibrate at the same time something not vibrate at the same time something that's<00:05:31.919> only<00:05:32.199> allowed<00:05:32.800> with<00:05:32.960> quantum that's only allowed with quantum that's only allowed with quantum mechanics<00:05:34.479> so<00:05:34.639> what<00:05:34.720> I'm<00:05:34.840> telling<00:05:35.080> you<00:05:35.199> here mechanics so what I'm telling you here mechanics so what I'm telling you here is<00:05:35.479> something<00:05:35.759> truly is something truly is something truly fantastic<00:05:38.000> what<00:05:38.120> does<00:05:38.240> it<00:05:38.360> mean<00:05:38.639> for<00:05:38.880> one fantastic what does it mean for one fantastic what does it mean for one thing<00:05:39.520> to<00:05:39.680> be<00:05:39.880> both<00:05:40.199> vibrating<00:05:41.199> and<00:05:41.400> not thing to be both vibrating and not thing to be both vibrating and not vibrating<00:05:42.759> at<00:05:42.919> the<00:05:43.039> same<00:05:43.400> time<00:05:44.199> so<00:05:44.360> let's vibrating at the same time so let's vibrating at the same time so let's think<00:05:44.759> about<00:05:44.960> the<00:05:45.120> atoms<00:05:45.880> so<00:05:46.039> in<00:05:46.199> one<00:05:46.479> case<00:05:47.199> all think about the atoms so in one case all think about the atoms so in one case all the<00:05:47.520> trillions<00:05:47.960> of<00:05:48.160> atoms<00:05:48.720> that<00:05:48.880> make<00:05:49.039> up<00:05:49.160> that the trillions of atoms that make up that the trillions of atoms that make up that chunk<00:05:49.479> of<00:05:49.639> metal<00:05:50.280> are<00:05:50.440> just<00:05:50.600> sitting<00:05:51.280> still chunk of metal are just sitting still chunk of metal are just sitting still and<00:05:52.440> at<00:05:52.600> the<00:05:52.720> same<00:05:53.120> time<00:05:53.840> those<00:05:54.000> same<00:05:54.280> atoms and at the same time those same atoms and at the same time those same atoms are<00:05:55.160> moving<00:05:55.520> up<00:05:55.639> and<00:05:55.880> down<00:05:56.880> now<00:05:57.000> it's<00:05:57.120> only<00:05:57.319> at are moving up and down now it's only at are moving up and down now it's only at precise<00:05:57.919> times<00:05:58.160> when<00:05:58.360> they<00:05:58.520> align<00:05:59.280> the<00:05:59.360> rest precise times when they align the rest precise times when they align the rest of<00:05:59.680> of<00:05:59.759> the<00:05:59.880> time<00:06:00.039> they're<00:06:00.639> delocalized<00:06:01.639> so of of the time they're delocalized so of of the time they're delocalized so that<00:06:02.000> means<00:06:02.240> that<00:06:02.520> every<00:06:02.840> atom<00:06:03.759> is<00:06:03.880> in<00:06:04.080> two that means that every atom is in two that means that every atom is in two different<00:06:04.600> places<00:06:04.960> at<00:06:05.080> the<00:06:05.199> same<00:06:05.560> time<00:06:06.280> which different places at the same time which different places at the same time which in<00:06:06.560> turn<00:06:07.199> means<00:06:07.440> the<00:06:07.680> entire<00:06:08.039> chunk<00:06:08.319> of<00:06:08.479> metal in turn means the entire chunk of metal in turn means the entire chunk of metal is<00:06:09.360> in<00:06:09.520> two<00:06:09.759> different<00:06:10.080> places<00:06:10.759> I<00:06:10.840> think<00:06:11.039> this is in two different places I think this is in two different places I think this is<00:06:11.319> really


really<00:06:19.360> it<00:06:19.479> was<00:06:19.639> worth<00:06:19.919> locking<00:06:20.280> myself<00:06:20.560> in<00:06:20.680> a
really it was worth locking myself in a really it was worth locking myself in a clean<00:06:21.360> room<00:06:21.639> to<00:06:21.759> do<00:06:22.000> this<00:06:22.199> for<00:06:22.360> all<00:06:22.520> those clean room to do this for all those clean room to do this for all those years years years um<00:06:25.120> cuz<00:06:25.319> check<00:06:25.520> this<00:06:25.680> out<00:06:26.240> the<00:06:26.440> difference<00:06:26.840> in um cuz check this out the difference in um cuz check this out the difference in scale<00:06:27.400> between<00:06:27.639> a<00:06:27.800> single<00:06:28.199> atom<00:06:28.919> and<00:06:29.080> that scale between a single atom and that scale between a single atom and that chunk<00:06:29.400> of<00:06:29.680> metal<00:06:30.360> is<00:06:30.520> about<00:06:30.759> the<00:06:30.840> same<00:06:31.039> as<00:06:31.160> a chunk of metal is about the same as a chunk of metal is about the same as a difference<00:06:31.759> between<00:06:32.039> that<00:06:32.160> chunk<00:06:32.400> of<00:06:32.520> metal difference between that chunk of metal difference between that chunk of metal and<00:06:33.080> you<00:06:34.080> so<00:06:34.240> if<00:06:34.360> a<00:06:34.479> single<00:06:34.840> atom<00:06:35.240> can<00:06:35.360> be<00:06:35.479> in and you so if a single atom can be in and you so if a single atom can be in two<00:06:35.800> different<00:06:36.080> places<00:06:36.400> at<00:06:36.520> the<00:06:36.639> same<00:06:36.960> time two different places at the same time two different places at the same time that<00:06:37.800> chunk<00:06:38.000> of<00:06:38.199> metal<00:06:38.599> can<00:06:38.759> be<00:06:38.880> in<00:06:39.000> two that chunk of metal can be in two that chunk of metal can be in two different<00:06:39.919> places<00:06:40.919> then<00:06:41.120> then<00:06:41.280> why<00:06:41.440> not<00:06:42.080> you<00:06:43.080> I different places then then why not you I different places then then why not you I mean<00:06:43.319> this<00:06:43.400> is<00:06:43.560> just<00:06:43.680> my<00:06:43.880> logical<00:06:44.319> side mean this is just my logical side mean this is just my logical side talking<00:06:46.639> so<00:06:47.000> imagine<00:06:47.560> if<00:06:47.680> you<00:06:47.800> were<00:06:47.919> in talking so imagine if you were in talking so imagine if you were in multiple<00:06:48.599> places<00:06:48.960> at<00:06:49.120> the<00:06:49.240> same multiple places at the same multiple places at the same time<00:06:51.120> what<00:06:51.199> would<00:06:51.360> that<00:06:51.520> be<00:06:52.240> like<00:06:53.240> it's<00:06:53.759> how time what would that be like it's how time what would that be like it's how would<00:06:54.039> your<00:06:54.280> Consciousness<00:06:55.280> handle<00:06:56.120> your would your Consciousness handle your would your Consciousness handle your body<00:06:56.960> being<00:06:57.199> delocalized<00:06:58.039> in<00:06:58.280> space body being delocalized in space body being delocalized in space there's<00:07:00.639> one<00:07:00.759> more<00:07:00.960> part<00:07:01.120> to<00:07:01.240> the<00:07:01.360> story<00:07:01.599> is there's one more part to the story is there's one more part to the story is when<00:07:01.879> we<00:07:02.000> warmed<00:07:02.280> it<00:07:02.440> up<00:07:03.240> and<00:07:03.680> um<00:07:04.000> we<00:07:04.199> turned<00:07:04.479> on when we warmed it up and um we turned on when we warmed it up and um we turned on the<00:07:04.759> lights<00:07:04.960> and<00:07:05.120> looked<00:07:05.360> inside<00:07:05.639> the<00:07:05.800> Box<00:07:06.039> we the lights and looked inside the Box we the lights and looked inside the Box we saw<00:07:06.319> that<00:07:06.400> the<00:07:06.520> piece<00:07:06.680> of<00:07:06.800> metal<00:07:07.560> was<00:07:07.759> still saw that the piece of metal was still saw that the piece of metal was still there<00:07:08.639> in<00:07:08.800> one<00:07:09.560> piece<00:07:10.560> and<00:07:10.680> so<00:07:10.919> you<00:07:11.000> know<00:07:11.160> I<00:07:11.240> had there in one piece and so you know I had there in one piece and so you know I had to<00:07:11.479> develop<00:07:11.879> this<00:07:12.080> new<00:07:12.560> intuition<00:07:13.560> that<00:07:13.960> it to develop this new intuition that it to develop this new intuition that it seems<00:07:14.360> like<00:07:14.599> all<00:07:14.759> the<00:07:15.039> objects<00:07:15.599> in<00:07:15.720> the seems like all the objects in the seems like all the objects in the elevator<00:07:16.720> are<00:07:16.919> really<00:07:17.160> just<00:07:17.360> Quantum<00:07:17.840> objects elevator are really just Quantum objects elevator are really just Quantum objects just<00:07:18.919> crammed<00:07:19.319> into<00:07:19.520> a<00:07:19.680> tiny<00:07:20.120> space<00:07:21.120> you<00:07:21.319> hear just crammed into a tiny space you hear just crammed into a tiny space you hear a<00:07:21.520> lot<00:07:21.680> of<00:07:21.840> talk<00:07:22.120> about<00:07:22.639> how<00:07:22.840> quantum a lot of talk about how quantum a lot of talk about how quantum mechanics<00:07:23.639> says<00:07:23.840> that<00:07:24.039> everything<00:07:24.360> is<00:07:24.520> all mechanics says that everything is all mechanics says that everything is all interconnected<00:07:26.199> well<00:07:26.400> that's<00:07:26.560> not<00:07:26.800> quite interconnected well that's not quite interconnected well that's not quite right<00:07:27.280> it's<00:07:27.479> actually<00:07:27.919> it's<00:07:28.120> more<00:07:28.360> than<00:07:28.599> that right it's actually it's more than that right it's actually it's more than that and<00:07:29.680> it's<00:07:30.000> deeper<00:07:31.000> it's<00:07:31.160> that<00:07:31.520> those and it's deeper it's that those and it's deeper it's that those connections<00:07:33.080> your<00:07:33.360> connections<00:07:33.960> to<00:07:34.199> all<00:07:34.360> the connections your connections to all the connections your connections to all the things<00:07:34.800> around<00:07:35.120> you<00:07:35.800> literally<00:07:36.720> Define<00:07:37.160> who things around you literally Define who things around you literally Define who you<00:07:37.919> are<00:07:38.919> and<00:07:39.080> that's<00:07:39.240> the<00:07:39.440> profound you are and that's the profound you are and that's the profound weirdness<00:07:40.280> of<00:07:40.440> quantum<00:07:41.039> mechanics<00:07:42.039> thank<00:07:42.199> you weirdness of quantum mechanics thank you weirdness of quantum mechanics thank you [Music]

Aaron O’Connell, physics, particle, physics, quantum, mechanics, behavior, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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